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China concerns over India being courted by Japan and South Korea

Bhutan show the finger to the mighty celestral dragon, is the another Indian delusion?:lol: And since when Bhutan consider India as friend beside milking at the expense millions of poor Indians that live with only one meal per day.

The hand shaking was signaling to India that thing need to be changed, Bhutan will be not forever be tighten under India's grib, they know that China is ready to welcome them with open arms that has scare the sh1t out of India. Jigme Y. Thinley might not sucess to open Bhutan to China due to Indian's threat of sanction but it's not the end...now we all know Indian's backmail dirty trick, China will prepare an economic package (oil gas, $$$) and military backup when thing turn nasty then we will shaking hand with further Bhutan PM and make sure India is out of equation.

Bhutan is the last that friend in SA that India is about to lose, just a matter of time.


Handshake is a big achievement for you? :omghaha: BTW Myanmar has already started kick out China from their country. ;)
LOL. Whatever fuels the lizards fantasy.

Your govt. is more worried about SK and Japan and here you are blowing smoke about Bhutan. Funny and Pathetic. :wave:

That's the best you can come? you're not defending your toilette paper treaty anymore ?:cry: and again you still didn't anwer to your claim that Sk and Japan are ganging up against the mighty Dragon....what's matter to hard to make the assessement? :lol:

Handshake is a big achievement for you? :omghaha: BTW Myanmar has already started kick out China from their country. ;)

Handshake is indeed a biggest achievement, it's so significant that has prompt India to take measure against Bhutan by threatening to cut their oil and gas....so much for the so call a friendship treaty.:omghaha:

As for myanmar, you're deluding yourself once again.
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That's the best you can come? you're not defending your toilette paper treaty anymore ?:cry: and again you still didn't anwer to your claim that Sk and Japan are ganging up against the mighty Dragon....what's matter to hard to make the assessement? :lol:

Wrestling with pigs is what chinese do.....then you eat them :angel:

Indians on the other hand derive amusement from the antics of barbarians. Congratulations on shaking hands with Bhutan's king :coffee:

Indo-Bhutan treaty is what runs Bhutan...no need to talk more about it when it is a reality in their and our everyday life. Its like talking about my morning coffee. Not required.

As to SK and Japan and Taiwan and Vietnam and Philippines and Australia and USA and Europe ganging up against china. What is there to talk about ? the whole world knows it. Only the chinese behind the firewall of china seems to be ignorant. :china:

Handshake is a big achievement for you? :omghaha: BTW Myanmar has already started kick out China from their country. ;)

LOL. True.

Chinese big achievement is they have managed to shake the Bhutan's kings hand. Imagine their delight when they get to kiss his ***. :dance3:
Wrestling with pigs is what chinese do.....then you eat them :angel:

Indians on the other hand derive amusement from the antics of barbarians. Congratulations on shaking hands with Bhutan's king :coffee:

Indo-Bhutan treaty is what runs Bhutan...no need to talk more about it when it is a reality in their and our everyday life. Its like talking about my morning coffee. Not required.

As to SK and Japan and Taiwan and Vietnam and Philippines and Australia and USA and Europe ganging up against china. What is there to talk about ? the whole world knows it. Only the chinese behind the firewall of china seems to be ignorant. :china:

LOL. True.

Chinese big achievement is they have managed to shake the Bhutan's kings hand. Imagine their delight when they get to kiss his ***. :dance3:

That's the way how you're trying to escape the debate? :lol:
Handshake is indeed a biggest achievement, it's so significant that has prompt India to take measure against Bhutan by threatening to cut their oil and gas....so much for the so call a friendship treaty.:omghaha:

As for myanmar, you're deluding yourself once again.

Since you will never get the privilege of travelling in Bhutan without a passport unlike us Indians. I believe handshaking is big achievement for you.

As for Myanmar, read it yourself. :laugh:

Who cares what the monkeys on the periphery think? Doesn't matter if they worship cows or the sun, they can have their faces stomped in, one by one :tup:.
Who cares what the monkeys on the periphery think? Doesn't matter if they worship cows or the sun, they can have their faces stomped in, one by one :tup:.

Clearly the yellow geko lizard is worried and issuing 'warnings'.
:tsk:total shit.......thread trolled above n beyond d point to have normal discussion......
China is an embarrassment to the world,all that power and still unable to take their right full land from low IQ Indians.
Such a shame

Because all the time you do things like this. You announce your feelings to the world, unpopular feelings at that. This behavour has made you into the antagonist of the world. Please believe what you want but do not announce things to the world.
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