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China Forces Churches to Replace Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping Quotes

For a country that is close to becoming the next superpower, it's extremely pathetic that it's a victim of fake propaganda?
Evil people who prefer other people to stay or become weaker and exploitable cant slander people who do well? Its "pathetic" to be slandered by evil people who hate to see you succeed? You want China to silence every last of these evil people? Isnt that what you pretend to be upset about every other minute? That doesnt even make sense.

But we already know where you are coming from. Any claims against China are always true and welcome news, even if exposed as untrue or baseless crap from the most untrustworthy evil people in the world who lie for a living.

Breitbart News, seriously?!
Exposing themself more than they wish to "expose" aka slander China.
At least someone knows how to handle the church.
With declining power in the west, they are looking to plant their seeds in the East now.
At least someone knows how to handle the church.
With declining power in the west, they are looking to plant their seeds in the East now.

That is a good point. The biggest control of Human beings and then essentially countries is by controlling them through Religions. It is immensely powerful tool used for thousands of years when the religions were first invented.
Evil people who prefer other people to stay or become weaker and exploitable cant slander people who do well? Its "pathetic" to be slandered by evil people who hate to see you succeed? You want China to silence every last of these evil people? Isnt that what you pretend to be upset about every other minute? That doesnt even make sense.

But we already know where you are coming from. Any claims against China are always true and welcome news, even if exposed as untrue or baseless crap from the most untrustworthy evil people in the world who lie for a living.

The fact is there is no propaganda and these are real stories.

China has cried wolf too many times and been exposed as an oppressive regime without any regard for human values and human life.

China rejected allegations they were throwing Uighurs into concentration camps or that any such camps existed and dismissed it as propaganda.

Guess what, satellite images showed those concentration camps and China finally admitted oh these? Oh these are vocational training centres for terrorist Uighurs.

There's no difference between China and North Korea. Does anyone believes the crap that NK utters? Same story with China.

I mean who are you trying to fool? China is proudly on a campaign to sinicize religion and you've the audacity to lie to our faces claim innocence. Your own dictators proudly call religion mental diseases.
Whenever I see news like this, I will dig into their background to find their real intention of postings, and to show their malicious intention.

Check public info on this news publisher:-
Breitbart News Network (known commonly as Breitbart News, Breitbart or Breitbart.com) is a far-right[6] syndicated American news, opinion and commentary[7][8] website founded in mid-2007 by conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart, who conceived it as "the Huffington Post of the right".[4][9][10] Its journalists are widely considered to be ideologically driven, and some of its content has been called misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist by liberals and many traditional conservatives alike.[11] The site has published a number of lies, conspiracy theories,[12][13] and intentionally misleading stories.[14][15]

Breitbart News aligned with the alt-right under the management of former executive chairman Steve Bannon,[16] who declared the website "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016.[17] In 2016, Breitbart News became a virtual rallying spot for supporters of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.[11] The company's management, together with former staff member Milo Yiannopoulos, solicited ideas for stories from, and worked to advance and market ideas of, neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups and individuals.[18][19] After the election, more than 2,000 organizations removed Breitbart News from ad buys following Internet activism campaigns denouncing the site's controversial positions.[2



Of course, everyone out there has malicious intents against China. China is an angel that the whole world which is full of satans doesn't like.

Liars, liars pants on fire.
‘China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine,’ says Vatican bishop
Staff Reporter
6 February, 2018

Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

“Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese,” a senior Vatican official has said.

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, praised the Communist state as “extraordinary”, saying: “You do not have shantytowns, you do not have drugs, young people do not take drugs”. Instead, there is a “positive national conscience”.

The bishop told the Spanish-language edition of Vatican Insider that in China “the economy does not dominate politics, as happens in the United States, something Americans themselves would say.”

Bishop Sánchez Sorondo said that China was implementing Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ better than many other countries and praised it for defending Paris Climate Accord. “In that, it is assuming a moral leadership that others have abandoned”, he added.

He accused US president Donald Trump of being “manipulated” by global oil firms, and said that, as opposed to those who follow “liberal thought”, the Chinese are working for the greater good of the planet.

The Vatican and China have been holding talks in recent years over the status of the ‘underground’ Church and the appointment of bishops. In November, the Vatican Museums also organised joint exhibitions with China in what was called “diplomacy of art”.

As part of the diplomacy efforts, Bishop Sánchez Sorondo visited the country. “What I found was an extraordinary China,” he said. “What people don’t realise is that the central value in China is work, work, work. There’s no other way, fundamentally it is like St Paul said: he who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat.”

Bishop Sánchez Sorondo concluded by saying that China is “developing well” and now has “many points of agreement” with the Vatican.

“You cannot think that the China of today is the China of [the time of] John Paul II, or Cold War Russia,” he said.

US always push Christian, domecray, multiculturalism to China but keep science and technology secret, it's obvious what is good what is bad.
Ahahahahaha.....that's a good one :lol:. :enjoy:

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, praised the Communist state as “extraordinary”, saying: “You do not have shantytowns, you do not have drugs, young people do not take drugs”. Instead, there is a “positive national conscience
You could also say the same thing about Japan which from my experience in both China and Japan , the latter applies even more of the above . :D. Too much order and discipline in Japan , something that shocked me and my wife when we first visited the country. In fact there is a saying we have: Even Japanese prisoners are well behaved . :lol:
Ahahahahaha.....that's a good one :lol:. :enjoy:

You could also say the same thing about Japan which from my experience in both China and Japan , the latter applies even more of the above . :D. Too much order and discipline in Japan , something that shocked me and my wife when we first visited the country. In fact there is a saying we have: Even Japanese prisoners are well behaved . :lol:
Comparing to Japanese, we are more liberal, they are a bunch of conformists which slows them down in creation and innovation progress.
Comparing to Japanese, we are more liberal, they are a bunch of conformists which slows them down in creation and innovation progress.
I agree to some extent . However ,saying they are not innovative is also pushing it too much. In fact Japan did create lots of innovative products as well. They couldn't have evolved from an agrarian society into a world power who matched the US, Russia, U.K ,Germany back then by not being innovative in their own way. In fact Japan is still one of the most technologically advanced country on earth even today. They do lead in several sectors as well. So not entirely like they are not innovative.

I do agree that they are very conformist and respect government authority alot. It's no wonder the allies had even more trouble fighting the Japanese than the Germans during WWII, since Japanese soldiers and even civilians were far more ruthless ,discipline and indoctrinated than the Germans. The Japanese soldiers and even civilians would rather die than surrender, for them who had been indoctrinated with the spirit of the samurai , surrender was considered an act of shame and dishonour and looked down upon. It also played a major part in the US deciding to use the atomic bomb to make Japan surrender. Since the Americans calculated that if they had to invade Japan proper like Germany it would cost them farrrrr more damages and casualties than the Germans . So they opted for the nuclear option.
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‘China is the best implementer of Catholic social doctrine,’ says Vatican bishop
Staff Reporter
6 February, 2018

Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

“Right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese,” a senior Vatican official has said.

Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, praised the Communist state as “extraordinary”, saying: “You do not have shantytowns, you do not have drugs, young people do not take drugs”. Instead, there is a “positive national conscience”.

The bishop told the Spanish-language edition of Vatican Insider that in China “the economy does not dominate politics, as happens in the United States, something Americans themselves would say.”

Bishop Sánchez Sorondo said that China was implementing Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’ better than many other countries and praised it for defending Paris Climate Accord. “In that, it is assuming a moral leadership that others have abandoned”, he added.

He accused US president Donald Trump of being “manipulated” by global oil firms, and said that, as opposed to those who follow “liberal thought”, the Chinese are working for the greater good of the planet.

The Vatican and China have been holding talks in recent years over the status of the ‘underground’ Church and the appointment of bishops. In November, the Vatican Museums also organised joint exhibitions with China in what was called “diplomacy of art”.

As part of the diplomacy efforts, Bishop Sánchez Sorondo visited the country. “What I found was an extraordinary China,” he said. “What people don’t realise is that the central value in China is work, work, work. There’s no other way, fundamentally it is like St Paul said: he who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat.”

Bishop Sánchez Sorondo concluded by saying that China is “developing well” and now has “many points of agreement” with the Vatican.

“You cannot think that the China of today is the China of [the time of] John Paul II, or Cold War Russia,” he said.


It's not exactly a shock that the Catholic Church (especially when we're talking about Catholic clergy from Latin America) would be promoting Communism....

Pope Francis is a Communist sympathizer.......

also the Catholic Church has been promoting Communism in Latin America in since around late 60's.... 1970's.....

the Communist Church in Latin America has been known for working with Communist guerrillas in Latin America and even for using its influence to brainwash Latin Americans into supporting Communism and Communist revolution.......

this is why the Catholic priests were killed in El Salvador during the Civil War in El Salvador....... Oscar Romero, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Ignacio Ellacuría.....

they were basically promoting Marxism (especially the second two- I think Oscar Romero was kind of sympathetic towards Marxism but I don't think he really understood what he was promoting.... or at least I would like to think he was somewhat innocent) (I'm not for the killing of priests but the priests were supporting the Communist guerrillas)

in the 90's the priest Samuel Ruiz was working with the leftist Zapatista guerrillas in Chiapas.....

in fact, a leader of the ELN Communist guerrillas in Colombia was the priest Camilo Torres

the Catholic Church in Latin America is well known for supporting Communism.... in Latin America was developed Liberation Theology which taught Latin Americans to blend Communism with Catholicism

one of the main figures who is considered a founder of Liberation Theology was Gustavo Gutierrez..... (Gutierrez literally wrote the book on Liberation Theology.... "A Theology of Liberation" which basically was like the manifesto of the movement)

and here is Pope Francis

Francis reveals he concelebrated Mass with Cardinal Muller and Gustavo Gutierrez


Pope Francis is either a straight-up Marxist himself or at the least a Communist sympathizer

the priest who rebelled against the church, Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga, was talking way back in the 70's about how the church was collaborating with Communism and working towards promoting Communist takeover in Latin America.....

one famous pro-Marxist priest is the Ernesto Cardenal Martínez....

Ernesto Cardenal Martínez (born 20 January 1925) is a Nicaraguan Catholic priest, poet, and politician. He is a liberation theologian and the founder of the primitivist art community in the Solentiname Islands, where he lived for more than ten years (1965–1977). A member of the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, a party he has since left, he was Nicaragua's minister of culture from 1979 to 1987. He was prohibited from administering the sacraments in 1984 by Pope John Paul II, but rehabilitated by Pope Francis in 2019.[1]

from what it says..... Pope Francis promoted this guy after Pope John Paul II went after him for being a commie

Cuba has awarded Cardenal with the "Order of José Martí"

Cardenal recibió el galardón ‘José Martí’


The Communists have promoted chaos and killing in Latin America, do not care about or respect Latin American culture and its values and do not care about the chaos they have promoted in Latin America and the misery they have brought to places like Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico (my family- we believe one of the priests killed during the time of Plutarco Calles was our relative).... I have seen with my own eyes the pictures of the Catholic women in Spain during the time of the Spanish Civil War who were were raped and murdered by Communists simply for being Catholics (apparently Pope Francis doesn't care about them or about what happened to Mexican Catholics during the time of Plutarco Calles) Latin America is full of people who hate Communism and Latin Americans are well-justified in hating Communism.........

in fact, I have some info I'd like to share about Venezuela but I think it deserves its own thread.....

but anyways, bottom line is that the Catholic Church especially in Latin America is known for collaborating with Communism, Pope Francis is known for being either Marxist himself or at the least a commie sympathizer.......

so what you say doesn't really prove anything pro-Chinese-Communism.... just further illustrates something that Latin Americans have known about the Catholic Church for decades and which has gotten extremely bad under Pope Francis
It's not exactly a shock that the Catholic Church (especially when we're talking about Catholic clergy from Latin America) would be promoting Communism....

Pope Francis is a Communist sympathizer.......

also the Catholic Church has been promoting Communism in Latin America in since around late 60's.... 1970's.....

the Communist Church in Latin America has been known for working with Communist guerrillas in Latin America and even for using its influence to brainwash Latin Americans into supporting Communism and Communist revolution.......

this is why the Catholic priests were killed in El Salvador during the Civil War in El Salvador....... Oscar Romero, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Ignacio Ellacuría.....

they were basically promoting Marxism (especially the second two- I think Oscar Romero was kind of sympathetic towards Marxism but I don't think he really understood what he was promoting.... or at least I would like to think he was somewhat innocent) (I'm not for the killing of priests but the priests were supporting the Communist guerrillas)

in the 90's the priest Samuel Ruiz was working with the leftist Zapatista guerrillas in Chiapas.....

in fact, a leader of the ELN Communist guerrillas in Colombia was the priest Camilo Torres

the Catholic Church in Latin America is well known for supporting Communism.... in Latin America was developed Liberation Theology which taught Latin Americans to blend Communism with Catholicism

one of the main figures who is considered a founder of Liberation Theology was Gustavo Gutierrez..... (Gutierrez literally wrote the book on Liberation Theology.... "A Theology of Liberation" which basically was like the manifesto of the movement)

and here is Pope Francis

Francis reveals he concelebrated Mass with Cardinal Muller and Gustavo Gutierrez


Pope Francis is either a straight-up Marxist himself or at the least a Communist sympathizer

the priest who rebelled against the church, Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga, was talking way back in the 70's about how the church was collaborating with Communism and working towards promoting Communist takeover in Latin America.....

one famous pro-Marxist priest is the Ernesto Cardenal Martínez....

Ernesto Cardenal Martínez (born 20 January 1925) is a Nicaraguan Catholic priest, poet, and politician. He is a liberation theologian and the founder of the primitivist art community in the Solentiname Islands, where he lived for more than ten years (1965–1977). A member of the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, a party he has since left, he was Nicaragua's minister of culture from 1979 to 1987. He was prohibited from administering the sacraments in 1984 by Pope John Paul II, but rehabilitated by Pope Francis in 2019.[1]

from what it says..... Pope Francis promoted this guy after Pope John Paul II went after him for being a commie

Cuba has awarded Cardenal with the "Order of José Martí"

Cardenal recibió el galardón ‘José Martí’


The Communists have promoted chaos and killing in Latin America, do not care about or respect Latin American culture and its values and do not care about the chaos they have promoted in Latin America and the misery they have brought to places like Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico (my family- we believe one of the priests killed during the time of Plutarco Calles was our relative).... I have seen with my own eyes the pictures of the Catholic women in Spain during the time of the Spanish Civil War who were were raped and murdered by Communists simply for being Catholics (apparently Pope Francis doesn't care about them or about what happened to Mexican Catholics during the time of Plutarco Calles) Latin America is full of people who hate Communism and Latin Americans are well-justified in hating Communism.........

in fact, I have some info I'd like to share about Venezuela but I think it deserves its own thread.....

but anyways, bottom line is that the Catholic Church especially in Latin America is known for collaborating with Communism, Pope Francis is known for being either Marxist himself or at the least a commie sympathizer.......

so what you say doesn't really prove anything pro-Chinese-Communism.... just further illustrates something that Latin Americans have known about the Catholic Church for decades and which has gotten extremely bad under Pope Francis
All religions and most radical beliefs have a lot of blood in their hands in killing those who don't follow their beliefs if you check the world history, communism is no exception, yes, but the basics of communism is not to promote killings, it's for equality for all human beings. Islam and Christianity also promote love and peace, but it doesn't stop hundreds of millions people from dying for believing them and fighting non believers in the history and even today.
All religions and most radical beliefs have a lot of blood in their hands in killing those who don't follow their beliefs if you check the world history, communism is no exception, yes, but the basics of communism is not to promote killings, it's for equality for all human beings. Islam and Christianity also promote love and peace, but it doesn't stop hundreds of millions people from dying for believing them and fighting non believers in the history and even today.

strange how "equality for all human beings" has such a tendency to translate to "put religious people in camps"...

the "equality" talk is just a front.... the real aim of Communism is to eliminate religion.... the basis of Communism is materialism

I know that Chinese people had a different set of spiritual beliefs traditionally

but I am sure that the Chinese people who lived in older times, I believe that they would within the framework of their own spirituality recognize Communism as being evil.... it is the spiritual aspect of man that is part of what makes a human to be human.... you may disbelieve that you have a soul but you do have a soul and you do have a Creator.... I do not understand why people would negate that they have a soul.... people who have not lost their connection to their Creator... they see such and recognize it for what it is.... I might not believe in what they believed but if Lao Tzu, Confucius and the Taoists of old were to have seen the Cultural Revolution and the destruction of the religious and spiritual beliefs, I am sure they would be horrified.... the CCP can use nationalist "anti-imperialist" rhetoric..... but I am not fooled by this smokescreen of words.... it's not even something native to China.... if you switch the words "China" for "Cuba" and "Chinese" for "Cubans".... you basically would have the exact same rhetoric that you can hear in Fidel Castro speeches.... it's basically copied and pasted in every Communist country..... it wins support because the people hear the name of their country but its basically interchangeable, it's from a generic template, you just talk about how you are defending x country against "Western imperialism".....

"we are defending the revolution in ___________ (fill-in-the-blank) against Western imperialism"

apparently, this "Western imperialism" is so powerful that even Lao Tzu and Confucius were in on it.... was it "Western imperialism" that forced Fidel Castro to ban Christmas?

if you want to understand Communism, the Communists will just fill your head with a rhetorical smokescreen......

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the GOYIM before the proper time we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes and the great principles of political economy about which our economic theories are carrying on an energetic propaganda."

"it is indespensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds out of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."

-Protocols of the Elders of Zion

I'm told the Protocols are a hoax but here we are more than a hundred years later and as Henry Ford said

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I am sure that the Chinese people who lived in older times, I believe that they would within the framework of their own spirituality recognize Communism as being evil.
You are not Chinese, how can you be sure about anything about China? We are Chinese, we know for sure that your perception on China and communism in China is wrong, but that's ok, you don't need to adopt it anyway, it's ours.
strange how "equality for all human beings" has such a tendency to translate to "put religious people in camps"...

the "equality" talk is just a front.... the real aim of Communism is to eliminate religion.... the basis of Communism is materialism

I know that Chinese people had a different set of spiritual beliefs traditionally

but I am sure that the Chinese people who lived in older times, I believe that they would within the framework of their own spirituality recognize Communism as being evil.... it is the spiritual aspect of man that is part of what makes a human to be human.... you may disbelieve that you have a soul but you do have a soul and you do have a Creator.... I do not understand why people would negate that they have a soul.... people who have not lost their connection to their Creator... they see such and recognize it for what it is.... I might not believe in what they believed but if Lao Tzu, Confucius and the Taoists of old were to have seen the Cultural Revolution and the destruction of the religious and spiritual beliefs, I am sure they would be horrified.... the CCP can use nationalist "anti-imperialist" rhetoric..... but I am not fooled by this smokescreen of words.... it's not even something native to China.... if you switch the words "China" for "Cuba" and "Chinese" for "Cubans".... you basically would have the exact same rhetoric that you can hear in Fidel Castro speeches.... it's basically copied and pasted in every Communist country..... it wins support because the people hear the name of their country but its basically interchangeable, it's from a generic template, you just talk about how you are defending x country against "Western imperialism".....

"we are defending the revolution in ___________ (fill-in-the-blank) against Western imperialism"

apparently, this "Western imperialism" is so powerful that even Lao Tzu and Confucius were in on it.... was it "Western imperialism" that forced Fidel Castro to ban Christmas?

if you want to understand Communism, the Communists will just fill your head with a rhetorical smokescreen......

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the GOYIM before the proper time we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes and the great principles of political economy about which our economic theories are carrying on an energetic propaganda."

"it is indespensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds out of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."

-Protocols of the Elders of Zion

I'm told the Protocols are a hoax but here we are more than a hundred years later and as Henry Ford said


Don't try to pretend to be a scholar, you don't understand China you can't change China.
I do not understand why people would negate that they have a soul.... people who have not lost their connection to their Creator..
This statement will surely make most people laugh in China. You don't understand why we don't believe God, we don't understand why you believe it, simple as that.

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