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China City Bans Long Beards, Islamic Clothing on Buses: Report

You say that as if every Muslim is involved in such activities. How about Turkey? UAE is pretty much the luxury capital of the world.

How about instead of continuing to insult other people, you just shut up now.

You may not familiar with it, but they used to support ETIM officially. And it is also suffering chaos in recent years, because the Islam conservatives thrives against the secular government. We all know that UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arab are quite rich, but their economy totally based on oil. They have no industries at all。 It seems like that the most promising countries of Islam word are Iran and Turkey, if they could insist to be more and more secular and embrace the modern science and regime form. Well, Pakistan is also not bad, but you need to eliminate the Taliban first and then those powerful tribes, to make your country as a modern one.
You say that as if every Muslim is involved in such activities. How about Turkey? UAE is pretty much the luxury capital of the world.

How about instead of continuing to insult other people, you just shut up now.

How about you shut up, and learn this on your own? It is no one else' job but yours to fix your own ignorance.

The fact that you're making clearly ignorant and bigoted generalizations shows just how uninformed you are.
he is asking simple question...
as you read it religeous text .. you can give right and correct referce and interpreatation ?
if people want to learn islam is it now yout duty to atleast let them know what they want to know if not teach?
then we say people are ignorant of islam teaching ..
You may not familiar with it, but they used to support ETIM officially. And it is also suffering chaos in recent years, because the Islam conservatives thrives against the secular government. We all know that UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arab are quite rich, but their economy totally based on oil. They have no industries at all。 It seems like that the most promising countries of Islam word are Iran and Turkey, if they could insist to be more and more secular and embrace the modern science and regime form. Well, Pakistan is also not bad, but you need to eliminate the Taliban first and then those powerful tribes, to make your country as a modern one.
And this comment is why you cannot be taken seriously anymore. What does their previous support have to do with anything? Why are you bringing up an irrelevant topic?

Next, Turkey is a secular nation, it runs on secular laws. The fact that you can't even get this little tiny fact right, this shows me how little you know of the world.
And this is the last straw.

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Chak Bamu @Emmie @Hu Songshan @Jungibaaz @Kaan @Oscar

please, can you intervene here?
Don't make me laugh, bro. You are adding more and more names here and nobody pay attention to you . Hah hah hah....:woot::woot::woot:

And this comment is why you cannot be taken seriously anymore. What does their previous support have to do with anything? Why are you bringing up an irrelevant topic?

Next, Turkey is a secular nation, it runs on secular laws. The fact that you can't even get this little tiny fact right, this shows me how little you know of the world.
Off course I know Turkey is a secular nation. And it was you who mentioned Turkey first, not me. It only reveal your twisted logic.
he is asking simple question...
as you read it religeous text .. you can give right and correct referce and interpreatation ?
if people want to learn islam is it now yout duty to atleast let them know what they want to know if not teach?
then we say people are ignorant of islam teaching ..
Is it your job to teach a grown man how to tie their shoes? Or how to read and write? No.

You are correct, these are simple question, they're so simple that he shouldn't even be asking. He should instead be actually learning this on his own, or going to professional sources.

Doing a simple google search gives a wealth of information...

For example, wikipedia has an entire article on Islamic military doctrine. When it comes to conduct...

Conduct of armed forces[edit]
During battle the Qur'an commands Muslims to fight against the enemy. However, there are exceptions to such combat. Torturing the enemy, and burning the combatants alive is strictly prohibited.[29] The mutilation of dead bodies is also prohibited.[30] The Qur'an also discourages Muslim combatants from displaying pomp and unnecessary boasting when setting out for battle.[31]

According to professor Sayyid Dāmād, no explicit injunctions against use of chemical or biological warfare were developed by medieval Islamic jurists as these threats were not existent then. However, Khalil al-Maliki's Book on jihad states that combatants are forbidden to employ weapons that cause unnecessary injury to the enemy, except under dire circumstances. The book, as an example, forbids the use of poisonous spears, since it inflicts unnecessary pain.[32]

Civilian areas[edit]
According to all Muslim scholars it is not permissible to kill women or children unless they are fighting against the Muslims. According to the Shafi'i school it is permissible to kill all types of adult men. According to the Hanafi, Hanbali and Maliki schools it is not permissible to kill old men, monks, peasants, employees and traders (this meaning male non-combatants).

Harming civilian areas and pillaging residential areas is also forbidden,[33] as is the destruction of trees, crops, livestock and farmlands.[29][34] The Muslim forces may not loot travelers, as doing so is contrary to the spirit of jihad.[35] Nor do they have the right to use the local facilities of the native people without their consent. If such a consent is obtained, the Muslim army is still under the obligation to compensate the people financially for the use of such facilities. However, Islamic law allows the confiscation of military equipment and supplies captured from the camps and military headquarters of the combatant armies.[33][36]

Islamic military jurisprudence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, I'm not going to do his homework for him.

Don't make me laugh, bro. You are adding more and more names here and nobody pay attention to you . Hah hah hah....:woot::woot::woot:
It's because they're offline, I extended the list so that whoever is available soon will be able to read it. Don't try and twist this to try and make a fool out of me.

Off course I know Turkey is a secular nation. And it was you who mentioned Turkey first, not me. It only reveal your twisted logic.
You suggested Turkey wasn't secular, you want to talk about logic? Try using it first. You've continued to either use straw man arguments, false narratives, and simply bigoted statements. By your logic, I could say some very derogatory statements, and you would call me a racist for them, but you wouldn't disprove me, because (again) by your logic, I wouldn't be wrong. It would be up to you to prove that I'm racist.
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You say that as if every Muslim is involved in such activities. How about Turkey? UAE is pretty much the luxury capital of the world.

How about instead of continuing to insult other people, you just shut up now.

How about you shut up, and learn this on your own? It is no one else' job but yours to fix your own ignorance.

The fact that you're making clearly ignorant and bigoted generalizations shows just how uninformed you are.
1. It is true that many Muslim do not really understand the meaning of Jihad, and you always say that terrorists got used of this term to launch terror attacks and shame Islam. Then why don't your Islam religion leaders make some authentic explanations about it? It is a very fair question here in my thought.

2. You can not deny the truth that Muslim women are not sharing the equal rights with men in most Islam countries. A woman cannot have 4 husbands at the same time in turn.

3. Why are you afraid of Marriage freedom? If you really have confidence on your belief, you should not be afraid to let people marry others, no matter if they are muslims or non-muslims.

Plus, do your children have the freedom Not to believe in Islam? You are asking for religion belief freedom but do not allow people quit Islam, that is just self-contradictory. Well, I am not sure if it is allowed to quit Islam in Islam countries, correct me if I was wrong.
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How Anti-Muslim can one society be
-- just name one muslim country half number of muslim of india which allow non muslim as PM/President?
-- just name one muslim country half number of muslim of india which allow minority person as cheif of army/navy /airfoce ?
Multiple nations, including Pakistan.
--just name me one country with half number of muslim of india which allow all sects to practice islam freely ?
Multiple nations, including Turkey and Indonesia.
-- just name me one country with half number of muslim of india which allow protection to relgious minority in there constituion and its safeguarded in letter and spirit by there highest court ?
Many nations, including Lebanon, Turkey, and (though it may not seem like it, because of the current conflict) Pakistan.
-- just name me one country with half number of muslim of india where you have national holidays for there minority festivals ?
This one seems quite loaded, Most Western nations don't practice minority religions as national holidays, so this question is quite unfair.
Is it your job to teach a grown man how to tie their shoes? Or how to read and write? No.

You are correct, these are simple question, they're so simple that he shouldn't even be asking. He should instead be actually learning this on his own, or going to professional sources.

Doing a simple google search gives a wealth of information...

For example, wikipedia has an entire article on Islamic military doctrine. When it comes to conduct...

Islamic military jurisprudence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, I'm not going to do his homework for him.

It's because they're offline, I extended the list so that whoever is available soon will be able to read it. Don't try and twist this to try and make a fool out of me.

You suggested Turkey wasn't secular, you want to talk about logic? Try using it first. You've continued to either use straw man arguments, false narratives, and simply bigoted statements. By your logic, I could say some very derogatory statements, and you would call me a racist for them, but you wouldn't disprove me, because (again) by your logic, I wouldn't be wrong. It would be up to you to prove that I'm racist.
its your choice
my object was simple
islam , quran,, twisted many for personal gain.. that also include WIKI
if he is asking for some question ...
you can beter clear his doubt..
if you cant it sok.. then dont say people misiterpreted islam, quran as you yourslef lost opporunity to put your POV
if you teach other you learn 2 time..:-)

1. It is true that many Muslim do not really understand the meaning of Jihad, and you always say that terrorists got used of this term to launch terror attacks and shame Islam. Then why don't your Islam religion leaders make some authentic explanations about it? It is a very fair question here in my thought.
They have. Just because you haven't heard of it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Hell, even Tahir ul Qadri (a man whom I hardly agree with) issued an entire fatwa the size of a book (which I did agree with), that pretty much every Sunni Muslim scholar endorsed regardless of Sunni sects. The fatwa explained to the littlest detail why groups like Al-Qaeda, and the TTP were heretics.

2. You can not deny the truth that Muslim women are not sharing the equal rights with men in most Islam countries. A woman cannot have 4 husbands at the same time in turn.
There are issue, but most are superficial. Like polygamy, which is actually quite rare even in Muslim nations. Even that has extreme limits put on men. Unfortunately, places like KSA tend to ignore certain parts of Sharia, and enforce other parts. It's why I don't care for KSA's rulers.

3. Why are you afraid of Marriage freedom? If you really have confidence on your belief, you should not be afraid to let people marry others, no matter if they are muslims or non-muslims.
Who told you that we couldn't? That's actually completely wrong.

Plus, do your children have the freedom Not to believe in Islam? You are asking for religion belief freedom but do not allow people quit Islam, that is just self-controversial. Well, I am not sure if it is allowed to quit Islam in Islam countries, correct me if I was wrong.
Islam has clearly stated that there is no compulsion in religion, in fact, that is a direct quote from the Quran. Disbelieving doesn't harm Islam, or belief in God. It is unfortunate that there are extremists who actually believe otherwise, and tend to ignore this passage of the Quran.

The fact that ISIS wants to actually try and rewrite the Quran, well that tells you how much these extremists actually care about Islamic law.
Quick reply to all those on the following thread who are trying to pin point Islam & Muslims. Mostly the Hindu/Indian members. No matter how nice of a reply or how nice Muslims are to you Hindus it is a fact that you are not loyal to your Muslim brother and sisters in your country. You Hindus even go as far as to call your most popular Film Celebrity in the country a Terrorist. How Anti-Muslim can one society be. By the way. Do not start crying over this post.. There is one thing in Canada which is the most popular about India. There is one thing which India is leading in the world and no country can possibly beat.. Indeed the Rape Capital of the world. You people should first solve your own problems before pin pointing other Societies. Clearly most of you have made a fool of yourself on this forum. I had some hope that the people of India would be some what okay then how the Media of the country seems to be. You seem to be too full of yourselves. I can right now post way more shez about what Hindus do then what you have posted against Muslims. Just do not get butt hurt over this one thing I mentioned out of a million you guys have got. You have to accept facts. (-- This reply was only to those who were aggressive. Those who are neutral and using their brains.. this was not ment for you and I apologize if you were hurt but still this is a fact you have to accept lol.

To the others speaking about Terrorism and a summary of how they are reacting on this thread:

Shut the hell up LOL You guys are hilarious.

Answer from a German Muslim scholar when he was asked about terrorism & Islam?
He said:
1. Who started the first world war? Muslims ??
2. Who started the second world war? Muslims ??
3. Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims ??
4. Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims ??
5. Who killed more than 100 million of Indians in North America? Muslims ??
6. Who killed more than 50 million of Indians in south America? Muslims ??
7. Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and was thrown in Atlantic ocean? Muslims ??
No, they weren't Muslims! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something bad..it is crime, but if a Muslim commit same..he is terrorist.

So first remove this double standard then come to the point!

Take Care everyone This post pretty much summarizes most of the things on this thread about Muslims. I had to post this since you guys have been off topic and have started the blame game.

:china::pakistan: Indeed if the following two countries become something like how the States and Canada are. It will be something really interesting. You have got the mutual understanding and trust down.. just need some action.

Love from Canada. :sleep:
I have asked you two questions and you did not reply them. Instead of you started bashing Hindus. I can write in the same fashion about muslims too. The only thing is that you will not be banned since you are a muslim and I will be banned because I am a non muslim. Its just a forum and here muslims can insult hindus openly and hindus can not do that. So i can imagine how much peaceful it will be while staying in a muslim majority area. By the way are muslims loyal to Hindus ?
its your choice
my object was simple
islam , quran,, twisted many for personal gain.. that also include WIKI
if he is asking for some question ...
you can beter clear his doubt..
if you cant it sok.. then dont say people misiterpreted islam, quran as you yourslef lost opporunity to put your POV
if you teach other you learn 2 time..:-)

This is a loaded comment, really. My point stands, even if you disagree with it.
This law is stupid, because i don't see the purpose.
I suggest you delete your comment and run. You may end up getting sucked in the same hole as I am right now.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter this thread with good intentions.
Is it your job to teach a grown man how to tie their shoes? Or how to read and write? No.

You are correct, these are simple question, they're so simple that he shouldn't even be asking. He should instead be actually learning this on his own, or going to professional sources.

Doing a simple google search gives a wealth of information...

For example, wikipedia has an entire article on Islamic military doctrine. When it comes to conduct...

Islamic military jurisprudence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again, I'm not going to do his homework for him.

It's because they're offline, I extended the list so that whoever is available soon will be able to read it. Don't try and twist this to try and make a fool out of me.

You suggested Turkey wasn't secular, you want to talk about logic? Try using it first. You've continued to either use straw man arguments, false narratives, and simply bigoted statements. By your logic, I could say some very derogatory statements, and you would call me a racist for them, but you wouldn't disprove me, because (again) by your logic, I wouldn't be wrong. It would be up to you to prove that I'm racist.

Where did you see me saying or implying that Turkey is not secular? Pick it out and let us watch your good reading. It's you mentioned Turkey first, and when I answered your question, you accused me of WTF? Nobody can get your point like that, dude. Go ahead to say any bad words as you will and define what losers look like.When you feel insulted to see I expressed doubts about your religion, then that is your own problem, not mine. I was only asking questions. No religion is undiscussable, at least no laws which could restrict me have that rules.

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