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China Dominates the World TOP500 Supercomputers

China is the largest developing country, no Chinese think it is already "the first/best in the world", and certainly no Chinese declare that China is a Superpower or "Czar" in any field. So your statement is aimless.

China does have an unique combination of all needed fundamentals that move a country forward, as we have witnessed in the past 30 some years. This unique combination works wonder for China, and it also puzzles the rest of world. The conventional western wisdom has failed to understand and explain this phenomenon, hence countless failed predictions. Yours may fall in this category.

Anyway, China is still a developing country, and it is actually DEVELOPING, that is all that matters to Chinese.

Pls restrain from your agressivity... Neither will I ,neither you will see what will happen next.. since we will be dead when that time comes... So in the End Whatever it's my "prediction" or Yours, none of us will know. But as far I can see, neither I attacked, nor I will upon those countries. I don't care, it was a discussion, so stay in "that" discussion.
Best regards
China is the largest developing country, no Chinese think it is already "the first/best in the world", and certainly no Chinese declare that China is a Superpower or "Czar" in any field. So your statement is aimless.

China does have an unique combination of all needed fundamentals that move a country forward, as we have witnessed in the past 30 some years. This unique combination works wonder for China, and it also puzzles the rest of world. The conventional western wisdom has failed to understand and explain this phenomenon, hence countless failed predictions. Yours may fall in this category.

Anyway, China is still a developing country, and it is actually DEVELOPING, that is all that matters to Chinese.

Well said. What the above poster repeats is pedestrian, at best. Rise and fall of the nations, alright, we are all familiar with that argument.

I think what these people often miss is the long historical perspective. Like you said, China, as well as East Asia, in general, did not conform to a number of Western assumptions for good or for bad, including development patterns and regionalization movement.

Future will definitely not repeat the past in the exact same fashion.
Made an account just to write this post. While everyone are right to be proud of this supercomputer(me included) there's few problems that I hope it gets addressed in the future.
1. inadequate memory: Tianhe-2 have 88GB or RAM per node at just over two TFLOP/s while the sunway have only 32GB per node that runs at 3TFLOP/s.
2. Memory isn't particularly fast either at 136.5GB/s which could be a issues since the CPU already lacks on board cache.
3. There also a mention of inefficient interconnect, didn't dig too much into that so I won't comment.

The above problem resulted in a pretty abysmal HPCG benchmark of 0.371PFLOP/s compared to Tianhe-2's 0.580PFLOP/s.

Don't flame me for pointing out the negatives, always look forward to what my home country can come up with next :)
Thanks! Please continue posting.
NSA, DOE say China's supercomputing advances put U.S. at risk

China's computing efforts are a threat to U.S. national security and may undermine profitable parts of the U.S. economy, a new report warns
Advanced computing experts at the National Security Agency and the Department of Energy are warning that China is "extremely likely" to take leadership in supercomputing as early as 2020, unless the U.S. acts quickly to increase spending.

China's supercomputing advances are not only putting national security at risk, but also U.S. leadership in high-tech manufacturing. If China succeeds, it may "undermine profitable parts of the U.S. economy," according to a report titled U.S. Leadership in High Performance Computing by HPC technical experts at the NSA, the DOE, the National Science Foundation and other agencies.

"To maintain U.S. leadership in HPC," the report says, "a surge" of U.S. "investment and action is needed to address HPC priorities."

Concern about China's technical advances have been raised before by U.S. scientists and industry groups, but never in such striking terms -- or by representatives of a spy agency.

Indeed, the report says that "assuming status quo conditions, the meeting participants believe that a change in HPC leadership was extremely likely, with only minor disagreement on the timescale; many suggested that China would be leading the U.S. as early as 2020."

China supercomputing systems have been leading the Top 500 list, the global ranking of supercomputers, for several years. But that's not a measure of supercomputing leadership alone.

One workshop attendee, Paul Messina, a computer scientist and distinguished fellow at Argonne National Labs and the head of its Exascale Computing Project, sketched out the HPC leadership criteria: It means leadership in producing and using systems, as well as "first mover advantage." It also means staying in the lead at all times. The U.S. needs to control its HPC destiny and "can't depend on other countries to sell us what we need," he said in an email.

Something to keep in mind is that this report was written at a time when many assumed that supercomputing funding was not under threat. The report calls for more spending while the Trump administration, along with the Republican-controlled Congress, is planning major cuts in the federal budget.

"National security requires the best computing available, and loss of leadership in HPC will severely compromise our national security," the report says. "Loss of leadership in HPC could significantly reduce the U.S. nuclear deterrence and the sophistication of our future weapons systems."

Among those at the meeting was Barry Bolding, a senior vice president and chief strategy officer at supercomputer company Cray. "I will say from Cray's view, [the report] accurately reflects the discussion of the workshop and mostly accurately reflects some of our primary concerns regarding HPC competitiveness."

Steve Conway, an HPC analyst and research vice president at Hyperion Research, said the meeting "and report are important for alerting the U.S. HPC community, especially government officials, to the dangers of taking U.S. HPC leadership for granted when other nations, particularly China, are intent on seizing global leadership of the market for supercomputers."

The report makes three overarching observations about China's Sunway TaihuLight system, which at 93 petaflops, is ranked first on the Top500 list of supercomputers.

The TaihuLight supercomputer is "homegrown," and includes processors that were designed and fabricated in China. The Chinese chip design "includes architectural innovations," and was designed using "a true co-design approach" where the applications are tuned to take advantage of the chip design, the report said.

The machine "is not a stunt," the report notes, meaning China didn't develop this system for bragging rights. The machine "is being used for cutting edge research," and three of the six finalists for the Gordon Bell Prize, the top research award in HPC, were the result of Chinese efforts.

The report offers something particularly insightful about China's motivations.

"Meeting participants, especially those from industry, noted that it can be easy for Americans to draw the wrong conclusions about what HPC investments by China mean – without considering China's motivations," the report states.

"These participants stressed that their personal interactions with Chinese researchers and at supercomputing centers showed a mindset where computing is first and foremost a strategic capability for improving the country; for pulling a billion people out of poverty; for supporting companies that are looking to build better products, or bridges, or rail networks; for transitioning away from a role as a low-cost manufacturer for the world; for enabling the economy to move from 'Made in China' to 'Made by China,' " the report states.

But it also pointed out that the computer codes developed for industry, "are good proxies for the tools needed to design many different weapons systems."

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“Something to keep in mind is that this report was written at a time when many assumed that supercomputing fundingwas not under threat. The report calls for more spending while the Trump administration, along with the Republican-controlled Congress, is planning major cuts in the federal budget.”----Real purpose of this article?
Thanks for the article, but I think this kind of info is better aggregated into one single dedicated thread with topic about THE CHINESE SUPERCOMPUTER and related news/info.

@MOD, please look into this matter and rectify it.

Note: a quick search for "Sunway TaihuLight" returns several postings under separate entries just within the 2017... these scattering posts related to China's Supercomputer make info retrieval gets tougher. And to put this Supercomputer info under the way much broader topic of "China Science & Technology Forum" will also cause it difficult to locate.

Therefore a dedicated thread for China's Supercomputer under 'China & Far East' section is what I suggest. Hopefully all concerned will support this idea :pdf:
Last edited:
TOP500 List Refreshed, US Edged Out of Third Place

TOP500 Team | June 19, 2017 00:22 CEST

FRANKFURT, Germany; BERKELEY, Calif.; and KNOXVILLE, Tenn.— The 49th edition of the TOP500 list was released today in conjunction with the opening session of the ISC High Performance conference, which is taking place this week in Frankfurt, Germany. The list ranks the world’s most powerful supercomputers based on the Linpack benchmark and is released twice per year.

In the latest rankings, the Sunway TaihuLight, a system developed by China’s National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology (NRCPC) and installed at the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, maintains its top position. With a Linpack performance of 93 petaflops, TaihuLight is far and away the most powerful number-cruncher on the planet.

Tianhe-2, (Milky Way-2), a system developed by China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) and deployed at the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzho, China, occupies the number two position with a Linpack mark of 33.9 petaflops. Tianhe-2 was the number one system in the TOP500 list for three consecutive years, until TaihuLight eclipsed it in June 2016.

The new number three supercomputer is the upgraded Piz Daint, a Cray XC50 system installed at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS). The upgrade was accomplished with additional NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs, doubling the Linpack performance of the system’s previous mark of 9.8 petaflops in November 2016, which itself was the result of a significant upgrade. Piz Daint’s current Linpack result of 19.6 petaflops enabled the system to climb five positions in the rankings.

As a result of the Piz Daint upgrade, Titan, a Cray XK7 system installed at the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, drops to number four in the rankings. Its Linpack mark of 17.6 petaflops has remained constant since it was installed in 2012.

Rounding out the top 10 are:

Sequoia (17.2 petaflops), an IBM BlueGene/Q system installed at the DOE’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, at number five;
Cori (14.0 petaflops), a Cray XC40 system housed at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), at number six;
Oakforest-PACS (13.6 petaflops), a Fujitsu PRIMERGY system running at Japan’s Joint Center for Advanced High Performance Computing, at number seven;
Fujitsu’s K computer (10.5 petaflops), installed at the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS), at number eight;
Mira (8,6 petaflops), an IBM BlueGene/Q system installed at DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory, at number nine; and
Trinity (8.1 petaflops), a Cray XC40 system running at Los Alamos National Laboratory, at number ten.
With the two Chinese supercomputers and one Swiss system occupying the top of the rankings, this is the second time in the 24-year history of the TOP500 list that the United States has failed to secure any of the top three positions. The only other time this occurred was in November 1996, when three Japanese systems captured the top three spots.

Nevertheless, the US still claims five of the top ten supercomputers, which is more than any other nation. It also leads the pack in the total number of TOP500 systems, with 169. China is a close second with 160. However, both countries lost share compared to six months ago, when they each claimed 171 systems. Besides the US and China, the most well-represented countries on the list are Japan, with 33 supercomputers, Germany, with 28, France, with 17, and the UK, with 17.

Aggregate performance on the TOP500 rose to 749 petaflops, a 32 percent jump from a year ago. Such an increase, though, is well below the list’s historical growth rate of approximately 185 percent per year. The slower growth in list performance is a trend that began in 2013, and has shown no signs of reversal.

Intel continues to be the dominant supplier of TOP500 chips. Either Xeon or Xeon Phi processors power 464 of the 500 systems. IBM Power processors are in 21 systems, while AMD Opteron CPUs are present in six systems. Processor share, with regard to supplier, has not changed appreciably over the last year.

A total of 91 systems on the list are now using accelerator/coprocessor technology, up slightly from 86 in November 2016. The most popular choices are NVIDIA GPUs, which are present in 74 systems, and Xeon Phi coprocessors, which are employed in 17 systems. (Three of those use a combination of NVIDIA GPUs and Xeon Phi coprocessors). Outliers include a single ATI Radeon-accelerated system and two that use PEZY technology. An additional 13 systems now use the Xeon Phi (Knights Landing) as the main processing unit.

For system interconnects, Ethernet and InfiniBand continue to be the most prevalent technologies. Ethernet is present in 207 systems; InfiniBand is present in 178. However, for the top 100 systems, their relative share changes dramatically, with Ethernet installed in just a single system, while InfiniBand is used in 42 of these elite machines. Intel Omni-Path interconnect technology, which made its first appearance a year ago with 8 supercomputers, is now installed in 38 systems.

In the system vendor arena, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) claims the most TOP500 systems, with 144. These include 25 systems originally installed by SGI, which HPE purchased in 2016. Lenovo is the second most popular vendor, with 88 systems, and Cray is in third place, with 57.

Cray systems, however, continue to lead in overall performance, claiming 21.4 percent of the list’s total performance. HPE is well back in second place, with an overall performance share of 16.7 percent. Thanks to its number one Sunway TaihuLight system, NRCPC retains the third spot with 12.5 percent of the total performance.

Energy efficiency on the list continues to rise, as reflected in the latest Green500 results. The top four positions are all occupied by newly installed systems in Japan, with the upgraded Piz Daint supercomputer capturing the number five spot. All of these use NVIDIA’s latest P100 GPUs. In fact, the top 13 systems on the latest Green500 are all equipped with the P100 hardware.

The most energy-efficient system on the Green500 list is the new TSUBAME 3.0, a modified HPE ICE XA system installed at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. It achieved 14.110 gigaflops/watt during its 1.998-petaflop Linpack performance run. It is ranked number 61 on the TOP500 list.

The number two Green500 entry is the kukai system at the Yahoo Japan Corporation. Built by Exascaler, this system achieves 14.045 gigaflops/watt, just 0.3 percent behind TSUBAME 3.0. It occupies position 466 on the current TOP500 list.

The number three system on the Green500 list is the AIST AI Cloud system at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan. This system from NEC achieves 12.68 gigaflops/watt and is ranked number 148 on the TOP500.

The number four Green500 system is the RAIDEN GPU system, manufactured by Fujitsu. It is installed at RIKEN’s Center for Advanced Intelligence Project. It attained 10.6 gigaflops/watt and is in position 306 on the TOP500 list.

Piz Daint, the fifth-ranked supercomputer on the Green500, conducted a power-optimized run of the Linpack benchmark, achieving 10.4 gigaflops/watt. At number three on the TOP500, it represents the most energy-efficient supercomputer in the top 50 of that list.

At 10:30 am CET on Monday, June 19, the TOP500 and Green500 awards will be handed out to the winning recipients. The award ceremony will be followed by a presentation from TOP500 author Erich Strohmaier, who will provide additional highlights of the list.

Planned supercomputer would be 10 times faster than today's No 1

(China Daily) 08:24, May 10, 2018


Technology experts check the condition of the Tianhe-1 supercomputer at the National SuperComputer Center in Tianjin. [Photo/Xinhua]

The National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen plans to build a next-generation supercomputer that will be 10 times faster than the world's current speed champion, a senior executive said.

"The investment is likely to hit 3 billion yuan ($470.6 million), and key technologies for the supercomputer are expected to be developed independently," Wang Zhenglu, director of the project management department of the center told China Daily.

The supercomputer will be "exascale", meaning that it will be capable of making a quintillion (1 followed by 18 zeros) calculations per second, much faster than the current No 1 supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, Wang said. The new supercomputer is expected to be developed by 2020.

The exascale supercomputer will play an important role in promoting the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially in cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, he said.

Supercomputers are a new driving force in China's computer innovation and are important for the nation's information security. China has established six supercomputing centers, in Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuxi, Changsha, Jinan and Shenzhen.

China is now at the vanguard of supercomputer development, having raced ahead of the United States and Japan. The latest biannual ranking of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers showed China's Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe-2 are the world's fastest and second-fastest machines, with Titan from the US in fifth place.

The Shenzhen center, founded in 2009, has focused on high performance computing and cloud computing. It maintains leading positions in a variety of areas like weather forecasting and disaster prevention.

The center's work in detailed exploration and large-scale data processing has helped a domestic petroleum company reduce petroleum exploration costs.

The growing shortage of cloud computing resources led the center to recently purchase 420 more rack-mounted servers, 10 graphics processing servers and a group of storage systems to expand its computing resources.

China has an edge in hardware, but more efforts are needed to develop tailor-made software for supercomputers to widen their application, Wang Gang, an associate professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology at Jilin University, said in an earlier interview.

Zhang Zhihao contributed to this story.

@qwerrty , @xunzi , @cirr
Tsinghua University defends ASC18 title, First-time finalist ShanghaiTech University wins AI award
May 10, 2018

On May 9, the final round of the 2018 ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC18) ended at Nanchang University. Tsinghua University was once again crowned Champion, while first-time finalist ShanghaiTech University won second place and received the e Prize Award.

2018 ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge (ASC18)
Jointly hosted by the Asia Supercomputer Community, Inspur Group and Nanchang University, ASC18 enrolled over 300 participating teams from around the world, with the top 20 entering the final round. In addition to independently designing and building supercomputers up to 3000 Watts, the teams were required to run HPL/HPCG benchmark, tackle problems in AI machine reading and comprehension, along with optimizing cutting-edge scientific and engineering applications including RELION a core application of the cryo-EM that won the 2017 Nobel in Chemistry, and NASA’s famous computational fluid-dynamics code CFL3D.

Among the finalists, the defending champion Tsinghua University completed the highest number of tasks, claiming a strong lead in the final round and retaining its title won the previous year. In the HPGG benchmark test, SIESTA, RELION and CFL3D challenges, Tsinghua University gave an impressive performance, demonstrating a profound comprehension of supercomputing systems and applications as well as excellent capabilities in optimizing performance.

Tsinghua University, ASC18 Champion
ShanghaiTech University entered the ASC finals for the first time, finishing second and winning the e Prize Award in a surprise upset. In the highlight task in AI reading and comprehension, the team made innovations and improvements in model algorithm and performance training and completed the parallel model training of large-scale dataset within 8 hours. Moreover, the team’s prediction accuracy reached 46.46, close to the world cutting-edge level, winning them the e Prize Award.

The NTHU team designed a heterogeneous supercomputing system with Inspur servers and Tesla GPU accelerators with optimized power dispassion control. Their HPL performance reached 42.99 TFLOPS, improving the ASC17 record to a large extent and winning the Highest Linpack.

“It’s exciting to participate in a competition like ASC, and It’s heartening to see these students who have worked so hard and traveled so far to perform such challenging tasks and solve problems with hardware and software,” said Jack Dongarra, ASC Advisory Committee Chair, professor at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory of the United States and the University of Tennessee. “I hope the contest can be a truly satisfying experience for all participants, whether now or in the near future.”

Wang Endong, the initiator of the ASC challenge, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, noted that currently, supercomputing and big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly integrated and interconnected. Supercomputers will become an important infrastructure for a smart society. The development speed and capability of supercomputers will be closely related to social development, improvement of living standards and the progress of civilization. As an international supercomputer competition, ASC will play an even more important role in cultivating integrated supercomputer talents and international academic exchanges, laying a solid foundation for the development of smart computing.

Tsinghua University defends ASC18 title, First-time finalist ShanghaiTech University wins AI award | HPCwire

Planned supercomputer would be 10 times faster than today's No 1

(China Daily) 08:24, May 10, 2018


Technology experts check the condition of the Tianhe-1 supercomputer at the National SuperComputer Center in Tianjin. [Photo/Xinhua]

The National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen plans to build a next-generation supercomputer that will be 10 times faster than the world's current speed champion, a senior executive said.

"The investment is likely to hit 3 billion yuan ($470.6 million), and key technologies for the supercomputer are expected to be developed independently," Wang Zhenglu, director of the project management department of the center told China Daily.

The supercomputer will be "exascale", meaning that it will be capable of making a quintillion (1 followed by 18 zeros) calculations per second, much faster than the current No 1 supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, Wang said. The new supercomputer is expected to be developed by 2020.

The exascale supercomputer will play an important role in promoting the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially in cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, he said.

Supercomputers are a new driving force in China's computer innovation and are important for the nation's information security. China has established six supercomputing centers, in Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuxi, Changsha, Jinan and Shenzhen.

China is now at the vanguard of supercomputer development, having raced ahead of the United States and Japan. The latest biannual ranking of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers showed China's Sunway TaihuLight and Tianhe-2 are the world's fastest and second-fastest machines, with Titan from the US in fifth place.

The Shenzhen center, founded in 2009, has focused on high performance computing and cloud computing. It maintains leading positions in a variety of areas like weather forecasting and disaster prevention.

The center's work in detailed exploration and large-scale data processing has helped a domestic petroleum company reduce petroleum exploration costs.

The growing shortage of cloud computing resources led the center to recently purchase 420 more rack-mounted servers, 10 graphics processing servers and a group of storage systems to expand its computing resources.

China has an edge in hardware, but more efforts are needed to develop tailor-made software for supercomputers to widen their application, Wang Gang, an associate professor at the College of Computer Science and Technology at Jilin University, said in an earlier interview.

Zhang Zhihao contributed to this story.

@qwerrty , @xunzi , @cirr

The 2nd known "exascale" machine in development. :D

2018-05-07 17:52 投资界  李梅





而在创业公司层面,也有一家公司显得尤为特别:脱胎于中科院自动化研究所、原国家专用集成电路设计工程技术研究中心(1992年组建)的思朗科技,由该中心原主任、原中科院自动化所所长王东琳博士带队,已经研制出高性能领域微处理器MaPU, MaPU首次实现了代数算法级全局优化且高度可编程,已于2015年流片成功。


















以极光H1.0超算芯片为例,芯片内部集成32个HPP处理核,双精度浮点处理能力将达到4,659GFLOPS@64,经评估功耗仅为40W左右,性能功耗比达到 116GFLOPs@64/W,为全球第一。














4个UMP内核+1个ARM内核构成的超高清电视引擎芯片(功耗不超过8 瓦)可以满足4K超高清电视的所有视音频处理以及基于安卓系统电视管理的全部需求,视听效果可以媲美索尼与三星最高端电视。14个UMP内核+1个ARM内核构成的超级电视引擎芯片可以满足8K超高清电视所有处理与计算需求。







基于HPP内核的超算处理器极光H1.0与Intel最新型Xeon Phi性能相当,但可16/32/64/128位灵活重构,性能功耗比提高近一个数量级:在提供同等64位浮点运算能力时极光H1.0(2x16个HPP内核)功耗是40W,Intel Xeon Phi处理器是300W。


思朗的另一款产品:加速神经网络引擎NNE 继承并发展了MaPU的“同心圆存储体系优化模型”,并针对深度神经网络进行了优化,优点是针对主流神经网络,整网吞吐率高,访存需求及功耗低,与英伟达深度神经网内核性能相当但效率更高。思朗的NNE在存储体系和配置深度神经网络时吸收MaPU全局优化思想,性能功耗比上优势明显。











@Bussard Ramjet :D:D
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