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China Enters 21st Century, U.S. Goes Back To 19th

I wish US were truly going back to 19th century when federal expense didn't exceed 3% of national income.
China Enters 21st Century, U.S. Goes Back To 19th

Ever hear of 'epoxy'? Please look it up on google.
There's epoxy materials used in home building, and there's dangerous explosives that work via the 'epoxy' principle.

What Fareed Zakaria discusses in that CNN reporting appears to be a 5 to 20 year line of technology development that will probably work like home builder's epoxy in a international (inter-country to be more precise) co-operation to manage the transference from using fossil fuels into a partial-electric society. Different countries, Different ways. Especially on the 100 year time-scale.

Coal is not evil, and different countries preparing for the future in different ways is also useful

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From: Rene Veerman <rene.veerman.netherlands@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:10 PM
Subject: For the US administration : using coal is not evil per-se.. 'China enters 21st century, US goes back to 19th century'
To: NOS <reacties@nos.nl>, CNN <worldnews@cnn.com>, CIA <info@cia.gov>, NSA <nsapao@nsa.gov>, info@whitehouse.gov, Mossad <info@gov.il>, info@groenlinks.nl, christenunie@tweedekamer.nl, sgp@tweedekamer.nl, info@vvd.nl, info@pvv.nl, info@50pluspartij.nl, info@sp.nl, info@pvda.nl, d66@tweedekamer.nl, Donna Marrozos <redactie@3fm.nl>, redactie@volkskrant.nl, redactie@telegraaf.nl, redactie@trouw.nl, buitenland@trouw.nl, binnenland@trouw.nl, info@nrc.nl, redactie@nrc.nl, info@parool.nl, redactie@parool.nl, "Team Nieuws.nl" <redactie@nieuws.nl>, redactie@ad.nl, gastbijdrage@sargasso.nl, opinie@trouw.nl

i found it useful to post this around as well :

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