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`China doesn't want carrier competition with India'

1. India can not build any carrier without foreign assistance.


2. Indian aircraft carrier(s) is/are perfect proof that their military is not meant for defence, but for 'showing off'. What do they need to defend with aircraft carriers?

Like they say : "Bandar kya jane adrak ka swad!"

Translation : "What will a monkey know how ginger taste" :lol:

In this case, a poonting inferiorty-complex ridden Bangladeshi bandar,

The Indian AC first full-swing action was ironically:laugh: seen in 1971 war.

Also, India is a peninsular nation with Islands all over the IOR region , which will need power projection to defend those region aslo, IOR is Indian trade lifeline, which India will defend fiercely.

While the list of problems engulfing their 800 million+ poor is too long to list,

Neither World bank international poverty line, Indian national poverty line nor MPI poverty index mention's 800 million+ poor in India,

Where did you get the figure from , Dipjol's poont? :lol:

they want to show off to the world by procuring aircraft carriers from abroad, nuclear submarines, and ICBM all with Russian/foreign assistance

Indian procuring ICBMs from Russia ? :rofl: :rofl:

Jamati poonting capabilities seem to be at an all new level :fie:

after spending hundreds of billions over decades.

The entire Indian spending on military imports from 1950-2011 is approx $97 billion


So where did these "hundreds of billions over decades." come from, another Dipjol jamati poont? :lol:
"China won't initiate a war, bully neighbors with which it has territorial disputes, and claim maritime hegemony. This is a cliched speculation held by those obsessed with the Cold War mentality, no matter how China explains its intentions," it said.

Failed statement already.
Keep an eye on CCP's actions rather than words of its media mouthpiece.
"China won't initiate a war, bully neighbors with which it has territorial disputes, and claim maritime hegemony. This is a cliched speculation held by those obsessed with the Cold War mentality, no matter how China explains its intentions," it said.

I hate when Chinese goverment made such retard statement and expect other to believe, just do what we have to do. When qin exterminated other six nations in warren state...qin army didnt need to claim to be peacefull, they're ferocous, they killed, they bleed and died wihtout regret, they just do their jobs. I have more admiration for these old terricottta worriors then those cheap-talking PLA , if Chinese want to sucess, we should revive qin army's spirit

it is out of chinese pity for gazillions of indian poor that we earnstly urge india not to engage us in an arms race. alas, those hindus who can afford internet clearly don't appreciate the gallantry of this chinese gesture, for the gap between economic classes has turned them blind and insensitive to those who cannot afford either internet or electricity in their country.
it is out of chinese pity for gazillions of indian poor that we earnstly urge india not to engage us in an arms race. alas, those hindus who can afford internet clearly don't appreciate the gallantry of this chinese gesture, for the gap between economic classes has turned them blind and insensitive to those who cannot afford either internet or electricity in their country.
"China won't initiate a war, bully neighbors with which it has territorial disputes, and claim maritime hegemony. This is a cliched speculation held by those obsessed with the Cold War mentality, no matter how China explains its intentions," it said.

Failed statement already.
How many wars have China fought in the last 30 years? How many nations did United States attacked in the name of "peace and democracy"? I understand you are mentally challenged, but no one will blame you if you kept quiet.
"China won't initiate a war, bully neighbors with which it has territorial disputes, and claim maritime hegemony. This is a cliched speculation held by those obsessed with the Cold War mentality, no matter how China explains its intentions," it said.

Failed statement already.

Care to explain why it is so? Mdm Clinton.

When a lunatic gets mad, he will want to kill sombody. But when the wonder-woman gets mad, she would want to destroy the whole world. LOLOL... at the most dangerous one.
As long as they stay in Pacific ocean region and don't try to enter Indian Ocean region.

LOL, it called Indian Ocean, not "India's Ocean". Telling another country's navy "don't come in my ocean" is ridiculous and naive. It is not for India to decide.

I am sure the Chinese future carrier groups will not go near India's territorial waters unless invited. After all, Indian Ocean is a very big pond. And there are many commercial sea lanes to protect, not only for the Chinese navy, but ANY navy in that matter.
"China won't initiate a war, bully neighbors with which it has territorial disputes, and claim maritime hegemony. This is a cliched speculation held by those obsessed with the Cold War mentality, no matter how China explains its intentions," it said.

Failed statement already.

Guess those people "obsessed with the Cold War mentality" in the States loved the Cold War era a bit too much, perhaps 'cos USA won the Cold War? can't let the good old time pass away surely... especially for an "old man" :azn: :smokin:
I'm sure you have the same opinion on SCS?

The analogy is not comparable. Sure other navies can come in South China Sea no problem, as long as they don't take Chinese land (island) and build military barracks and put down oil rigs everywhere.

At least I don't see any Chinese boat sail down to Indian ocean and put the flags in your front yard, which is what others doing to China.
The analogy is not comparable. Sure other navies can come in South China Sea no problem, as long as they don't take Chinese land (island) and build military barracks and put down oil rigs everywhere.

At least I don't see any Chinese boat sail down to Indian ocean and put the flags in your front yard, which is what others doing to China.

Indian oil rigs are put in region beyond China's EEZ, wonder why China protests.
Indian oil rigs are put in region beyond China's EEZ, wonder why China protests.

you are drilling for oil in our waters in SCS!

Let some odd pakistani flag and indian cheerleaders toe the american lines. we are speaking from a diplomatic point of view. every country is doing the same. Our military is for self-defence until provocation beyond tolerance. We have not fired a fire cracker at any foreign country in the last 3 decades. FACT!
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