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China completes development of 155 mm AH4 howitzer


Apr 28, 2011
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An AH4 155 mm/39 calibre LGH shown deployed in its firing position with the stabilisers presented. Source: NORINCO

China North Industries Corporation
(NORINCO) has confirmed that development of its AH4 155 mm/39 calibre lightweight gun-howitzer (LGH) has been completed and the company is ready to begin production when orders are placed.

In many respects the Chinese AH4 155 mm/39 calibre LGH is very similar in concept to the BAE Systems M777 155 mm/39 calibre Lightweight Howitzer (LH) that was originally developed as a private venture by Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited (VSEL) and is now in service with Australia, Canada, and the US Army and Marine Corps.

NORINCO states that the AH4 has a combat weight of 4,500 kg, including its hydro-pneumatic suspension that enables the weapon to be deployed in firing position within three minutes and returned to its towed position in two minutes.

The AH4's elevation and traverse limits are almost identical to the M777 at -3 to 72° and 22.5° respectively.

It is operated by a crew of seven and when travelling the AH4 is towed by its muzzle.

A maximum range of 25 km can be achieved when firing the 155 mm Extended-Range Full-Bore Hollow-Base High-Explosive (ERFB-HB/HE) projectile.

The range can be extended to 30 km if the ERFB-Base Bleed/HE is employed. The weapon can engage targets out to 40 km with the latest ERFB-BB-Rocket Assist/HE projectile, although this may result in a loss of accuracy.

NORINCO has confirmed that the AH4 is also capable of firing its expanded family of 155 mm precision-guided munitions (PGMs). These include the latest 155 mm laser-guided projectile (LGP) GP6, which has a maximum range of 25 km with a first round hit probability of 90% and is capable of engaging stationary and moving targets.

This is a follow-on to the earlier 155 mm GP1 LGP and is claimed to have a higher resistance to jamming. Its multiple laser coding technology enables co-operative multi-target engagement.

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F#ck Yes.

sorry I couldn't contain my excitement:D. Now we need these babies for our LOC with india in good numbers like they will deploy M777.

Plus this mounted on a truck chassis can become a good self propelled unit as well:enjoy:
Dont know whether this AH4 is extensive utilize of Titanium to achieve 4500kg? The BAE M777 is super expensive per piece with high proportion of titanium material usage.

Mostly steel instead of expensive titanium

We should get these

Also self propelled version would be good addition

Now our Pakistani brothers, should they so wish, can have similar capabilities as our Indian friends with M777s but for less than half the cost.
This will wash away Indian's dream to believe that they will have advantage with US M777 for Tibet Theater:rofl:. Combine this light weight AH4 howitzer and our Z-20, we will have a gread mobility for our mountain division.:D

It has become fairly evident that the PLA is moving away from towed guns and is transitioning towards a fully-mobile artillery force. Not a single towed weapon has entered service since the Type 83 howitzer.
The M777 deal isnt just the artillery system any more, it's much more. It's also an AIT(Assembly, Integration, and Testing) plant under the private sector, Mahindra. The whole assembly line will be shifted to India.

A cheaper alternative is also being made by Bharat Forge.

The M777 deal isnt just the artillery system any more, it's much more. It's also an AIT(Assembly, Integration, and Testing) plant under the private sector, Mahindra. The whole assembly line will be shifted to India.

A cheaper alternative is also being made by Bharat Forge.


it's cheaper than "MADE in CHINA"?? :D
AH4 is for export.

The PLA version is lighter with higher mobility




It has become fairly evident that the PLA is moving away from towed guns and is transitioning towards a fully-mobile artillery force. Not a single towed weapon has entered service since the Type 83 howitzer.

A six-wheeled self-propelled gun, adopting some of the technologies used in the AH4 and weighing UNDER 10 tons, is being developed.
The M777 deal isnt just the artillery system any more, it's much more. It's also an AIT(Assembly, Integration, and Testing) plant under the private sector, Mahindra. The whole assembly line will be shifted to India.

A cheaper alternative is also being made by Bharat Forge.


Basically, you paid almost a billion dollar for screw driver and sticker tech? Assembly? Don't be so naive about the TOT...Do you see a pattern here with India? They expect people will just spoon feed them. You have to take the effort and dismantle the thing and reverse engineer it to learn and absorb, then you improve the technology or develop something new based on the previous knowledge.
Basically, you paid a billion dollar for screw driver and sticker tech? Assembly? Don't be so naive about the TOT...

Before it was off the shelf completely, now the assembly line and testing will be done in India. Yes, it's kits. But for India's liberalizing defence sector, and private sector participation, it's good. As this will be the third company to have the capacity to assemble such artillery pieces. And the second to test such a system. Before it was only state owned OFB, which had the rights to do all such things. Such a plant will be leveraged for future programs, or Mahindra's inhouse programs.
Before it was off the shelf completely, now the assembly line and testing will be done in India. Yes, it's kits. But for India's liberalizing defence sector, and private sector participation, it's good. As this will be the third company to have the capacity to assemble such artillery pieces. And the second to test such a system. Before it was only state owned OFB, which had the rights to do all such things. Such a plant will be leveraged for future programs, or Mahindra's inhouse programs.

:-) I hope you guys can keep on thinking this way. There is nothing advanced about howitzers, first try building one yourself and learn. Next import and copy and learn, then improve. Don't jump before you can run, and don't run before you can crawl. Jai Hind!

You can see this pattern repeating in India.
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