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08/27/2018 Richard Pollock | Reporter

A Chinese-owned company penetrated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server, according to sources briefed on the matter.

The company inserted code that forwarded copies of Clinton’s emails to the Chinese company in real time.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General warned of the problem, but the FBI subsequently failed to act, Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert said during a July hearing.

A Chinese-owned company operating in the Washington, D.C., area hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails, two sources briefed on the matter told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

None of them. It's FBI.
The Deep State controls U.S.. They are not elected so they don't represent the will of people. Yet they stay long enough to control the powerful department such like FBI, CIA, NSA..... and election system.

Trump is a candidate of the Deep State. His success in president election is a good sample of how Deep State works. He is an unqualified candidate for president. But the The rules don’t apply to him. ("Trump blew through one political stop sign after another as he sped recklessly past the competition; again and again, he burned rubber away from the feckless, doughnut-munching cops of the media, the swamp and academia. The rule about not calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” in your announcement speech? The rule about not attacking a war hero or a Gold Star family? The rule about releasing your tax returns, and the one about never, ever boasting of sexual assault while wearing a live microphone?")

Trump's story exposes the US is controlled by Deep State.
Who is the real criminal in Clinton's email hacking case


“On 13 July 2015 and 20 July 2015, I verbally advised you of a Section 811(c) referral from the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community received by the FBI on 06 July 2015. The referral addressed the mishandling of classified information on the personal e-mail account and electronic media of a former high-level us Government official,” according to the FBI memo, which was hand delivered to Yates.


According this information, FBI knew Clinton's email was hacked by foreign nation (possibly China) as early as July 2015. For the sake of US nation's interest, they should let Clinton know this to stop using her private server for her business email. It seems Clinton knew nothing about it. Which may mean the FBI intending to frame her in a trap.

Moreover, Trump - a rival of Clinton in campaign knew this information. So he openly call Russian for a hake. He also threatened Clinton for a "jail". That represents the will of FBI. Fail to protect Nation's secret and leaking information in president campaign. Who is real criminal?
The criminal is the FBI. They have duty to protect government information, include Clinton's. But it seems Clinton knew nothing at that time. Who was Donald Trump? He is a business man at that time.

The point is, how could Trump know Clinton have government emails in her private server and openly called Russia to hack it?
How could Russia have answered his call right away? And he even intimidated Clinton to put her into jail. My conclusion Trump is the candidate of the FBI is very correct. This news is a deliberate leaking. The real story is much more deep and complex.
They call Hillary Clinton criminal in 2016 election, the real criminals are Trump and the Feds (FBI and D.O.J.)

The Feds had a coup in 2016 president election. To escort their candidate Trump to the POTUS, they colluded with Russians to hack the emails of Clinton and accused her of "treason" for using private server. That's a strange logic. The whole case was like a mob group (Trump and his group, the Feds) bribed a thief(Russia) to steal money (emails) from victim (Clinton) who put her money in her purse (private server) instead of a safe. Then say Clinton was a criminal because purse was not a safe place for money.

Clinton might make a mistake to put emails in her private server for convenience but that's out of careless, nothing relate to "treason". On the contrary, Trump openly call on Russia for a "hacking" against his campaign rival. Asking help from a hostile country against an US politician, if it's no "treason" then what is it?

Absurd thing is the criminal has stole the seat of presidency, now accuse victim "treason". What happens to the US? What I could say is, US is hijaked by a mob group - the Deep State which rules the nation in rogue's way.
FBI were briefed three times that Clinton's emails were hacked.


The statement does not address a central aspect of TheDCNF’s reporting, which was that the ICIG briefed top bureau officials on three separate occasions to warn the FBI of an “anomaly” they found 30,000 in-bound and outgoing emails. Former Director of the FBI James Comey himself conceded in July 2016 that while the Bureau assessed the server could have been exploited, “given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence.”

“It is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account,” Comey concluded.

According to two independent sources, ICIG found such evidence and briefed the FBI on it three times.

After releasing the statement, the FBI refused to confirm or deny to TheDCNF that such briefings ever happened.

They call Hillary Clinton criminal in 2016 election, the real criminals are Trump and the Feds (FBI and D.O.J.)

Get a clue...
Hillary committed multiple felonies by using a private server, which she knew was not permitted, the emails she sent included dozens of emails which were classified as 'Secret' and 'Top Secret' then she got her goons to smash 18 mobile devises with hammer in the State Department, she then destroyed over 30,000 emails which were subpoenaed but yea, it's Trump and Russia who is at fault....

If you committed even a single one of those violations, you would be in a federal prison. A US sailor went to prison for harmlessly taking a selfie picture from inside a submarine. The differences is the sailor was not a powerful politician so he went to prison for sending a selfie but Clinton is special.

The Feds had a coup in 2016 president election. To escort their candidate Trump to the POTUS,

More moronic left wing conspiracy theories. Trump beat Clinton badly and he did it fair and square. No voting machines were tampered with and Russia didn't do anything to change the outcome. Trump was doing campaign rallies all over the country while Clinton was dancing with Jay-Z, Trump had an economic plan, trade proposals and reforms, border plan and so on while Clinton had nothing other then 'I'm a woman vote for me'.

But you know who did cheat? Clinton and the Democrats. They rigged the primaries in favor of Clinton, then Clinton got debate questions given to her ahead of time by Loretta Lynch.

they colluded with Russians to hack the emails of Clinton and accused her of "treason"

Your stupidity is amazing. Notice everything you claim is a conspiracy. Come up with something tangible or factual for a change.

for using private server. That's a strange logic. The whole case was like a mob group (Trump and his group, the Feds) bribed a thief(Russia) to steal money (emails) from victim (Clinton) who put her money in her purse (private server) instead of a safe.

Dumbest analogy ever. It's laughable that you are trying to blame Trump and the Feds for Clinton committing multiple felonies and trying to act like sending top secret information over unsecured servers to people that have no business seeing that information is innocent or smashing and destroying evidence is not a big deal.

As for the "Feds" supposedly going after Clinton, you are sorely mistaken and brainwashed by leftists fake news, the FBI and James Comey helped Clinton get off free by audaciously not recommending charges be brought against Clinton before the investigation ever finished, more importantly the Atorney General, Loretta Lynch helped Clinton and a bunch of anti Trump, Hillary supporters were on the Robert Muller team, such as Peter Strzok which sent anti Trump texts talking about how he will have an insurance policy against Trump which included fake a dossier.

Clinton might make a mistake to put emails in her private server for convenience but that's out of careless,

And if I'm late for work and i carelessly start speeding and I hit and kill a pedestrian I go to prison. Clinton is special though, laws don't apply to her. She was also briefed on handling classified information, she knowingly broke laws for her "convince".

Absurd thing is the criminal has stole the seat of presidency, now accuse victim "treason". What happens to the US? What I could say is, US is hijaked by a mob group - the Deep State which rules the nation in rogue's way.

How do you steal the presidency when you dominate the electoral vote? There is no way to even manipulate the vote since each state gets x amount of electoral votes.
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FBI were briefed three times that Clinton's emails were hacked.

Saudi Arabia bought itself clean from the 9/11 attacks and you are complaining about a careless Clinton's private e-mails that are all over the place already? China did not need to move finger to "hack" anything.

We already got a good idea as to how the US government functions by simply analyzing Clinton's emails.

That's one thing. But, you should think hard and find out how the Saudis paid, bribed and bought themselves clean from the 9/11 and the short stick fell on the poor Iraq?

If I had enough money, I would definitely try to buy a Senator in the US or a high-level official from the administration.

If my money is not that much, I would try to buy someone from a state administration, like how Toyota and others do. You do not always have to care about the Federal Government, oftentimes, state government will do just as good.
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Private server and private iPhone, what's difference?

Trump Uses Unsecured iPhone Even Though China, Russia Are Listening In: Report

Lydia O'Connor,HuffPost• October 24, 2018

Former and current officials connected to President Donald Trump revealed that Russian and Chinese spies are tapping into calls he takes on his personal cellphone, which his aides have repeatedly warned him is vulnerable to such infiltration, according to a New York Times report published Wednesday.

Perhaps most frustrating, the unnamed sources said, is that Trump has continued to use an iPhone even after his aides told him that foreign agents successfully hacked him, likely gaining valuable insights into how they could best manipulate him and his administration’s policies.

Ex-FBI agent: Trump got elected, thanks to Russia
David Knowles,Yahoo News •August 1, 2018

“Yes. I think just alone the hacking, particularly of the DNC and the time to release by WikiLeaks and DCLeaks and others of hacked materials offset the media narrative,” Watts, who has been an outspoken critic of the current president, told “Bots & Ballots” host Grant Burningham.

For many agents in the FBI, Watts said it became clear that the biggest goal for “active measures” was advancing Trump’s presidential bid, in part by utilizing vulnerable social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

“By the time 2016 came around, it was very clear that they had four campaign messages that they wanted to push. The first one was very anti-Hillary Clinton, and that was from the beginning. The second one was very pro-Trump,” Watts said. “The third one was when the hacking kicked in, which was that Bernie Sanders got a raw deal from the DNC, and you can see that in these hacked emails. That’s really when we started to see that hacking was starting to power influence. And the last one, which was very minor, was that you still need to show up for Jill Stein. So, the equation was quite clear, it was how do we elevate Trump to the top spot and sort of suppress Clinton turnout and people wanting to support her.”

In “Messing With the Enemy,” his new book on modern cyberwarfare campaigns, Watts said that the election results in traditionally Democratic states like Michigan and Wisconsin prove just how effective the Russian campaign was. Still, Watts notes that because of incomplete social media data and notoriously inaccurate polling, that it’s “almost impossible to prove one way or another whether Russia won the election” for Trump. What is clear is that Trump’s election was itself a victory for Moscow.


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