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China denies role in North Korea-Iran missile trade


Mar 15, 2010
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China has denied allegations it was used as a trans-shipment point in the trade of banned missile technology between North Korea and Iran, following the leak of a United Nations report.

Beijing blocked publication of the review, which accuses Pyongyang of breaching sanctions designed to tackle its nuclear and missile programmes, Associated Press reported. China's ambassador to the UN, Li Baodong, said it was still studying the document.

Other diplomats said China was the only security council member that objected to its release. Britain's deputy UN ambassador, Philip Parham, told AP there was "pretty broad support" for the report but China had problems with it.

There has been increasing international concern over North Korea's nuclear and missile programmes, particularly given high tensions on the Korean peninsula and concerns over the transition of power in coming years. The North unveiled a uranium enrichment plant in November and experts believe it has built a second launch site for long-range rockets.

The report by a UN panel of experts – since obtained by media organisations including the Guardian – said North Korea appeared to have been sharing technology and expertise with Iran, violating sanctions.

"Prohibited ballistic missile-related items are suspected to have been transferred … on regular scheduled flights of Air Koryo and Iran Air, with trans-shipment through a neighbouring third country," the panel wrote.

UN diplomats told Reuters that the unnamed country was China.

However, assistant Chinese foreign minister Hu Zhengyue told reporters at a briefing today: "I completely deny such a view."

He added: "On the issue of denuclearisation on the Korean peninsula, the Chinese position is crystal clear … We have nothing to hide."

Earlier, foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu had said in a statement that the document did not have the authority of the security council or the relevant security council sanctions committee.

She added: "China is conscientious and responsible in enforcing security council resolutions."

The allegations from UN diplomats echo a US diplomatic cable from 2007, saying China had to act "urgently" to halt a trans-shipment of ballistic missile components from North Korea to Iran via Beijing.

The memo, signed by Condoleezza Rice – then secretary of state – urged the US ambassador to raise the issue at the earliest opportunity and at the highest level possible. It was one of the cables obtained by WikiLeaks and published by the Guardian.

China's foreign ministry said when the US cables were leaked that it would not respond to their content.

The UN panel report said the implementation of sanctions needed to be improved, with North Korea becoming increasingly sophisticated in exploiting loopholes in transport systems and using methods such as shell and front companies.

But it added: "Evidence suggests that the sanctions have succeeded in economic terms by raising the cost of illicit transfers while simultaneously lowering the returns to the DPRK."

North Korea has yet to respond to the report.

China is the north's main ally, but does not control it and has often been left frustrated with Pyongyang. Tehran is another important partner for geo-strategic reasons as well as growing bilateral trade and China's increasing thirst for oil.

But Beijing pledged to end civil nuclear co-operation with Iran in 1997 and has backed sanctions against both countries in recent years – albeit watering them down substantially.

China denies role in North Korea-Iran missile trade | World news | guardian.co.uk
I find it amusing that countries like Iran is "suspected" of running a nuclear weapons program while Israel is not.
I find it amusing that countries like Iran is "suspected" of running a nuclear weapons program while Israel is not.
Israel is NATO ally while Iran is anti.
Can china or russia or India back up Iran's nuke program or Can comment on israel publicly?
No... and hence no one points israel but they ll for iran.
to be fair to China, they are simply saying that they are still studying the document. why not let them take their time and release the report once whey are done.
lets not jump on the anti china bandwagon without giving them their due.
I find it amusing that countries like Iran is "suspected" of running a nuclear weapons program while Israel is not.

:lol: Israel 's weapons capability is no secret anymore ...after the documentary where Mordechai Vanunu spilled the beans , its a question of Israel's nuke policy , no longer whether they "have" nukes or not.

Even Israel's policy is somewhat clear after their Armed forces came out with the Samson doctrine ....no confusion here....
Israel has UNOFFICIALLY admitted that it has nuclear weapons. But never officially.

Simply declaring officially is not something that the USA would want.

Everyone knows this.
Israel has UNOFFICIALLY admitted that it has nuclear weapons. But never officially.

Simply declaring officially is not something that the USA would want.

Everyone knows this.

Either way it makes no difference , They have make it sufficiently clear to their adversaries in the middle-east( Iran , SArabia etc) of a nuke retaliation in event of a crippling conventional attack , which at present is quite unlikely...given Israel's tech superiority...
Israel is NATO ally while Iran is anti.
Can china or russia or India back up Iran's nuke program or Can comment on israel publicly?
No... and hence no one points israel but they ll for iran.

Neither China nor Russia have commented or criticized any country's right to develop nuclear technology.

And that's why the Western countries are frustrated.
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