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China has right to develop military

Given the fact that there are over 80,000 citizen protests in China, so bad that the Chinese government stopped publishing these events, we can only wonder if China will remain a cohesive a country within the next 10 yrs.

china has had protests for over 2000 years, thats how people let the government know if something is wrong.
people protest when its not raining and wants government help.

china has plenty of growth left. china is a rising power that is nowhere near a finished product.

america is an overextended empire that is trying to live beyong its means by going into debt.
that has an end game.

and that day is fast approaching.
nope china don't have right to bulid his forces only USA and his regional police men like india israel have right to do so.look at one side hypocrites Americans offering each and every weapon to india israel and other side bashing like idiots on china .haliry sucking manmohan's .............. for buy f-35 stealth fighters lolz amercans think world is stupid brainless? and world know very well amercans are stupid idiots brainless .hahahahaaha
/\ /\ /\ we daily recieve BLA BLA BLA from your idiot hater media administration bloody congress and idiot gov officials too . its return of blalbla bla.BTW our humble request to Americans is please stay in your home and leave world alone as it is free world .you mess up with economy already . these 1 trillions dollars will finish soon and you will again near bankruptcy .better wakeup before crush in peaces like USSR .
i hate English music is BS scrap .i like classical Indian Pakistani Urdu music . send it to obama he may like it lolz
the american and british regimes are the biggest threat to the peace of this world.

china should dramatically build its military to protect itself from the american regime.

Vietnam should build its military to protect the world from China's regime - the threat to the peace of this world, which is trying to threat American and British regimes :rofl:
BTW, check my signature to know why China want to build its military :rofl:
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2068013 said:
Vietnam should build its military to protect the world from China's regime - the threat to the peace of this world, which is trying to threat American and British regimes :rofl:
BTW, check my signature to know why China want to build its military :rofl:

Vietnam protects the world while itself is a protection begger which is begging protection from US and UK? That sounds stupid! She should ask herself there is anyone needs her protection instead of self-pontificating!
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;2068013 said:
Vietnam should build its military to protect the world from China's regime - the threat to the peace of this world, which is trying to threat American and British regimes :rofl:
BTW, check my signature to know why China want to build its military :rofl:

夜郎国君: “汉孰与我大?”
if China doesnt develop military, then i dont know who should. China is getting hit with train crashes, stabbings, sars, caused by western intelligence. and we've yet to point fingers. meanwhile you got the u.s so desperate to start wars, they are creating false flag terror.
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