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China denies visa to IAF officer, India cancels defence team visit

Indian Tiger

May 31, 2011
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India today cancelled the visit by a military delegation to China after one of its members, hailing from Arunachal Pradesh, was denied visa.

The visit by the Integrated Defence Staff, scheduled to take place from January 10, was to take place as part of defence exchanges programme.

The action was taken in response to the provocative action by China of denying visa to IAF Group Captain M Panging, who hails from Arunachal and was to be part of the delegation, sources said.

The 30-member tri-Service Indian delegation, being led by an Air Vice Marshal-rank officer, was to visit Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai during the four-day trip.

China, which lays claim over Arunachal Pradesh, has often denied visa to those hailing from the state despite protests by India.

The visit by Indian military delegation was reciprocal to the one undertaken by the Chinese last month and is part of the confidence building measures between the two sides.

China denies visa to IAF officer, India cancels defence team visit - Indian Express
such bumps are expected but overall, attempts should be made to normalise sino-indian relations.

guys I know the temptation might be high, but avoid bashing(IN or CN).
kindly keep the discussions civil and on topic
I don't think there is anything wrong in what both the countries did, it is part and parcel of diplomacy but things should not halt at this, they need to find a way ahead.
Good decision :tup::tup:

And i must say any military delegation for china must include some members of AP, you keep denying visa we will keep cancelling the visits..

After all as Menon sir said:- "we don't have any problem in keeping the status quo, if is china wants to keep the status quo,India is not in any hurry either" ;)
Good....... only military conflict can solve this problem :wave:

Assam and Manipur never belonged to india. Naturally, Southern Tibet will return to us also.
Good....... only military conflict can solve this problem :wave:

yeah bring freedom or democracy to china:lol:

Here is what one indian said on the coment page

"Modi was denied visa by US, George Fernandes was stripped naked in US when he was India’s defence minster on diplomatic mission, ex president APJ Kalam was frisked by US airliner in India as well as US. IAF officer is pretty small issue compared to these dignitaries….why make a fuss now?"

Yes exactly i thought you indians should have used to embaressment by now
Its obvious that China doesn't want a peaceful relationship with India. Enough of this bs, cut all the ties, sIgn a Military pact with America, Japan, South Korea, Republic of China and Australia, and get done and over with this.
Its obvious that China doesn't want a peaceful relationship with India. Enough of this bs, cut all the ties, sIgn a Military pact with America, Japan, South Korea, Republic of China and Australia, and get done and over with this.

Go ahead no one stopping you, but the question is do they want a millitary pact with india?
Here is what one indian said on the coment page

"Modi was denied visa by US, George Fernandes was stripped naked in US when he was India’s defence minster on diplomatic mission, ex president APJ Kalam was frisked by US airliner in India as well as US. IAF officer is pretty small issue compared to these dignitaries….why make a fuss now?"

Yes exactly i thought you indians should have used to embaressment by now

same u.s praised modi.
same u.s fked the officers from job who frisked kalam.

why are you not posting that??:azn:
Here is what one indian said on the coment page

"Modi was denied visa by US, George Fernandes was stripped naked in US when he was India’s defence minster on diplomatic mission, ex president APJ Kalam was frisked by US airliner in India as well as US. IAF officer is pretty small issue compared to these dignitaries….why make a fuss now?"

Yes exactly i thought you indians should have used to embaressment by now

and that is y ur whining now...Chinese are getting kicked all around the world..vietnam, phillipines, india, japan are kicing China diplomatically. that is y we are having Chinese whining and doing petty stuff like kidnapping honest businessman, attacking diplomats, denying Visa. nothing more expected from coward Chinese..u will see after some days Chinese leaders will come begging for continuing relations..happened last time too,..when they had to agree by giving visa to that previously denied army man..

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