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China crackdown slows Tibet refugee crossings to freedom in India

HaHa a lot of chinese guys seems too offended because of that article .:lol:
Well we know China has much development than India.But even that development cant prevent the flow of Tibetans in to India Then you should check your system and development.
Chinese guys in here talk a lot about our development and poverty.But whatever you said it is a universal fact that India has some advantages compared to our Northern neighbour.
Most of Chinese in here dont know India.If you want to see developed parts in India then you should visit South India.
Go ask your one meal per day Indians if they're still welcome Tibetans if they know your gorverment leave them on stavation but raise the funding to nourrish strangers in your lands and make them happy in order to cultivate India's image as world most peace loving country.:lol:

Thank You India; 50 Years in Exile, you have make us full stomac in the eyes of staving Indians hence we sing a son to show our gracefullness.

I have seen old videos how Chinese were ransacking and burning the Tibetan heritage. :girl_wacko:
Freedom and indian-style democracy, maybe the only things that India can brag about, now they still are "proud of", although I think these are sh!t, hehe!

Keep deluding yourself, I am concern on Modi, check whether he is potent or impotent, Now ,it is too early to make the conclusion, but like such kind of India, I don't think he can success in changing Indian much, India don't lack of ambition, but they lack of ability, or say, they don't have that kind of leader.

Freedom is good, but choose India, I think it is worse, in my eyes, india is not a "democratic" country, at least it is not real, just a fake.

BTW, I am interesting in one thing, these Tibetan flee to indian, are they belong to caste, belong to high class caste or low class?
Congratulation to the chinese, Tibetan left china is good for chinese. Don't have to care much about crazy people killing the Hans. I'm not chinese, but when I read this article. It is good that all of Tibetian go to india. Congratulation china worry free now.
Freedom has no Price!!

Freedom to reject is the only freedom!!
Freedom has no Price!!

Freedom to reject is the only freedom!!
Sound it is very "high" and "cool", :coffee:.

If a eight years old boy and university professor read same Philosophy book, what's the result of the study? Philosophy book is good, but.....
They should be let go, Xizang future will be Han and Hui Chinese. I have friends who work in construction and mining moving there. More development Xizang more migrants.
Who in his/her sane mind would flee to India? Well, we have a German proverb: Everyday, there is an idiot getting out of bed.
I don't get it. Why would Chinese authority want to pervent Tibetians from leaving the country ? If I'm the Chinese gov, I'd be more than happy to see them get out of China, the more the better. If all Tibetians left China, there won't be any headache ethinc issues any more.
I think it's foolish for China to prevent Tibetans from going to India. Tibetans are one of the poorest ethnic groups in China and contribute minimally to the economy. If some Tibetans want to leave for India, let them go. China's got enough people already and if there are fewer Tibetans in Tibet (the ones who don't want to join the 21st century), that can only help with homogenization and integration of the area.

The main thing is to not let them back in to China once they've seen their Dalai Lama.
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