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China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

This is China's internal matter. But how dare France ban Burqa and head scarf! That was worst.
are u being sarcastic,just a doubt
Don't show off your ignorance, OK? Do you know Han Dynasty? Uyghur as an ethnic group has a history of no more than 400 years and Xinjiang has been China's territory for thousands of years. Well, if you look back to the history, Vietnam was also a part of China and just got independent in 16 century.
They has a 400 years then what? Didn't they live before 400 years ago? Give me a break. Ancient Chinese empires considered they are the center of the Earth, and all the land under the sky belonged to them. Chinese ancient history books have vaguely definition of border. Why did you need border when you thought all the land belonged to you?
This is a requirement in northern Xinjiang Karamay City, Karamay fewer Muslims, this provision as a whole is right, some places should be modified.

Human rights organizations should go to protest France, to protest the European Union, where the Muslims more than China, which has long banned the black robe and veil.

Before any of a Muslim ethnic Chinese are not wearing black robes customs. Maybe some foreigners think wearing black robes and do not represent the extreme, but in China it is the extremist forces in recent years has brought this conservative dress. Karamay done right, China should be forbidden to wear black robes.
Article said a side, seniors can stay bearded, young people should not stay requirement is big beard.

Provision also just say it is best not to stay bearded young, the elderly are not restricted.
Black robe only produce estrangement, people increasingly conservative. China accounted for a small part of the Muslims, this will only be isolated so that they produce in the crowd.

young people should be secular. Secular Muslim countries tend to develop a better。

China need secular islam
@Chinese-Dragon @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @xuxu1457

idiotic move by the chinese

so if the terrorists are not in Muslim garb does that mean no one will be allowed in buses ? will china soon have empty buses ?

As a Muslim & Pakistani I have developed a very negative view towards china... maybe the West isn't wrong about when they call the chinese regime and authoritarian/brutal regime

so much for this BS of " deeper than the ocean friendship" with Pakistan
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Bad move, if true. The more you try and suppress something, the more prevalent it will become (similar to streisand effect). This isn't just targeting extremists, this is targeting regular folk. Extremists don't have a qualm about shaving their beards, because shaving helps them blend in and commit crime easily, so the only ones that are really hurt by this is the common man.

It also gives the separatists more propaganda, and legitimizes their claim that Muslims are being persecuted by Chinese authorities.

Again, if this is all true.
I think the news mislead the truth, not any real background are mentioned, the fact is why at the city Karamay?

Karamay is a new small oil city only with 390,000 people live there;
Why? 13th Xinjiang sports Games will be hold from 6th to 20th Aug, Bus companies and Games Organizing Committee will persuade such 5 type wear people not take bus or will call for police from 6th-20th Aug. for security reasons.
Since 28th Jul, two Uighurs officers were killed by terrorists at road for they didn't follow their terrorists orgs.



And in 1st Aug, police and 30000 local residents hunted 10 terrorists, and Xinjiang government awarded 100million Yuan to local people and orgs,

At the condition, call people not wear such 5 type clothes which makes one can't be distinguished on bublic bus at the Games of Xinjiang from 6th-20th is necessary
@Spring Onion
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Nobody here will give you talk about history, talk about the history of the Vietnamese in front of the Chinese not qualified to talk .
You are independent from China out, and then invaded someone else's country, only have today's Vietnam
Just because you are Chinese then you are instantly some kinds of historian? That's what I call ignorance. China came and destroyed our culture many times, yet we are still unique. China should be ashame that it could not erase a smaller race.
idiotic move by the chinese

so if the terrorists are not in Muslim garb does that mean no one will be allowed in buses ? will china soon have empty buses ?

As a Muslim & Pakistani I have developed a very negative view towards china... maybe the West isn't wrong about when they call the chinese regime and authoritarian/brutal regime

so much for this BS of " deeper than the ocean friendship" with Pakistan
maybe it's idiot
This is a requirement in northern Xinjiang Karamay City, Karamay fewer Muslims, this provision as a whole is right, some places should be modified.
Human rights organizations should go to protest France, to protest the European Union, where the Muslims more than China, which has long banned the black robe and veil.

Before any of a Muslim ethnic Chinese are not wearing black robes customs. Maybe some foreigners think wearing black robes and do not represent the extreme, but in China it is the extremist forces in recent years has brought this conservative dress. Karamay done right, China should be forbidden to wear black robes.
Article said a side, seniors can stay bearded, young people should not stay requirement is big beard.Provision also just say it is best not to stay bearded young, the elderly are not restricted.

Black robe only produce estrangement, people increasingly conservative. China accounted for a small part of the Muslims, this will only be isolated so that they produce in the crowd.

young people should be secular. Secular Muslim countries tend to develop a better。

China need secular islam
maybe it's idiot
This is a requirement in northern Xinjiang Karamay City, Karamay fewer Muslims, this provision as a whole is right, some places should be modified.
Human rights organizations should go to protest France, to protest the European Union, where the Muslims more than China, which has long banned the black robe and veil.

Before any of a Muslim ethnic Chinese are not wearing black robes customs. Maybe some foreigners think wearing black robes and do not represent the extreme, but in China it is the extremist forces in recent years has brought this conservative dress. Karamay done right, China should be forbidden to wear black robes.
Article said a side, seniors can stay bearded, young people should not stay requirement is big beard.Provision also just say it is best not to stay bearded young, the elderly are not restricted.

Black robe only produce estrangement, people increasingly conservative. China accounted for a small part of the Muslims, this will only be isolated so that they produce in the crowd.

young people should be secular. Secular Muslim countries tend to develop a better。

China need secular islam

learn to speak English before blathering away, kid
who the hell are you to tell us we should be secular?

And put your money where your mouth is. First, break all relations with Pakistan and all other Muslims countries since you don't accept their practices. Otherwise, STFU!

you people can only talk shit about Muslim online, but when it comes to doing business with Muslim countries we suddenly become your friends?

The West may have their faults, but when it comes to describing the brutality of your kind, I fully agree with the West
Dress code is important to provide societal and cultural unity especially if certain fashion/style has been made into an ideological uniform.

Beard and veil are two of those uniforms that are often associated with extremism and terrorism. These are Arabized-version of Islam (often Salafi and/or Wahhabi). Just look at the terrorists of ISIS or Al Nusra. Hence, by association, it is common sense to believe that the more ordinary Muslim Chinese look like them, the more they think like them.

Besides, especially in the case of young kids (boys and girls), they need salvage by the state since they are often forced into certain traditional/illogical life-styles by their parents and communities. In the end, they are brainwashed and radicalized. They hold no future but becoming cheap pawns for religious warlords.

China must snap the bud before it develops into a gangrene. Banning certain dress and fashion will not probably force a change of heart and mind among the elderly, but, it will at least save the young from being exposed to ritualistic extremism or extremist symbolism.

I do hope the ban on veil and certain beard-styles will be universal in China and whoever opposes it, their young kids must be taken under state care.
are u being sarcastic,just a doubt
Birather has asked a very good question.
This is more unhygienic indians should ban it

How can bathing be unhygienic???
Hindus not allowed to enter kitchen without taking bath.
Hindus not allowed to take breakfast without taking bath.
Hindus can not perform any religious duty without taking bath.
The first step in yoga is cleansing the body.

The people from desert may have some other means of hygiene
@Chinese-Dragon @Kiss_of_the_Dragon @xuxu1457

idiotic move by the chinese

so if the terrorists are not in Muslim garb does that mean no one will be allowed in buses ? will china soon have empty buses ?

As a Muslim & Pakistani I have developed a very negative view towards china... maybe the West isn't wrong about when they call the chinese regime and authoritarian/brutal regime

so much for this BS of " deeper than the ocean friendship" with Pakistan
Our internal policy has nothing to do with pakistan and will not implement around it either.

nagtive view? be it. we don't care. If you like to join west to bash China, suit yourself. Your opinion add nothing more to western's voice.
Dress code is important to provide societal and cultural unity especially if certain fashion/style has been made into an ideological uniform.

Beard and veil are two of those uniforms that are often associated with extremism and terrorism. These are Arabized-version of Islam (often Salafi and/or Wahhabi). Just look at the terrorists of ISIS or Al Nusra. Hence, by association, it is common sense to believe that the more ordinary Muslim Chinese look like them, the more they think like them.

Besides, especially in the case of young kids (boys and girls), they need salvage by the state since they are often forced into certain traditional/illogical life-styles by their parents and communities. In the end, they are brainwashed and radicalized. They hold no future but becoming cheap pawns for religious warlords.

China must snap the bud before it develops into a gangrene. Banning certain dress and fashion will not probably force a change of heart and mind among the elderly, but, it will at least save the young from being exposed to ritualistic extremism or extremist symbolism.

I do hope the ban on veil and certain beard-styles will be universal in China and whoever opposes it, their young kids must be taken under state care.

Are you an expert on Islam ? Veils and beards are a part of Islam.

Just because Salafis/wahabis adopt it doesn't mean it's not part of Islam though their actions are against Islam
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