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China Hit by Explosions in Jiangzi Province

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China Hit by Explosions in Jiangzi Province

Explosions went off at or near three government buildings today in the Chinese city of Fuzhou, Jiangzi province, according to a government website. At least five people were injured and a disgruntled farmer was suspected of triggering the blasts, the official Xinhua News agency said.

The first explosion occurred at a parking lot at an office responsible for prosecutions and investigations, according to a report on a website run by the local propaganda office. Another took place inside an administration building and the third near a food and drug administration office. The blasts took place between 9:18 a.m. and 9:45 a.m., the report said.

A witness speaking on condition of anonymity said most of the windows of the prosecutors’ office were shattered and a Volkswagen AG Santana sedan was destroyed, Xinhua reported, adding that at least 10 vehicles were damaged. Xinhua, citing a local government official it did not name, said a local farmer in the eastern Chinese province was suspected of setting off the blasts out of “resentment.”

The total number of casualties is still not known, Xinhua said. The number of so-called mass incidents in China -- strikes, protests, and riots -- is on the rise as income gaps widen. Sun Liping, a professor of sociology at Beijing’s Tsinghua University, said in a Feb. 25 article in the Economic Observer that the number of mass incidents in China doubled from 2006, rising to at least 180,000 cases in 2010.

Earlier this week, hundreds of ethnic Mongolians in northern China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region protested outside a local government building after a herder was reportedly hit and killed by a coal-mining truck driving across grazing land, according to the U.S.-based Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center.

China Hit by Explosions in Jiangzi Province - Bloomberg
Triple blasts rock govt buildings, 5 injured

Explosions went off at three different locations in east China's Jiangxi province Thursday morning, injuring at least five people, the provincial government and witnesses in Fuzhou City told Xinhua.

The blasts happened between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. near the city's procuratorate office, the Linchuan district government building and district food and drug administration, a source with the provincial government told Xinhua.

A witness said most of the window panes in the procuratorate office, an eight-story building, were broken and a Volkswagen Santana was destroyed.

Xinhua reporters saw an ambulance still standing by in Linchuan district government's office compound. Several witnesses confirmed they saw people were injured and sent to hospitals.

They said the blast went off near the garage, less than 100 meters from the government building. At least 10 vehicles were damaged.

The cause of the blasts is still being probed, but the source with the provincial government said a farmer was suspected to have triggered the explosions to venge his resentment.

Triple blasts rock govt buildings, 5 injured
the funniest point of this bloomburg story is that, we don't have such a province called jiangzi in China.
Jiangzi Province? Wow!!! Where on Earth is it?
Triple blasts rock govt buildings, 5 injured

Explosions went off at three different locations in east China's Jiangxi province Thursday morning, injuring at least five people, the provincial government and witnesses in Fuzhou City told Xinhua.

The blasts happened between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. near the city's procuratorate office, the Linchuan district government building and district food and drug administration, a source with the provincial government told Xinhua.

A witness said most of the window panes in the procuratorate office, an eight-story building, were broken and a Volkswagen Santana was destroyed.

Xinhua reporters saw an ambulance still standing by in Linchuan district government's office compound. Several witnesses confirmed they saw people were injured and sent to hospitals.

They said the blast went off near the garage, less than 100 meters from the government building. At least 10 vehicles were damaged.

The cause of the blasts is still being probed, but the source with the provincial government said a farmer was suspected to have triggered the explosions to venge his resentment.

Triple blasts rock govt buildings, 5 injured

Fuzhou city in Jiangxi province? So they have broken up Fujian Province and annexed Fuzhou to Jiangxi....LOL!!!
it seems that Chinese names of cities and provinces made a big joke with the English speaking press~
To be fair to Bloomberg, they did fix it

Most of the windows of the prosecutors’ office were shattered and a Volkswagen AG Santana sedan was destroyed, Xinhua reported, citing an unidentified witness. At least 10 vehicles were damaged, Xinhua said. Fuzhou is a city in Jiangxi province.

they are a business news agency and rarely go in for political motivated hit pieces. Example, their news agency were the only one to not print Japanese accusations of "rare-earth embargo" that all the other major newspapers did (probably because they have people working the rare-earth market, whereas regular journalists are by and large dumbshits)
You see anyone deny it did before you rushed to the defence?

Yeah, almost everyone, on the flimsy grounds that it was not Jiang.... but Xiang..... . Anyway, I am not bothered whether or not you have blasts in China, just the attitude of shooting the messenger that is bothersome.
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