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China coronavirus vaccine may be ready for public in November: official


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China coronavirus vaccine may be ready for public in November: official
Thomson Reuters
Sep 14, 2020 10:35 PM


BEIJING (Reuters) - Coronavirus vaccines being developed in China may be ready for use by the general public as early as November, an official with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.

China has four COVID-19 vaccines in the final stage of clinical trials. At least three of those have already been offered to essential workers under an emergency use programme launched in July.

Phase 3 clinical trials were proceeding smoothly and the vaccines could be ready for the general public in November or December, CDC chief biosafety expert Guizhen Wu said in an interview with state TV late on Monday.

Wu, who said she has experienced no abnormal symptoms in recent months after taking an experimental vaccine herself in April, did not specify which vaccines she was referring to.

A unit of state pharmaceutical giant China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) and U.S.-listed Sinovac Biotech are developing the three vaccines under the state's emergency use programme. A fourth COVID-19 vaccine being developed by CanSino Biologics <6185.HK> was approved for use by the Chinese military in June.

Sinopharm said in July that its vaccine could be ready for public use by the end of this year after the conclusion of Phase 3 trials.

Global vaccine makers are racing to develop an effective vaccine against the virus which has killed more than 925,000 people. Leading Western vaccine makers pledged earlier this month to uphold scientific study standards and reject any political pressure to rush the process.

Should we give them to US and India? Saving US and India basically means save the world from this virus,
Will India accept those Chinese vaccines or India will just sit around and watch their people to die?
The west started to change their tones...

Feds still open to China-made vaccines but relying on task force’s advice: minister
By Charlie Pinkerton.
Published on Sep 14, 2020 11:36am


The federal cabinet minister responsible for purchasing Canada’s vaccine supply is not ruling out buying from China or Chinese companies, despite an earlier development partnership that fell apart because China’s customs wouldn’t allow a vaccine candidate to be shipped to Canada.

The now-scrapped arrangement with Chinese vaccine developer CanSino would have made the company’s fast-progressing vaccine candidate against COVID-19 the first to be approved for testing in human trials in a Canadian lab.

Had it been approved for use in Canada, CanSino would have allowed Canada to manufacture it domestically for use by Canadians.

The deal fell apart after China’s customs delayed the shipment of initial samples to Canada for months.

Since then, Canada has struck deals with four American companies for tens of millions of doses of their still in-trial COVID-19 vaccines.

“Our vaccine negotiations are proceeding with multiple companies at the current time and primarily on the advice of the vaccine task force,” Public Services and Procurement Minister Anita Anand said Monday morning when asked whether her government would continuing pursuing deals with China.

The government’s COVID-19 vaccine task force is made up of 18 experts. It includes representatives from some of Canada’s most prestigious research facilities and biggest pharmaceutical companies.

The task force is co-chaired by Joanne Langley, the division head of infectious diseases at the IWK Health Care Centre in Halifax, and J. Mark Lievonen, principal of JML Advisory Services and the former president of Sanofi Pasteur Ltd., which is the vaccine division of Sanofi.

“I’m not making the decisions about who we’re negotiating with,” Anand said. “They (the vaccine task force) are, and I’m following their excellent advice, as well as Health Canada’s.”

Two weeks ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the government had signed supply deals with U.S. producers Novavax and Johnson & Johnson in which Canada would receive sufficient quantities of the companies’ respective vaccines to immunize the Canadian population, should they be proven effective and safe.

Earlier in August, the government struck deals with Pfizer and Moderna for millions of doses of their vaccine candidates, as well.

In a recent interview with the New York Times, Anand said purchasing from multiple producers and continuing to negotiate with other vaccine-makers is part of the government’s strategy of “not putting all (its) eggs in one basket,” since it’s unclear yet whose vaccines will be effective.

“Because we do not know which vaccine or vaccine is going to be successful, ultimately, we must bet on multiple vaccines at the same time,” Anand told the Times.

Though the CanSino deal fell apart, other vaccines produced in China have progressed through testing at nearly as rapid a pace. Four of the world’s eight vaccines in Phase 3 trials — the final phase of testing — are from China, according to Reuters.

Anand also said that while the government has positioned itself to receive more than 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, it’s still interested in a made-in-Canada shot, too.

“We are pursuing all fronts for vaccine development and research,” Anand said.

She added that the federal government has dedicated more than $500 million to developing a vaccine against COVID-19.

“It is important to remember that Canada and Canadian research and solutions are very much a part of this process,” Anand told iPolitics as she entered the first of two days of cabinet meetings.

The pre-sitting retreat is taking place in Ottawa just over a week before the government will deliver a throne speech charting Canada’s recovery from the pandemic.

At the end of the article, it is implied that China is leading because of political pressure. Yes, all the leading fields in China are due to cheating in China :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
Hopefully this time US won't hijack Chinese vaccines supplies intended for Europe and other places like it did to Chinese PPE supplies on the way to Europe some months ago.

Why will we hijack your vaccine? Is it made by 3M? Or du Pont? you guys can’t even make safe baby formula.:lol:

Why will we hijack your vaccine? Is it made by 3M? Or du Pont? you guys can’t even make safe baby formula.:lol:

Face masks from China intended for France 'hijacked' by US at the last minute
RFI2 April 2020

Coronavirus masks that France ordered from China were bought at the last minute by the United States as they waited to be loaded onto cargo planes, French officials have said.

"Americans pay three or four times the amount we pay, and in cash," said Jean Rottner, head of France's eastern region, one of the areas worst affected by the coronavirus outbreak, according to reports by France Info.

On Thursday, a planeload of Chinese-made face masks were bought up right on the tarmac just as the much needed protective gear was about to set off for France.

"We're working around the clock to ensure these masks arrive," says Rottner, blaming unfair competition for delays.

The United States, which now has the highest number of known cases of coronavirus in the world, is trying to procure any masks available, disrupting deliveries to other nations, another report by French daily Liberation indicated.

The east of France nonetheless received 2 million masks from China on Wednesday, to the delight of its president.

"I was very happy to see that airplane arriving in our region last night," Rottner said.

France has ordered more than one billion face masks, a quarter from China, as it battles the pandemic and currently has less than three weeks worth of supplies.

Mask shortage cover up

At the end of last month, French President Emmanuel Macron insisted the country needed to regain its "independence" in producing vital medical equipment, without relying excessively on imports.

Macron hopes to rebuild "national sovereignty" by the end of 2020. However, according to reports by French online investigative website Mediapart, the government knew about dwindling medical stocks as early as January.

The health ministry, aware of the limited supplies, decided to order only a small amount of masks, despite internal warnings, writes Mediapart.

The news site says the government knowingly covered up the shortage of masks for over two months, changing its health advice accordingly. Initially, the director of health insisted any person in contact with a coronavirus patient wear a mask, but as stocks began to dwindle, he made a U-turn and insisted it was no longer necessary.

The limited supplies have left health officials and those at the frontline of the crisis exposed. All eyes will be on government policy when the lockdown period comes to an end. Deputy economy minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher has admitted that the state will have to "massively equip the population," according to Mediapart.

Intense struggle

In the meantime, lower-level officials are following in Rottner's footsteps and taking the matter into their own hands. The head of the south-eastern Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region Renaud Muselier told RT France that he ordered around 60 million masks but has also experienced delivery problems.

To ensure the delivery of 4 million masks by this Saturday, Muselier has opted for a different route, passing by the sea instead. "At least that way, I can be sure that no one will steal my masks from the tarmac," he said.

The United States, like France, has come under criticism for its lack of preparedness in dealing with Covid-19. However, its covert efforts to make up the shortfall of masks is also being called into question.

Logistically speaking, taking different routes is "an intense struggle," said Muselier.

'Modern-day piracy': German official says US swooped on masks at airport

The United States diverted a delivery of Chinese-made face masks bound for Germany at a Bangkok airport, a Berlin city official said Friday, accusing Washington of "modern-day piracy" as competition for protective gear against the coronavirus heats up.

In a statement Berlin's state minister of the interior, Andreas Geisel, said 200,000 highly sought-after FFP2 masks, made by an American firm in China and destined for use by Berlin police, were "confiscated" in Bangkok.

"At the moment we assume this is in connection with the US government's export ban on masks," the statement said.

President Donald Trump, after a late start in procuring urgently needed protective gear, has in recent days invoked the Defense Production Act to get US firms to divert their resources to the battle against the pandemic.

According to German newspaper Bild, the hijacked shipment contained masks made in China by US firm 3M, one of the leading brands in the sector, that were then diverted to the United States.

Trump had on Thursday lashed out at 3M on Twitter, saying the administration "hit 3M hard today after seeing what they were doing with their Masks".

"P Act" all the way. Big surprise to many in government as to what they were doing – will have a big price to pay!", he wrote, referring to the Defense Production Act.

'Wild West'

German Health Minister Jens Spahn told a press conference on Friday that he was unaware of the specific incident in Bangkok but said reports of this kind had been coming in and "are generally not a good development".

Local official Geisel was more blunt, blasting the US for resorting to "methods from the Wild West".

"We see this as an act of modern-day piracy," he said, urging the German government to remind Washington to "comply with international rules".

French officials have also complained this week that Americans had swooped on Chinese masks ordered by France, after apparently outbidding them on a shipment that had already been lined up.

The first batch Coronavirus vaccine should be given to PLA front line soldiers at Sino-Indian border.
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