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China developed high-power direct energy weapon successfully


Sep 9, 2016
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China developed high-power direct energy weapon successfully

Actually, according to the article, China has developed this weapon successfully since 6 years ago, and it is deployed now.

In this official news, China state council award the chief designer of a high power direct energy weapon, Huang Wenhua and his team from an classified nuclear-tech research insistute from west China with the highest level of state prize in science and tech: State Prize for Science and Technology Advancement, First Class

The brief descripation of Huang's main work is developed and deployed a very high power microwave direct energy weapon that could be used for anti-ballastic missile and anti-satellite warfare.

Huang is the vice director of the classified nuclear-tech research insistue, he personly lead a team consiste of 100+ researchers and engineers, including 20+ PhDs and Masters from Tsinghua university and many PhDs from other top universities in China, like Beijing University and etc.


A brief snapshot of Huang's work is here:
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Gr8 News, I wanted to hear some news in this respect from China, US and India both are working on directed energy weapons.
This is quite a case of mis-reporting. The weapon is neither an ABM nor ASAT platform but rather an electromagnetic pulse weapon, not too dissimilar from an EMP bomb (but rather directed and doesn't use physical material to achieve the effect).
This is quite a case of mis-reporting. The weapon is neither an ABM nor ASAT platform but rather an electromagnetic pulse weapon, not too dissimilar from an EMP bomb (but rather directed and doesn't use physical material to achieve the effect).

Is this weapon can be used against tanks or ships?
China developed high-power direct energy weapon successfully

Actually, according to the article, China has developed this weapon successfully since 6 years ago, and it is deployed now.

In this official news, China state council award the chief designer of a high power direct energy weapon, Huang Wenhua and his team from an classified nuclear-tech research insistute from west China with the highest level of state prize in science and tech: State Prize for Science and Technology Advancement, First Class

The brief descripation of Huang's main work is developed and deployed a very high power microwave direct energy weapon that could be used for anti-ballastic missile and anti-satellite warfare.

Huang is the vice director of the classified nuclear-tech research insistue, he personly lead a team consiste of 100+ researchers and engineers, including 20+ PhDs and Masters from Tsinghua university and many PhDs from other top universities in China, like Beijing University and etc.


A brief snapshot of Huang's work is here:

Over 20 years of hardwork, a piece of disruptive technology, a major leap forward and the world's first.

Hardkill - xx km
Softkill/interference - xxx km


Shipborne HPW anti-missile system

HPW missile interceptor+railgun for 055B. Any takers? :lol::D




This is quite a case of mis-reporting. The weapon is neither an ABM nor ASAT platform but rather an electromagnetic pulse weapon, not too dissimilar from an EMP bomb (but rather directed and doesn't use physical material to achieve the effect).

For a pathetic indian who cannot read a single Chinese word, you sure have alot of nerve to bullshit

Do you honestly believe just some electric EMP jamming can win China's most distinctive state prize?

Guess what? according to Huang's own word, the weapon system is "unique in the world and a revoluationary new concept", and yes, if you can read a single Chinese word, one of his own research paper published 5 years ago discuss to "minimize this weapon to install on conventional and nuclear powered warship for missile defence" and the weapon is specifically design to ingiation the warhead of hardened ballastic missiles, and it is much more efficient comparing to high powered laser weapon at ingating hardened ballastic missile warhead.
For a pathetic indian who cannot read a single Chinese word, you sure have alot of nerve to bullshit

Do you honestly believe just some electric EMP jamming can win China's most distinctive state prize?

Guess what? according to Huang's own word, the weapon system is "unique in the world and a revoluationary new concept", and yes, if you can read a single Chinese word, one of his own research paper published 5 years ago discuss to "minimize this weapon to install on conventional and nuclear powered warship for missile defence" and the weapon is specifically design to ingiation the warhead of hardened ballastic missiles, and it is much more efficient comparing to high powered laser weapon at ingating hardened ballastic missile warhead.

So, what part of your reply actually rebuked my conclusions? None.
So what is this weapon really, an EMP bomb like US champ or a direct energy weapon?
So, what part of your reply actually rebuked my conclusions? None.

Which part agree with you?

The article and his paper both mentions that this weapon is using high direct power to heat up and burn the missile such to ingnating the warhead, just like laser weapon, but more effcient at doing that, and this is EMP to you?

Do you even know what does EMP means and how it works, dont waste my time like this my little indian boy

Gr8 News, I wanted to hear some news in this respect from China, US and India both are working on directed energy weapons.

Like I mentioned in other posts, I get a PhD degree in optimal control of nonlinear system, so many of my friends/alumni join the military research insistutes or universities.

With the kind of knowledge I know, I think it is safe to say the american lack both the width and depth of talent pool China has and with the projects running in China now, you can just expect China will leave the US in any military research in the dust within a decade or two, it is China's star war moment.:enjoy:
Which part agree with you?

The article and his paper both mentions that this weapon is using high direct power to heat up and burn the missile such to ingnating the warhead, just like laser weapon, but more effcient at doing that, and this is EMP to you?

Do you even know what does EMP means and how it works, dont waste my time like this my little indian boy

Like I mentioned in other posts, I get a PhD degree in optimal control of nonlinear system, so many of my friends/alumni join the military research insistutes or universities.

With the kind of knowledge I know, I think it is safe to say the american lack both the width and depth of talent pool China has and with the projects running in China now, you can just expect China will leave the US in any military research in the dust within a decade or two, it is China's star war moment.:enjoy:
Do not under estimate the US strength but definitely DO NOT believe lies and bull shit from them whites!!! Secondly, never ever waste time arguing with them indians, just give them shit, more shit, and LOTs of shit!!!
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