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China: Great disorder under heaven

Disorder mainly in UK which is facing the worst economic crisis, students rioting in London, Prince Charles nearly lynched, airports and rail stations closed etc. It is the US which is instilling disorders in Asia in view of maintaining its influence, the US policy is "to divide and rule", China Bashing is used by US politicians and economists to hide their own incompetence, the usual and easy target is China and the latter has done nothing. The west gets frustrated by the silence of CHina whose policy is to "let the frustrated and coward dogs bark but the caravan (china) moves on to become the WORLD NO 1". The Nobel prize is again a china bashing, the nobel prize had been given to War Criminals so what is its credibility? This Chinese dissident has implicitly called for Western colonization of China, this is in fact the dream of the West which would like to have a hand on rich and powerful China, that is why he has been awrded the Nobel Prize, each year there are Chinese dissidents who are serious contenders for the Nobel Prize along with US War Criminal contenders. Now Africa belongs to China which is investing massively in infrastructure and economy while the US is selling and spreading only WMD and hate and divison all around the world by killing civilians in Afganistan, Iraq, Palestine etc. This is the difference between US and Chinese diplomacy. So lets give the Confucius Noble prize to all Werstern dissidents from Assange, Castro to ahmadinejad.:china::pakistan:
In the beginning there were Lenin, Mao and Nehru.

Lenin's great soviet union is no where to be found today on the world map. Nehru's "socialist" india has rapidly gone through de-Nehru-fication but its is Mao's China which stands strong today. Thanks to early reforms and progress on industrial fronts as well his far reaching vision on prosperity. Today China is laying the foundation of its super power future. Building massive international transit systems, ocean and freight forwarding, international rail lines and mass producing cheap airliners. Travel and transport has played the largest impact on human civilization and with China focused on this core issue of human civilization will forever change the economic face of Asia and Middle east...

In contrast the Indian road to super power is leading to the pockets of greedy arms dealers while its own nation is starving to death.

Couple of decades down the line the world will wake up to the new reality of Asia and Middle east where everyone is lining up at the door to make a profit.

China's communism may be dammed for a supremacy obsessed career focused "The Economist" journalist but its policy of growing together will yield a very sweet fruit in future.

Back in my childhood, my father would sit with his American colleges who regularly cracked up Asian jokes and China in their conversation only figured as a massive gulag of cheap labor for making plastic goods. Wonder how do the same people when Obama is standing in the Chinese capital begging assistance for economic recovery?

While Nehru wrote a book to be the super power, China arrived to the stage by surprise. Unfortunately many Indian read and believe the same stale book.
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I'll disagree with plastic goods being low tech. I'm taking a polymer class right now and anyone that says plastics are low tech are obviously not chemists or chemical engineers. The amount of programming, chemistry and calculations that go into making even 1 plastic toy from petrochemicals to playset is astounding.
Ughairs are followers of a religion (not sect) which is largely condemned rather accepted by the majority Muslim schools of thought whether Sunni or Shia. They cannot be regarded as Muslim at all. In fact the Ahmediya/qadiani schools of thought are banned in every major Islamic country. Secondly the Ughair riots are more of political and ethnic tensions over economic development rather than religious. Thirdly the area of Xinjiang, Baluchistan along with bordering central asia is an important international energy corridor of the future. As such involvement of foreign terrorist hands cannot be ruled out.

China also has a large population of Hui Muslims which outnumber the Muslim in either India or Pakistan yet there had been no tensions what so ever.

You don't see them making claims on autonomy based on Islam but you do seem them claiming Caucasian mummies found by Chinese archeologists as "their ancestors". Despite DNA tests proving they are no such link.

Tarim mummies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are making this push based on their ethnic identity not based on Islam but they want American and western help.
The Economist has a tradition of bashing China, I am not surprise at the bias in the article.

I'm not surprised by the economist, but I am surprised how eagerly the Indians pile behind the bandwagon despite how the British made them their servants for 2 centuries. You'd think they'd have enough self-respect.
You don't see them making claims on autonomy based on Islam but you do seem them claiming Caucasian mummies found by Chinese archeologists as "their ancestors". Despite DNA tests proving they are no such link.

Tarim mummies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They are making this push based on their ethnic identity not based on Islam but they want American and western help.

Their original homeland was today's Outer Mongolia, later their tribes absorbed some Caucasoid elements from various Indo-European tribes.

But no way in hell they were the only aborigines in Xinjiang, even Han Chinese have a longer history in that place.
Their original homeland was today's Outer Mongolia, later their tribes absorbed some caucasoid elements from various Indo-European tribes.

But no way in hell they were the only aborigines in Xinjiang, even Han Chinese have a longer history in that place.

Genetic studies showed that those aborigines were a mix of Celtic, central Asian and Chinese. That area was a center of world trade and an enormous melting pot of different ethnicities.

Anyways good luck to the Uighurs getting western help considering, white people don't groove with Islam the same way they go gah gah for Tibetan "spiritualism"
Secondly the Ughair riots are more of political and ethnic tensions over economic development rather than religious.

purely an ethnic tension exploited by the US and india while giving it a religious cover. interestingly just after Grandpa's visit to Pakistan, AP published report condemning China for taking some Uighur suspects back from Cambodia and not letting the world (which means US and India) know their present whereabouts. who will gain if China falls apart? the answer obviously is India. If ISI has intel about Indian presence in Tajikistan particularly, it should be shared with China. one year ago, I watched an interview of an Indian defense strategist who claimed india has enough sensitive information about Uighur presence in Central Asian countries. how did he know that? it is however well known that indians are helping the Mongolian separatists in the Inner Mongolia province of China from Eastern Mongolia.
I'll disagree with plastic goods being low tech. I'm taking a polymer class right now and anyone that says plastics are low tech are obviously not chemists or chemical engineers. The amount of programming, chemistry and calculations that go into making even 1 plastic toy from petrochemicals to playset is astounding.

Hi tech plastic toy :azn:


The F-22 canopy's transparency (made by Sierracin) features the largest piece of monolithic polycarbonate material being formed today
. .
Tibetan "spiritualism"

separatist armed force is peaceful 'spiritualism' for spiritual refugees in india.

WikiLeaks: Confidential: Ref ID: 08NEWDELHI1795

5# “…human rights activist XXXXXXXXXXXX told PolOffs that the Indian Ministry of Defense unofficially backs the TYC and is pleased with the opportunity to humiliate the Chinese government.

7# In Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, Tibetan youth take advantage of one career option - the Special Frontier Force (SFF). Seven SFF units, based in Chakrata, Uttarkhand form a special division of the Indian army composed solely of Tibetans. The GOI entrusts SFF to protect its borders, stationing Tibetans along the border with China and in Ladakh. The Tibetans can only attain the rank of junior officer and earn a meager salary compared to their Indian counterparts. Yet, most Tibetan men in northeastern India join the SFF. In Gangtok, the Welfare Officer noted that the majority of Tibetan men work for the SFF; and in Ravangla, 90% of the Tibetan families have at least one family member serving. In Miao, about 350 of the settlement’s youth serve in the SFF.
interestingly just after Grandpa's visit to Pakistan, AP published report condemning China for taking some Uighur suspects back from Cambodia and not letting the world (which means US and India) know their present whereabouts.

and just see the timing of the report. though one US based Human Rights organization raised the issue, still see the timing of raising such issue. they do think we are fools.
I'm not surprised by the economist, but I am surprised how eagerly the Indians pile behind the bandwagon despite how the British made them their servants for 2 centuries. You'd think they'd have enough self-respect.

Unlike you, we are not haunted by our past. Yes India was conquered, but then who was not. History is full of nations conquering each other; England was conquered by France, France by Germany, China by Japan, China by the Mongols, US by England, England by Rome, Iran by the Arabs.. the list is practically endless. The difficulty is when you start terming it as a national shame (ya, loosing face is big thing in China) & start whipping up emotional hysteria on the basis of it (the communists did it for their propaganda purposes & it seems to have been imbibed in the national character of you lot) . Shows a narrow mindset & insecure personality. Thankfully in India we don't look at things with such a narrow minded perspective. Yes, the colonization was a tough period but we overcame it with the concept of non-violence, a feat that is recognized the world over.

I am sure all this will seem bull crap to you lot & not that i expect you to understand. This point is being made to make a point, for i know that this will be lost in all the immature comments that will follow this post. Enough said, feel free to troll.
Unlike you, we are not haunted by our past. Yes India was conquered, but then who was not. History is full of nations conquering each other; England was conquered by France, France by Germany, China by Japan, China by the Mongols, US by England, England by Rome, Iran by the Arabs.. the list is practically endless. The difficulty is when you start terming it as a national shame (ya, loosing face is big thing in China) & start whipping up emotional hysteria on the basis of it (the communists did it for their propaganda purposes & it seems to have been imbibed in the national character of you lot) . Shows a narrow mindset & insecure personality. Thankfully in India we don't look at things with such a narrow minded perspective. Yes, the colonization was a tough period but we overcame it with the concept of non-violence, a feat that is recognized the world over.

I am sure all this will seem bull crap to you lot & not that i expect you to understand. This point is being made to make a point, for i know that this will be lost in all the immature comments that will follow this post. Enough said, feel free to troll.

we haven't been conquered by japan, thanks. at max japan took 40% of our territory, never more, while british controlled 100% of india. in the end, Chinese speak Chinese and no one knows Japanese, Indians speak English.

the nonviolence of the indians was precisely why your country is an economic basketcase that recieves charity.
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