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China GDP surpass EU 27 countries combined in first 3 quarters


Jan 23, 2019
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United States
China GDP surpass EU 27 countries combined in first 3 quarters
EU GDP 27 countries in first 3 quarters: 12061.294 billions
China GDP in first 3 quarters: 12922.805 billions

Still too small. I would celebrate myself when China's GDP is at least equal to that of America and Europe continents combined and per capita twice that of the US. That would be the true position China should stand in this world, considering that its average IQ is much higher than that of American white.
China has had more GDP PPP then EU for years now.. It also has more then the US.. China is no.1 in GDP PPP

But there is one organistation that has more GDP PPP then China... OIC and Nobody in their right mind could even imagine this but they have about 30T GDP PPP.. You wouldn't think that at first climpse.. They have Approx 10T more then the EU
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China has had more GDP PPP then EU for years now.. It also has more then the US.. China is no.1 in GDP PPP

But there is one organistation that has more GDP PPP then China... OIC and Nobody in their right mind could even imagine this but they have about 30T GDP PPP.. You wouldn't think that at first climpse.. They have Approx 10T more then the EU

Not many know that but it is impressive tho that China has bigger economy then EU which is technically 1 country vs 27
It's a miracle never seen in human history, at least not at such large scale! I am old enough to remember the roads of 'Peking' full of cyclists instead of cars! And China achieved so much even after coming out of a civil war and without colonizing other countries and exploiting their resources. Whatever people may say about 'democracy' and 'freedom', lifting 700+ million people out of poverty in a 1-2 generations is far more important that theoretical debates.
Still too small. I would celebrate myself when China's GDP is at least equal to that of America and Europe continents combined and per capita twice that of the US. That would be the true position China should stand in this world, considering that its average IQ is much higher than that of American white.

So you are saying all of china's development is due to some biological thing called "IQ" ? nothing to do with sacrifice/morals etc ? Dont forget a lot of this development came on work already done in other countries. This hyping some racist attributes is the surest way of increasing animosity towards china.
So you are saying all of china's development is due to some biological thing called "IQ" ? nothing to do with sacrifice/morals etc ? Dont forget a lot of this development came on work already done in other countries. This hyping some racist attributes is the surest way of increasing animosity towards china.

He's saying IQ, but I generally see discipline, proclivity for hard work and education as well.

You gotta give props where it is due.

Chinese kids excel in STEM subjects and their middle class will lead in this area too, which is humongous in size.

Take a flight sometime to China and see their achievement for what it is.

Their kids don't go to highschool to be joint-smoker illiterate jocks or fashion queens to be manager of Dominoe's Pizza someday.

Chinese kids have their sights set on much higher goals like AI, Robotics, Nanocells and Bio-tech. A much bigger portion of their kids are geared toward those things.

Instead of blaming the Chinese, we gotta do our homework and shape up our education system, which counts dead last among developing countries.

Blaming the Chinese for our faults is the racist part here.
2021-12-10 13:49



So you are saying all of china's development is due to some biological thing called "IQ" ? nothing to do with sacrifice/morals etc ? Dont forget a lot of this development came on work already done in other countries. This hyping some racist attributes is the surest way of increasing animosity towards china.

Having read histories of both the East and the West for long time (my mother used to teach Greek - Roman history at one of the best universities in Vietnam), I've never said that.

My point is China have strong potential for that position, not that it would certainly achieve that position, which would require a lot of other factors.
China's economy is growing very fast. All due to right Policies & hard working people of china. A new superpower
In making!
Amazing work by China, in front of our eyes we are witnessing the rise of a super power. The only area where they lack in is powerful allies. The USA/Europe has many allies but can China survive extreme Usa/Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Australia sanctions.

China, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Turkic Union, ASEAN, need to make their economy independent of the west so they can survive any sanctions. They all need to contribute to the rise of Asia.
He's saying IQ, but I generally see discipline, proclivity for hard work and education as well.

You gotta give props where it is due.

Chinese kids excel in STEM subjects and their middle class will lead in this area too, which is humongous in size.

Take a flight sometime to China and see their achievement for what it is.

Their kids don't go to highschool to be joint-smoker illiterate jocks or fashion queens to be manager of Dominoe's Pizza someday.

Chinese kids have their sights set on much higher goals like AI, Robotics, Nanocells and Bio-tech. A much bigger portion of their kids are geared toward those things.

Instead of blaming the Chinese, we gotta do our homework and shape up our education system, which counts dead last among developing countries.

Blaming the Chinese for our faults is the racist part here.

i am not blaming the chinese but pointing out to him that he is actually damaging or belittling chinese achievements by attributing to genetic factors and not human spirit.

But he clarified now that by IQ he just meant potenttial as civilization not racist tropes.
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