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China Has Plans To Sink US Fleet In Any Upcoming Battles

stupid indians: china and russia all make contingency plans for a war against the u.s. yindoo and nipponzi's contingency plans for fighting china is to expect u.s. to come to your aid.
enjoy your slavery, yindoos!
I think it's high time you visited a psychiatrist. You need urgent medical help. It's time to grow up and shed your juvenile behavior that some of you Chinese birdbrains here are accustomed to...

Were discussing a serious topic here. Go play outside with the kids.
stupid indians: china and russia all make contingency plans for a war against the u.s. yindoo and nipponzi's contingency plans for fighting china is to expect u.s. to come to your aid.

the war that china and u.s. prepare for may be hypothetical, but the subservience that u.s. extracts from its yindoo and nipponzi slaves everday is all too real. enjoy your slavery, yindoos!
I think it's high time you visited a psychiatrist. You need urgent medical help. It's time to grow up and shed your juvenile behavior that some of you Chinese birdbrains here are accustomed to...

Were discussing a serious topic here. Go play outside with the kids.
Lol! :lol: This is typical for most Chinese posters on PDF. I really don't know why these kids are allowed to post on serious topics and poke their little noses all over the place. They should stick to reading Chinese cartoons or playing Chinese checkers!
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Defecators are still humiliated from 1962! So envious that China is a superpower. Their low IQ can never understand that China can confiscate trillions of western investment anytime!

Firstly, you Hans are no 'super power'. Don't delude yourselves. You're still a third rate power trying your damnedest to join the elite club. A couple of missiles and cheap fancy planes that look good only on paper don't make you a super power by any stretch of imagination. Don't delude yourselves.

Secondly, remember the pasting your robotic soldiers got from the Indian Army at Nathula in 1967? That nightmare still makes your PLA bots piddle in their pants. You're heads are so full of emptiness! Feather-brains like you use it just to keep your ears apart!

Thirdly, the American bonds you guys hold can be trashed by the USA at any time leaving you holding the can. They're not even worth the paper they're printed on!
Firstly, you Hans are no 'super power'. Don't delude yourselves. You're still a third rate power trying your damnedest to join the elite club. A couple of missiles and cheap fancy planes that look good only on paper don't make you a super power by any stretch of imagination. Don't delude yourselves.

Secondly, remember the pasting your robotic soldiers got from the Indian Army at Nathula in 1967? That nightmare still makes your PLA bots piddle in their pants. You're heads are so full of emptiness! Feather-brains like you use it just to keep your ears apart!

Thirdly, the American bonds you guys hold can be trashed by the USA at any time leaving you holding the can. They're not even worth the paper they're printed on!

now that it's what I call a fitting reply.
appreciate it mate.:tup:
stupid indians: china and russia all make contingency plans for a war against the u.s. yindoo and nipponzi's contingency plans for fighting china is to expect u.s. to come to your aid.

that is why even before a single is fired, you guys have already surrendered yourselves entirely to the u.s. and also why you guys play the second fiddle in international politics. the war that china and u.s. prepare for may be hypothetical, but the subservience that u.s. extracts from its yindoo and nipponzi slaves everday is all too real. enjoy your slavery, yindoos!
Why are the Chinese so delusional? There seems to be a shortage of shrinks out there. Or is it the noodles? :undecided:
Firstly, you Hans are no 'super power'. Don't delude yourselves. You're still a third rate power trying your damnedest to join the elite club. A couple of missiles and cheap fancy planes that look good only on paper don't make you a super power by any stretch of imagination. Don't delude yourselves.

Secondly, remember the pasting your robotic soldiers got from the Indian Army at Nathula in 1967? That nightmare still makes your PLA bots piddle in their pants. You're heads are so full of emptiness! Feather-brains like you use it just to keep your ears apart!

Thirdly, the American bonds you guys hold can be trashed by the USA at any time leaving you holding the can. They're not even worth the paper they're printed on!
Look at yourself..... nothing but a third world hole filled with envy and jealousy. All you have is self-delusion hoping that China is a third world hole like you :rofl: Keep defecating verbally, it won't make a difference.

Now that China is a superpower, even the US cannot stop us though they try. India is easy pickings..... all India's neighbors are buying JF-17 and other Chinese weapons. Once we smash India into smaller countries you will stay a third world hole forever ;)
Jumping up and down, some Indians are just a bunch of losers. They did not make any contribution to their own country. Instead, they just pray all others are attacking each other and go back to stone age together. So Indian would become the only superpower, lol.
US got its a$$ kicked the last time it tried to mess with China. US military cannot ever defeat China. Despite its chest thumping, the US military can never defeat China in war, it can cause damage but can never defeat China.
China beat the US and its stooges in the Korean War when we were at our weakest.

The US damn well knows this, it can bomb all these worthless third world countries like Iraq and Afghanistan all it wants but messing with China or Russia in war is a whole different game.

Indians can jump up and down all it likes defending their slave masters because they still are humiliated by the 1962 goo smacking. The PLA fights to the death.
We kicked the American military out of North Korea in the 1950s, what other military have done that? If the Indian military was fighting the US, Indians would have surrendered the second they realised they had to face the US military.

Don't you ever again compare the PLA to an incompetent rag tag joke like the Indian military. We fight with honour and pride, Indians just wave the white flag.

China can cause MASSIVE damage to the American mainland, the PLA has cold, brutal and absolutely ruthless generals. Any war with China, the Americans won't be better off than China. If it wasn't for the PLA, Japan would have colonised China. While the KMT were getting its a$$ kicked the PLA were giving the Japanese military heavy defeats that destroyed Japan.

Even at our weakest we have defeated powerful militaries, WTF have the US done? Beating Iraq? :lol:
The shanghai police force would beat the Iraqi military.

Anyone thinking the US will have its way in a war with China is utterly delusional keyboard warriors, the PLA has never ever been a pushover to any military. In an all out war, the Americans will get it just as much as they are dishing out. You can take that to the bank son.
Firstly, you Hans are no 'super power'. Don't delude yourselves. You're still a third rate power trying your damnedest to join the elite club. A couple of missiles and cheap fancy planes that look good only on paper don't make you a super power by any stretch of imagination. Don't delude yourselves.

Secondly, remember the pasting your robotic soldiers got from the Indian Army at Nathula in 1967? That nightmare still makes your PLA bots piddle in their pants. You're heads are so full of emptiness! Feather-brains like you use it just to keep your ears apart!

Thirdly, the American bonds you guys hold can be trashed by the USA at any time leaving you holding the can. They're not even worth the paper they're printed on!

:lol: Indians are irrelevant in this world. Always have been, always will be. That's why despite your boasting your country is never taken seriously as an economy or military. You had a chance to prove your worthiness, but got smacked in the only war you had against China. That's why China never takes India as a serious challenger, we view you and your country as a backward 4th world dump that's still behind us in the human evolution cycle. India hardly ever gets any attention in our media, it's only the US, because we know we are a superior country and superior civilisation.

Indians have always been behind China, despite you trying so hard to beat us, you are still lackeys to other countries, never a challenge to any other country. Because everyone knows what disorganised and incompetent people are in India. Just look at the way you treat women, that's cave man stuff, that's why India has been and forever will be just a footnote in world history!
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