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China Civilian Nuclear Industry, Technology, Exports and Supply Chain: News & Discussions

First ITER Poloidal Field Coil Gets Ready to be Shipped to ITER Site---Chinese Academy of Sciences
Sep 20, 2019

The No.6 poloidal field superconducting coil (or PF6 coil), the first large superconducting magnet coil of ITER (short for International Thermonuclear Fusion Experimental Reactor) project, has been completed and will be shipped to ITER site in France at the delivery ceremony held on 20 September in Hefei, Anhui, China.

PF6, the key component of ITER, will be installed at the bottom of the ITER cryostat. It consists of nine twin-shaped wilding pancakes and a series of supporting accessories, weighing up to 400 tons, even heavier than two Boeing 747 airplanes.

In order to meet the strict requirements for the magnetic field configuration of the ITER device, the profile accuracy of the PF6 coil within ±1.5mm after winding must be strictly controlled. For a superconducting coil with an external diameter of about 11.2 meters and to be wound in a “two-in-hand” configuration, the challenge is incredibly unprecedented. The NbTi superconductor used for winding the coil stretches up to 13.5 kilometers.

Due to its technical complexity, it took six years of the manufacturing team with Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science to complete the task.

Facing the huge challenges, the whole team was highly motivated which enabled them to overcome difficulties in “two-in-hand” coil winding by unbelievable less than one year. And particularly worth being highlighted, all the winding equipment was 100% made in China.

In December 2016, the team was pleased to see all the full-size joint sample for the PF6 coil joint qualification had passed the test by ITER organization with fantastic performance, winning it the full praise from Mr Sborchia Carlo, project supervisor for ITER and Fusion for Energy (or F4E) by pointing it as “the best sample both in manufacturing accuracy and appearance” he had ever seen. In fact, It was the ever first joint one in ITER PF coil projects that met ITER’s highly strict technical requirements.

To the June this year, the impregnated winding pack that is 1.6 meters in cross section and 1.2 meters in height had been completed from 9 double pancakes with a total of 468 conductor turns, leading the PF6 coil to a perfect ending of vacuum insulation impregnation manufacturing. The specialization of insulation in both design and manufacturing enables the PF6 coil to work for ITER in ultra-low temperatures of minus 269 degrees Celsius and strong radiation of 10 kgy Gamma, as well as to possess tensile strength close to that of stainless steel.

Since ITER is the most ambitious international scientific project, its component PF6 project also sets a good example of collaboration between China and Europe for building a new mode of international fusion collaboration.


The PF6 coil (Image by WANG Tianhao)

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Second Hualong One at Fuqing gets its outer dome
27 July 2020

The outer safety dome has been installed on the containment building of unit 6 at the Fuqing nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province. The unit is the second of two demonstration Hualong One reactors under construction at the site.


The outer dome being moved into position on top of the containment building of Fuqing 6 (Image: CNNC)

The Hualong One uses a double-layer safety shell design. Together with the inner protective dome, the outer dome protects the reactor and prevents the release of radioactive materials into the environment in the event of a serious accident. The inner steel dome - measuring almost 47 metres in diameter and over 23m in height, and weighing about 340 tonnes - was installed on the containment building of Fuqing 6 on 21 March 2018.

On 25 July, the outer steel dome - measuring about 53m in diameter and 13m in height, and weighing about 420 tonnes - was installed using a 3200-tonne crawler crane. The steel dome will now be covered with a concrete shell.

The Hualong One double-layer containment shell can withstand the impact of large aircraft, according to China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC). The outer dome is "currently the largest shell structure of nuclear power plants under construction in the world", the company said. It has the characteristics of a large structural span, dense steel bars and high-strength concrete.


The outer dome of Fuqing 6 prior to its installation (Image: CNNC)​

In November 2014, CNNC announced that the fifth and sixth units at Fuqing will use the domestically-developed Hualong One pressurised water reactor design, marking its first deployment. The company had previously expected to use the ACP1000 design for those units, but plans were revised in line with a re-organisation of the Chinese nuclear industry. China's State Council gave final approval for construction of Fuqing units 5 and 6 in April 2015.

The pouring of first concrete for Fuqing 5 began in May that year, marking the official start of construction of the unit. Construction of unit 6 began in December the same year. The inner dome of unit 5 was installed on the containment building in May 2017, with the outer dome installed in January 2018. Hot testing at Fuqing 5 was completed in March this year. Fuqing 5 and 6 are scheduled to be completed in 2020 and 2021, respectively.

Construction of two Hualong One (HPR1000) units is also under way at China General Nuclear's Fangchenggang plant in the Guangxi Autonomous Region. Those units are also expected to start up in 2022. Two HPR1000 units are under construction at Pakistan's Karachi nuclear power plant. Construction began on Karachi unit 2 in 2015 and unit 3 in 2016; the units are planned to enter commercial operation in 2021 and 2022. The HPR1000 has also been proposed for construction at Bradwell in the UK, where it is undergoing Generic Design Assessment.

"At present, China National Nuclear Corporation's five Hualong One units under construction at home and abroad are progressing in an orderly manner, and the safety and quality of the construction project are under good control," CNNC said.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

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7月27日 17:46 来自 百度分享
【田湾核电5号机组首次达到临界状态】2020年7月27日08:20分,田湾核电5号机组首次达到临界状态。 O网页链接

[Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 reached critical state for the first time]
At 08:20 on July 27, 2020, Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 reached critical state for the first time.
19分钟前 来自 微博 weibo.com
【就在今天!田湾核电5号机组成为#2020年首台并网发电核电机组# 】2020年8月8日,田湾核电5号机组首次并网成功,各项技术指标均符合设计要求,标志着田湾核电5号机组正式进入并网调试阶段,为后续机组投入商业运行奠定坚实基础。随着田湾核电5号机组首次并网成功,田湾核电基地具备发电能力的机组已达五台,同时田湾核电5号机组也成为中核集团乃至国内核电建设领域今年首台实现并网发电的核电机组。恭喜田湾,让我们期待下一个好消息

China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd._CNNP
19 minutes ago from Weibo

【Just today! Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit No. 5 becomes #2020 the first grid-connected nuclear power unit#】

On August 8, 2020, Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit No. 5 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time. All technical indicators meet the design requirements, marking Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 officially entered the grid-connected commissioning stage, laying a solid foundation for subsequent units to be put into commercial operation. With the successful connection of Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 to the grid for the first time, the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant now has total five generating units. At the same time, Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 has become the first of China National Nuclear Corporation and even amongst the domestic nuclear power construction industry to achieve grid-connected power generation this year. Congratulations to Tianwan, let us look forward to the next good news [中国赞]



Chinese fast reactor completes trial operating cycle
11 August 2020

The China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) completed a manual emergency shutdown test from full power on 31 July, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced last week. The company said this marked the end of commissioning tests for the power test phase of the reactor and verified that its performance met the design requirements under stable conditions and expected transient operating conditions.


The building housing the China Experimental Fast Reactor (Image: CNNC)

CNNC said completion of the test also marks the successful completion of the first core cycle trial operation task of the CEFR, "laying a solid foundation for the subsequent commissioning phase to be transferred to the operations phase".

The sodium-cooled, pool-type fast reactor was constructed with Russian assistance at the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIEA), near Beijing, which undertakes fundamental research on nuclear science and technology. The reactor has a thermal capacity of 65 MW and can produce 20 MW in electrical power. The CEFR was built by Russia's OKBM Afrikantov in collaboration with OKB Gidropress, NIKIET and the Kurchatov Institute.

First concrete for the CEFR was poured in May 2000 at CIAE's Beijing site. The reactor achieved first criticality in July 2010 and was connected to the grid at 40% capacity a year later. Since then, various commissioning tests on the reactor, the turbines and of the sodium pumping system have been carried out at increasing power output levels. Materials and fuel irradiation tests have also been conducted over this period. CEFR achieved its design goal of 72 hours at full power in 2014.

Following the earlier completion of low-power tests and nominal power tests, CEFR was restarted on 19 June for high-power operations. Over the subsequent 40 days of operation, a number of tests were completed, including a dynamic test of the steam turbine digital electro-hydraulic (DEH) control system, a 75% power turbine load rejection test and a cold start power-flow measurement test.

The reactor will now enter a refuelling and maintenance outage, after which operations will be restarted to carry out planned experimental research work.

Fast reactors offer the prospect of vastly more efficient use of uranium resources than in conventional power reactors, as well as the ability to burn actinides. Fast reactors have operated in various countries since the 1950s, with some producing electricity commercially.

China's fast reactor development has implemented a three-step strategy, namely going from an experimental fast reactor, to a demonstration fast reactor, to a commercial fast reactor. As China's first fast reactor, CNNC said the CEFR has "laid a solid foundation for the research and development of large-scale fast reactor power plants in China".

Based on the CEFR, a 600 MWe design - the CFR-600 - was developed by the CIEA. Construction of a demonstration unit in Xiapu County, in China's Fujian province began in December 2017. This will have a power output of 1500 MWt and 600 MWe. The reactor will use mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel with 100 GWd/t burnup, and will feature two coolant loops producing steam at 480°C. Later fuel will be metal with burnup of 100-120 GWd/t. The reactor will have active and passive shutdown systems and passive decay heat removal.

A commercial-scale unit - the CFR1000 - will have a capacity of 1000-1200 MWe. Subject to a decision to proceed, construction could start in December 2028, with operation from about 2034. That design will use metal fuel and 120-150 GWd/t burnup.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

China exports first batch of independently developed zirconium sponge, key material for nuclear reactor
Source: Global Times Published: 2020/8/18 11:47:06

Nuclear-grade zirconium sponge independently produced by China National Nuclear Corporation ready to be shipped to Russia in August, 2020 Photo: China National Nuclear Corporation

The first batch of nuclear-grade zirconium sponge independently produced by a Chinese company was recently shipped to Russia, it was announced on Monday by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) on its official WeChat account.

For a long time, zirconium alloy material used for fuel assembly in domestic nuclear power plants depended on imports, according to CNNC.

This is the first time that China has sent nuclear-grade zirconium sponge of its own in bulk overseas, marking a breakthrough in the country's nuclear-grade zirconium material exports. It also signals that China's nuclear-grade zirconium sponge manufacturing has reached the international level, CNNC said.

In the nuclear industry, zirconium sponge is used to produce zirconium alloys for nuclear reactor components, such as the cladding for fuel rods, according to the Zircon Industry Association.

Zirconium alloy material is known as the "first safety barrier" in nuclear reactors. It is vital for the safe operation of nuclear power plants and is one of the important indexes by which to evaluate the research and development level of fuel assembly. Nuclear-grade zirconium sponge is an important raw material for the manufacture of zirconium alloy materials.

A subsidiary of CNNC signed a contract for export of nuclear-grade zirconium sponge with a subsidiary of Russia's TVEL Fuel Company in May. The zirconium materials are expected to arrive in Russia in early September.
1 Jun 2018 | 15:00 GMT
TerraPower’s Nuclear Reactor Could Power the 21st Century
The traveling-wave reactor and other advanced reactor designs could solve our fossil fuel dependency
By Michael Koziol
Photo: TerraPower
Pipe Dream: Sodium-cooled nuclear reactors have a history of lackluster performance, but TerraPower believes it can build one that will work. Testing the flow of molten sodium through the reactor assembly is crucial. Water shares many of the same flow characteristics as the toxic metal and is a viable substitute for tests.

Table tennis isn’t meant to be played at Mach 2. At twice the speed of sound, the ping-pong ball punches a hole straight through the paddle. The engineers at TerraPower, a startup that has designed an advanced nuclear power reactor, use a pressurized-air cannon to demonstrate that very point to visitors. The stunt vividly illustrates a key concept in nuclear fission: Small objects traveling at high speed can have a big impact when they hit something seemingly immovable.

And perhaps there is a larger point being made here, too—one about a small and fast-moving startup having a big impact on the electric-power industry, which for many years also seemed immovable.

In a world defined by climate change, many experts hope that the electricity grid of the future will be powered entirely by solar, wind, and hydropower. Yet few expect that clean energy grid to manifest soon enough to bring about significant cuts in greenhouse gases within the next few decades. Solar- and wind-generated electricity are growing faster than any other category; nevertheless, together they accounted for less than 2 percent of the world’s primary energy consumption in 2015, according to the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century.

To build a bridge to that clean green grid of the future, many experts say we must depend on fission power. Among carbon-free power sources, only nuclear fission reactors have a track record of providing high levels of power, consistently and reliably, independent of weather and regardless of location.

Yet commercial nuclear reactors have barely changed since the first plants were commissioned halfway through the 20th century. Now, a significant fraction of the world’s 447 operable power reactors are showing their age and shortcomings, and after the Fukushima Daiichi disaster in Japan seven years ago, nuclear energy is in a precarious position. Between 2005 and 2015, the world share of nuclear in energy consumption fell from 5.73 to 4.44 percent. The abandonment of two giant reactor projects in South Carolina in the United States and the spiraling costs of completing the Hinkley Point C reactor in the United Kingdom, now projected to cost an eye-watering £20.3 billion(US $27.4 billion), have added to the malaise.

Elsewhere, there is some nuclear enthusiasm: China’s 38 reactors have a total of 33 gigawatts of nuclear capacity, and the country has plans to add an additional 58 GW by 2024. At the moment, some 50 power reactors are under construction worldwide. These reactors, plus an additional 110 that are planned, would contribute some 160 GW to the world’s grids, and avoid the emission of some 500 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. To get that kind of cut in greenhouse gases in the transportation sector, you’d have to junk more than 100 million cars, or roughly all the passenger cars in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

Against this backdrop, several U.S. startups are pushing new reactor designs they say will address nuclear’s major shortcomings. In Cambridge, Mass., a startup called Transatomic Power is developing a reactor that runs on a liquid uranium fluoride–lithium fluoride mixture. In Denver, Gen4 Energy is designing a smaller, modular reactor that could be deployed quickly in remote sites.

Photo: Michael Koziol
Hardcore Testing: The full-scale reactor-core test assembly is more than three stories tall.

In this cluster of nuclear startups, TerraPower, based in Bellevue, Wash., stands out because it has deep pockets and a connection to nuclear-hungry China. Development of the reactor is being funded in part by Bill Gates, who serves as the company’s chairman. And to prove that its design is viable, TerraPower is poised to break ground on a test reactor next year in cooperation with the China National Nuclear Corp.

To reduce its coal dependence, China is racing to add over 250 GW of capacity by 2020 from renewables and nuclear. TerraPower’s president, Chris Levesque, sees an opening there for a nuclear reactor that is safer and more fuel efficient. He says the reactor’s fuel can’t easily be used for weapons, and the company claims that its reactor will generate very little waste. What’s more, TerraPower says that even if the reactor were left unattended, it wouldn’t suffer a calamitous mishap. For Levesque, it’s the perfect reactor to address the world’s woes. “We can’t seriously mitigate carbon and bring 1 billion people out of energy poverty without nuclear,” he says.

The TerraPower reactor is a new variation on a design that was conceived some 60 years ago by a now-forgotten Russian physicist, Saveli Feinberg. Following World War II, as the United States and the Soviet Union stockpiled nuclear weapons, some thinkers were wondering if atomic energy could be something other than a weapon of war. In 1958, during the Second International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, held in Geneva, Feinberg suggested that it would be possible to construct a reactor that produced its own fuel.

Feinberg imagined what we now call a breed-and-burn reactor. Early proposals featured a slowly advancing wave of nuclear fission through a fuel source, like a cigar that takes decades to burn, creating and consuming its fuel as the reaction travels through the core. But Feinberg’s design couldn’t compete during the bustling heyday of atomic energy. Uranium was plentiful, other reactors were cheaper and easier to build, and the difficult task of radioactive-waste disposal was still decades away.

The breed-and-burn concept languished until Edward Teller, the driving force behind the hydrogen bomb, and astrophysicist Lowell Wood revived it in the 1990s. In 2006, Wood became an adviser to Intellectual Ventures, the intellectual property and investment firm that is TerraPower’s parent company. At the time, Intellectual Ventures was exploring everything—fission, fusion, renewables—as potential solutions to cutting carbon. So Wood suggested the traveling-wave reactor (TWR), a subtype of the breed-and-burn reactor design. “I expected to find something wrong with it in a few months and then focus on renewables,” says John Gilleland, the chief technical officer of TerraPower. “But I couldn’t find anything wrong with it.”

That’s not to say the reactor that Wood and Teller designed was perfect. “The one they came up with in the ’90s was very elegant, but not practical,” says Gilleland. But it gave TerraPower engineers somewhere to start, and the hope that if they could get the reactor design to work, it might address all of fission’s current shortcomings.

Others have been less optimistic. “There are multiple levels of problems with the traveling-wave reactor,” says Arjun Makhijani, the president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. “Maybe a magical new technology could come along for it, but hopefully we don’t have to rely on magic.” Makhijani says it’s hard enough to sustain a steady nuclear reaction without the additional difficulty of creating fuel inside the core, and notes that the techniques TerraPower will use to cool the core have largely failed in the past.

The TerraPower team, led by Wood and Gilleland, first tackled these challenges using computer models. In 2009, they began building the Advanced Reactor Modeling Interface (ARMI), a digital toolbox for simulating deeply customizable reactors. With ARMI, the team could specify the size, shape, and material of every reactor component, and then run extensive tests. In the end, they came away with what they believe is a practical model of a breed-and-burn TWR first proposed by Feinberg six decades ago. As Levesque recalls, he joined TerraPower when the team approached him with remarkable news: “Hey, we think we can do the TWR now.”

Photo: Michael Koziol
Fuel for Thought: Mock fuel pins (not made of radioactive uranium!) sit ready for validation tests.

To understand why the TWR stymied physicists for decades, first consider that today’s reactors rely on enriched uranium, which has a much higher ratio of the fissile isotope of uranium (U-235) to its more stable counterpart (U-⁠238) than does a natural sample of uranium.

When a passing neutron strikes a U-235 atom, it’s enough to split the atom into barium and krypton isotopes with three neutrons left over (like that high-speed ping-pong ball punching through a sturdy paddle). Criticality occurs when enough neutrons hit enough other fissile uranium atoms to create a self-sustaining nuclear reaction. In today’s reactors, the only way to achieve criticality is to have a healthy abundance of U-235 atoms in the fuel.

In contrast, the TWR will be able to use depleted uranium, which has far less U-235 and cannot reach criticality unassisted. TerraPower’s solution is to arrange 169 solid uranium fuel pins into a hexagon. When the reaction begins, the U-238 atoms absorb spare neutrons to become U-239, which decays in a matter of minutes to neptunium-239, and then decays again to plutonium-⁠239. When struck by a neutron, Pu-239 releases two or three more neutrons, enough to sustain a chain reaction.

It also releases plenty of energy; after all, Pu-239 is the primary isotope used in modern nuclear weapons. But Levesque says the creation of Pu-239 doesn’t make the reactor a nuclear-proliferation danger—just the opposite. Pu-239 won’t accumulate in the TWR; instead, stray neutrons will split the Pu-239 into a cascade of fission products almost immediately.

Illustration: James Provost

In other words, the reactor breeds the highly fissile plutonium fuel it needs right before it burns it, just as
Feinberg imagined so many decades ago. Yet the “traveling wave” label refers to something slightly different from the slowly burning, cigar-style reactor. In the TWR, an overhead crane system will maintain a reaction within a ringed portion of the core by moving pins into and out of that zone from elsewhere in the core, like a very large, precise arcade claw machine.

To generate electricity, the TWR uses a more complicated system than today’s reactors, which use the core’s immense heat to boil water and drive a steam turbine to generate usable electricity. In the TWR, the heat will be absorbed by a looping stream of liquid sodium, which leaves the reactor core and then boils water to drive the steam turbine.

But therein lies a major problem, says Makhijani. Molten sodium can move more heat out of the core than water, and it’s actually less corrosive to metal pipes than hot water is. But it’s a highly toxic metal, and it’s violently flammable when it encounters oxygen. “The problem around the sodium cooling, it’s proved the Achilles’ heel,” he says.

Makhijani points to two sodium-cooled reactors as classic examples of the scheme’s inherent difficulties. In France, Superphénix struggled to exceed 7 percent capacity during most of its 10 years of operation because sodium regularly leaked into the fuel storage tanks. More alarmingly, Monju in Japan shut down less than a year after it achieved criticality when vibrations in the liquid sodium loop ruptured a pipe, causing an intense fire to erupt as soon as the sodium made contact with the oxygen in the air. “Some have worked okay,” says Makhijani. “Some have worked badly, and others have been economic disasters.”

Photo: TerraPower
Foundational Underpinnings: An engineer readies a bundle of full-size mock fuel pins to test how they’ll perform during their operational lifetime.

Today, TerraPower’s lab is filled with bits of fuel pins and reactor components. Among other things, the team has been testing how molten sodium will flow through the reactor’s pipes, how it will corrode those pipes, even the inevitable expansion of all of the core’s components as they are subjected to decades of heat—all problems that have plagued sodium-cooled reactors in the past. TerraPower’s engineers will use what they learn from the results when building their test reactor—and they’ll find out if their design really works.

The safety of the TerraPower reactor stems in part from inherent design factors. Of course, all power reactors are designed with safety systems. Each one has a coping time, which indicates how long a stricken reactor can go on without human intervention before catastrophe occurs. Ideas for so-called inherently safe reactors have been touted since the 1980s, but the goal for TerraPower is a reactor that relies on fundamental physics to provide unlimited coping time.

The TWR’s design features some of the same safety systems standard to nuclear reactors. In the case of an accident in any reactor, control rods crafted from neutron-absorbing materials like cadmium plummet into the core and halt a runaway chain reaction that could otherwise lead to a core meltdown. Such a shutdown is called a scram.

Scramming a reactor cuts its fission rate to almost zero in a very short time, though residual heat can still cause a disaster. At Chernobyl, some of the fuel rods fractured during the scram, allowing the reactor to continue to a meltdown. At Fukushima Daiichi, a broken coolant system failed to transfer heat away from the core quickly enough. That’s why the TerraPower team wanted to find a reactor that could naturally wind down, even if its safety systems failed.

TerraPower’s reactor stays cool because its pure uranium fuel pins move heat out of the core much more effectively than the fuel rods in today’s typical reactors. If even that isn’t enough to prevent a meltdown, the company has an ace up its sleeve. As Gilleland explains, the fuel pins will expand when they get too hot—just enough so that neutrons can slip past the fuel pins without hitting more Pu-239, thereby slowing the reaction and cooling the core automatically.

Because the TWR burns its fuel more efficiently, the TerraPower team also claims it will produce less waste. The company says a 1,200-MW reactor will generate only 5 metric megatons of waste per gigawatt-year, whereas a typical reactor today produces 21 metric megatons per gigawatt-year. If that number is right, the reactor could address the ongoing storage problem by drastically reducing the amount of generated waste, which remains highly radioactive for thousands of years. More than 60 years into the nuclear age, only Finland and Sweden have made serious progress in building deep, permanent repositories, and even those won’t be ready until the 2020s.

TerraPower plans to break ground on its test reactor next year in China. If all goes well, this reactor will be operational by the mid-2020s. But even if TerraPower’s reactor succeeds wildly, it will take 20 years or more for the company to deploy large numbers of TWRs. Thus for the next couple of decades, the world’s utilities will have no choice but to rely on fossil fuels and conventional nuclear reactors for reliable, round-the-clock electricity.

Fission will probably not be the final answer. After decades of always being 30 years away, nuclear fusion may finally come into its own. Societies will be able to depend on renewables more heavily as storage and other technologies make them more reliable. But for the coming decades, some analysts insist, nuclear fission’s reliability and zero emissions are the best choice to shoulder the burden of the world’s rapidly electrifying economies.

“I don’t think we should think about the solution for midcentury being the solution for all time,” says Jane Long, a former associate director at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in California. “If I were in charge of everything, I would say, have a long-term plan to get [all of our electricity] from sunlight—there’s enough of it. For the near term, we shouldn’t be taking things with big impact off the table, like nuclear.”

As the globe warms and the climate becomes increasingly unstable, the argument for nuclear will become more obvious, Long says. “It’s got to come to the point where people realize how much we need this.”

This article appears in the June 2018 print issue as “What Will the Electricity Miracle Be?”

TerraPower’s Nuclear Reactor Could Power the 21st Century - IEEE Spectrum
Global Times@globaltimesnews
China state-affiliated media

#China National #Nuclear Corporation announced Thu it will cancel the investment and project companies of traveling-wave reactors as its purpose will not be realized after US company #TerraPower unilaterally terminated technical cooperation at the request of the US govt.

10:43 AM · Aug 21, 2020
Global Times@globaltimesnews
China state-affiliated media

#China National #Nuclear Corporation announced Thu it will cancel the investment and project companies of traveling-wave reactors as its purpose will not be realized after US company #TerraPower unilaterally terminated technical cooperation at the request of the US govt.

10:43 AM · Aug 21, 2020
China should get use to this now. Chinese cannot rely on Americans. Best to go your own route m
China should get use to this now. Chinese cannot rely on Americans. Best to go your own route m
This is not a sudden news.

Bill Gate/Terrapower has announced it cannot continue in Jan 2019 because of US sanction.

I guess it take sometimes to dissolve the joint venture company, and CNNC announce this for the investors.
Nuclear power generation accelerates as nation aims to cut emissions
By Yin Yeping Source: Global Times Published: 2020/9/3 20:38:47

Photo taken on May 23, 2018 shows the installation site of a hemispherical dome at the No. 3 unit of Fangchenggang nuclear power station in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The dome has been installed on a reactor at China's nuclear power project in Fangchenggang using Hualong One technology, a domestically-developed third generation reactor design. (Xinhua/Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.)

China's approval to resume new nuclear power station construction comes amid rising demand for the reduction of carbon emissions and the development of reliable energy that's needed as a growing economic powerhouse.

Experts have predicted that China will surpass the US in installed nuclear power generating capacity within the next decade.

A meeting of the State Council, China's Cabinet, on Wednesday approved the Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Phase II project, which has been included in the national plan and will adopt the Hualong One third-generation nuclear power technology, and the Zhejiang Sanao nuclear Power Phase I project, in which private capital is being invested for the first time, according to the report.

The approval of four nuclear power units, which adopt the Hualong One technology, shows that China's third-generation nuclear power technology, Hualong One, with its own intellectual property rights, has entered mass production, Yang Bo, spokesperson of the China Nuclear Energy Association (CNEA), told the Global Times on Thursday.

The Chinese mainland has 62 nuclear power units under construction — including those approved but not yet started — with a total planned installed capacity of 65.93 million kilowatts, according to a statement that the CNEA sent to the Global Times on Thursday.

China will maintain a safe, stable and sustainable pace of nuclear power development, and start construction of six to eight units every year to achieve safe, efficient and sustainable development of nuclear power in China, said Yang.

"From the overall energy consumption point of view, China has been transforming its energy industry by cutting the use of coal and increasing investment in green energy. Compared with solar and wind, nuclear power is more reliable," Zhou Hongchun, a research fellow with the Development Research Center of the State Council, told the Global Times.

Experts said that the resumption of nuclear power approvals by the government will accelerate the industrial development that is enabling China to narrow the gap with other large nuclear power states.

China has 47 nuclear power units in operation, with total installed capacity of 48.75 gigawatts, ranking third in the world after the US and France, the CNEA said.

Experts have predicted that China's nuclear power generation capacity will reach the current world average level by 2035. The US currently operates 95 nuclear power units with an installed capacity of nearly 100 million kilowatt, which shows a big gap between China and the US in terms of installed capacity and electricity generation, Yang said.

After Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, the Chinese government halted approvals for new domestic nuclear power projects.

Zhou said that some issues may still need to be resolved, such as the guarantee of fuel sources such as Uranium-235, which must still be imported, and the safe management of nuclear plants as well as the appropriate treatment of spent nuclear fuel.
The World's First Hualong One Reactor Begins to Load Fuel
04 Sep 2020 by World-Energy

On the afternoon of September 4, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a license for operation of Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 5 to China National Nuclear Corporation Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. in Beijing. At 15:30, the first fuel loading of Hualong One in the world’s first reactor of China National Nuclear Corporation's Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 5 officially began. With the successful installation of the first group of fuel assemblies, this unit has entered the nuclear commissioning stage of the main system and is now completed. An important step has been taken in production.

Permits issued for construction of new Chinese plant
15 October 2019

Construction licences have been issued for units 1 and 2 of the Zhangzhou nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province. The units were originally planned to be based on Westinghouse's AP1000 design, but will now feature domestically-designed Hualong One reactors.


A rendering of a plant based on the Hualong One reactor design (Image: CGN)

China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the construction licences on 9 October to CNNC-Guodian Zhangzhou Energy Company, the owner of Zhangzhou nuclear power project which was created by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) (51%) and China Guodian Corporation (49%) in 2011. The licences are valid for 10 years.

The ministry said the submitted application documents complied with relevant national laws and nuclear safety regulations. It said the design principles and nuclear safety related activities at the Zhangzhou plant "meet the basic requirements of China's nuclear safety regulations, and the construction conditions are already in place".

The ministry has organised and supervised inspections of the on-site preparation of the nuclear island of Zhangzhou unit 1. It said the pouring of first concrete can take place once proposed "rectification requirements" have been completed and approved by the regulator.

"At present, your company is implementing rectification as required," the ministry said. "At the same time, the first tank of concrete of unit 2's nuclear island foundation is set as the control point." Once on-site preparation work for that unit's foundation has been inspected and approved, first concrete pouring can proceed, it said.

In May 2014, the local government gave approval for Phase I of the Zhangzhou plant, comprising two AP1000 units. The National Nuclear Safety Administration gave approval in December 2015 for the AP1000 units and confirmed site selection in October 2016. Construction of Phase I had originally been expected to start in May 2017. However, CNNC subsequently decided to use the Hualong One design instead. Two more Hualong One are planned for Phase II of the plant and a further two proposed for Phase III.

In late-2016, Germany's KSB Group was awarded a contract for six reactor coolant pumps for Zhangzhou 1 and 2, to be delivered in 2020 and 2021. In mid-2017, China Nuclear Industry No24 Construction Company won the contract for the nuclear island civil engineering. In February 2019, CNNC subsidiary China National Nuclear Power released its environmental impact assessment for public comment.

Hualong One reactors are currently under construction at Fuqing and Fangchenggang. Fuqing 5 and 6 are expected to start up in 2019 and 2020, as are Fangchenggang 3 and 4. The Hualong One promoted on the international market is called the HPR1000, two of which are under construction at Karachi in Pakistan.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

Zhangzhou unit 2 construction starts
04 September 2020

The pouring of first safety-related concrete has started for the second Hualong One unit at the Zhangzhou nuclear power plant in China's Fujian province, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced. The units are scheduled to enter commercial operation in 2024 and 2025, respectively.

An artistic impression of how the Zhangzhou plant would look with six Hualong One reactors (Image: National Nuclear Safety Administration)

China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued construction licences for Zhangzhou units 1 and 2 on 9 October, 2019 to CNNC-Guodian Zhangzhou Energy Company, the owner of Zhangzhou nuclear power project which was created by CNNC (51%) and China Guodian Corporation (49%) in 2011. The licences are valid for 10 years. Construction of unit 1 began one week after the issuance of a construction licence.

CNNC said the construction of the project is "progressing smoothly, and the major milestones of the project are being realised as planned".

The company said the first tank of concrete for the basemat for Zhangzhou 2's reactor was poured today, marking the official start of construction of the unit.

In May 2014, the local government gave approval for Phase I of the Zhangzhou plant, comprising two AP1000 units. The National Nuclear Safety Administration gave approval in December 2015 for the AP1000 units and confirmed site selection in October 2016. Construction of Phase I had originally been expected to start in May 2017. However, CNNC subsequently decided to use the Hualong One design instead. Two more units are planned for Phase II of the plant and a further two proposed for Phase III.

With Zhangzhou 2 now under construction, CNNC said it has six reactors under construction in China, with a combined generating capacity of 6982 MWe.

There are currently seven Hualong One units being built in China. In addition to the two Zhangzhou units, CNNC began construction of the first of two Hualong One units at Taipingling in Guangdong in December 2019. The company is also constructing two units at its Fuqing plant in Fujian province, while China General Nuclear (CGN) is building two at its Fangchenggang site in Guangxi province.

In addition, there are two Hualong One units under construction at Karachi in Pakistan. CGN proposes to use a UK version of its Hualong One design - the HPR1000 - at a prospective new nuclear power plant at Bradwell, England.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

【就在今天!田湾核电5号机组成为#2020年首台并网发电核电机组# 】2020年8月8日,田湾核电5号机组首次并网成功,各项技术指标均符合设计要求,标志着田湾核电5号机组正式进入并网调试阶段,为后续机组投入商业运行奠定坚实基础。随着田湾核电5号机组首次并网成功,田湾核电基地具备发电能力的机组已达五台,同时田湾核电5号机组也成为中核集团乃至国内核电建设领域今年首台实现并网发电的核电机组。恭喜田湾,让我们期待下一个好消息
China National Nuclear Power Co., Ltd._CNNP
19 minutes ago from Weibo

【Just today! Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit No. 5 becomes #2020 the first grid-connected nuclear power unit#】

On August 8, 2020, Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit No. 5 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time. All technical indicators meet the design requirements, marking Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 officially entered the grid-connected commissioning stage, laying a solid foundation for subsequent units to be put into commercial operation. With the successful connection of Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 to the grid for the first time, the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant now has total five generating units. At the same time, Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 has become the first of China National Nuclear Corporation and even amongst the domestic nuclear power construction industry to achieve grid-connected power generation this year. Congratulations to Tianwan, let us look forward to the next good news [中国赞]




【田湾核电5号机组具备商运条件】 9月8日13时35分,中核集团田湾核电5号机组顺利完成满功率连续运行考核,这标志着田湾核电5号机组具备了商业运行条件。至此,中国核电控股在役核电机组数达到22台,控股在役装机容量由1911.2万千瓦增至2023.0万千瓦。田湾核电5、6号机组是国家重点工程、江苏省“十三五”期间的重大投资建设项目。田湾核电5、6号机组国产化率已达95%以上。 L中国核电_CNNP的微博视频

China Nuclear Power_CNNP
18 minutes ago from Weibo Video

[Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 has reach the conditions for commercial operation]

At 13:35 on September 8, the Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 of China National Nuclear Corporation successfully completed the full-power continuous operation assessment, which indicates that Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 has reach the conditions for commercial operation.

So far, the number of nuclear power units in service of China Nuclear Power Holdings has reached 22, and the installed capacity of the holdings has increased from 19.112 million kilowatts to 20.230 million kilowatts.

Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 and 6 are national key projects and major investment and construction projects during the 13th Five-Year Plan period of Jiangsu Province. The localization rate of Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 5 and 6 has reached over 95%.

Video link -> China Nuclear Power_CNNP's Weibo Video

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