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China circled by chain of US anti-missile systems


Aug 4, 2009
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China circled by chain of US anti-missile systems
By Qin Jize and Li Xiaokun (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-02-22 07:17

Washington appears determined to surround China with US-built anti-missile systems, military scholars have observed.

According to US-based Defense News, Taiwan became the fifth global buyer of the Patriot missile defense system last year following Japan, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates and Germany.

Quite a few military experts have noted that Washington's latest proposed weapon deal with Taiwan is the key part of a US strategic encirclement of China in the East Asian region, and that the missiles could soon have a footprint that extends from Japan to the Republic of Korea and Taiwan.

Air force colonel Dai Xu, a renowned military strategist, wrote in an article released this month that "China is in a crescent-shaped ring of encirclement. The ring begins in Japan, stretches through nations in the South China Sea to India, and ends in Afghanistan. Washington's deployment of anti-missile systems around China's periphery forms a crescent-shaped encirclement".

Ni Lexiong, an expert on military affairs with the Shanghai Institute of Political Science and Law, told the Guanghzou Daily yesterday, "The US anti-missile system in China's neighborhood is a replica of its strategy in Eastern Europe against Russia. The Obama administration began to plan for such a system around China after its project in Eastern Europe got suspended".

Tang Xiaosong, director of the Center of International Security and Strategy Studies with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies noted that the ring encircling China can also be expanded at any time in other directions. He said that Washington is hoping to sell India and other Southeast Asian countries the Patriot Advanced Capability (PAC)-3 missile defense system.

Analysts say that China is closely monitoring US-India missile defense cooperation since any integration of India into the US global missile defense system, would profoundly affect China's security.

However, according to former Chinese Ambassador to India Pei Yuanying, India is unlikely to be part of any such US scheme against China.

"New Delhi needs to develop relations with the US, but it wants to be an independent international power on the international arena," he said.

Pei said it was necessary to take multiple aspects of China-US relations into consideration. "The US has followed the policy of engagement plus containment with China for a long time and that overall policy will not change during Obama's term," he said.

Defense News quoted John Holly, Lockheed's vice president of Missile Defense Systems as saying the outlook for the missile defense market remains sound.

Pointing to missile programs in Pyongyang, Teheran, Moscow and Beijing, Holly said "the world is not a very safe world and it is incumbent upon us in the industry to provide (the Pentagon) with the best capabilities."

Beijing has frequently criticized US missile-defense development and has been making efforts to restrict missile defenses through the United Nations forums.

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi told a UN disarmament conference in August in Geneva that "countries should neither seek for absolute strategic predominance nor develop missile-defense systems that undermine global strategic stability."

China circled by chain of US anti-missile systems
India would be a value-added pawn to Washington's chess plan. Washington would do its best to recruit India, perhaps at the cost of potentially leaking F-35 secrets to Russia by selling India the top-notch toys.
India would be a value-added pawn to Washington's chess plan. Washington would do its best to recruit India, perhaps at the cost of potentially leaking F-35 secrets to Russia by selling India the top-notch toys.

i heard long ago that GoI interested in AAD & PAD a home grown Missile defense, and Even F-35 II comes to India, it already have 20-40 FGFA, so F-35 is not a superior fighter than PAK-FA/FGFA i think so!!!:woot::woot::woot::cheers:
Oh man! What paranoia! UAE and Germany part of a "circle" around China? Looks like the Chinese defense industry is taking lessons from the USA's military-industrial-complex. Make up a scary bogeyman to get the funding you want for new weapons toys. :yahoo:
Yes absolutely, India will have the best of Russian and US weapons, China will crash and burn in the next 10 years and have its entire 5000 years civilization wiped off the earth, or even better -- not disappearing completely but just totally sink into despair and watch itself encircled by powerful neighbors (and most importantly -- India) and beg for food handouts.

Oh, did I mention Pakistan will surely go down with China because of its friendship with the condemned country?

You win! Please spare us from these kind of posts on this forum from now on.
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It's said that China's military budget will be around 80billion dollars this year, about 15+% increase. Thanks to Indians indeed.
i heard long ago that GoI interested in AAD & PAD a home grown Missile defense, and Even F-35 II comes to India, it already have 20-40 FGFA, so F-35 is not a superior fighter than PAK-FA/FGFA i think so!!!:woot::woot::woot::cheers:

Well, this can be changed. US can provide India the first batch of F-35 even before US induct them. This would be a game changer. If this is the case, the requirement would be for India to severe ties to PAKFA program. Is India ready to do that?
As I mentioned many times already. Its about time for India to join the US as a partner like Japan, England and Australia and extract good terms. Otherwise, India would either join the China/Russia camp or beg to join the US lead camp in the future. By then, we would see news of India being upset because US does not provide enough protect for India. I can see this in the headlines in the year 2025 as India is falling further and further behind major powers in technology and economy(only against China).
i heard long ago that GoI interested in AAD & PAD a home grown Missile defense, and Even F-35 II comes to India, it already have 20-40 FGFA, so F-35 is not a superior fighter than PAK-FA/FGFA i think so!!!:woot::woot::woot::cheers:

-Sorry, to burst your bubble but the F-35 Lightning won't go to India in the next decade..There was a reason why it was brought up in the first place, and that was if India were to go with the LockHeed Martin F-16 Block 60 for the MMRCA contract. But from what I've been reading the EuroTyphoon is leading the polls, and we all know the pressure from the Kremlin on to Delhi on to purchasing more of their Military Hardware so their MIG-35 is still up there.

-So in conclusion, go for the F-16 and a F-35 Lightning or Two might come your way ;D
china will make a way out of it for sure as it has said that if u getsomething better it is always you see its days numbered becoz counter measures will come soon in defence industry and for country like china it is like playing with a american anti air defence toy
Haha, I think the Indians are just trying to seek redemption after ShChinese posted so many topics based on toilets in the Indian sub-forums hurhur.
faithful is right. indians should make their choice. do they stand with the colonials and their attack dogs in USA, Britain, Japan and SKorea, or stand with other easterners in russia and china.
Haha, I think the Indians are just trying to seek redemption after ShChinese posted so many topics based on toilets in the Indian sub-forums hurhur.
Not only shchinese, there is a troll called Im_a_bud_bud too..remember? ;)
faithful is right. indians should make their choice. do they stand with the colonials and their attack dogs in USA, Britain, Japan and SKorea, or stand with other easterners in russia and china.

I don't think the Indian government wants to commit itself in any strategic alliances, right now it just wants to get hold of the latest military weaponry from US or Russia to make its stand against Pakistan (and China so wishes the Indian media). But I agree with your thoughts, imagine what it would be like if we can peacefully settle our border disputes and enter into a non-invasion binding agreement with each other.

There is already a framework in place that has very huge potential -- the SCO, if India and Pakistan can join the SCO and all its members enter the non-invasion agreement to clear out any distrust between the neighboring countries, the SCO's sphere of influence can span the major part of Asia, just take a look at the map. The economic, energy, materials, technology, military and human resources in the SCO can really change the future of whole Asia and make all of us proud, think about it -- the strength of Europe and America are heavily based on their regional political stability and co-operations, no country can be a major world power if it can't even deal with its neighbors! But that's just wishful thinking, instead we have this mess in Asia since last century and still live under the heavy influence of former colonial powers, sigh...
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I don't think the Indian government want to commit itself in any strategic alliances, right now it just wants to get hold of the latest military weaponry from US or Russia to make its stand with Pakistan (and China so wishes the Indian media). But I agree with your thoughts, imagine what it would be like if we can peacefully settle our border disputes and enter into a non-invasion binding agreement with each other.

There is already a framework in place that has very huge potential -- the SCO, if India and Pakistan can join the SCO and all its members enter the non-invasion agreement to clear out any distrust between the neighboring countries, the SCO's sphere of influence can span the major part of Asia, just take a look at the map. The economic, energy, materials, technology, military and human resources in the SCO can really change the future of whole Asia and make all of us proud, think about it -- the strength of Europe and America are heavily based on their regional political stability and co-operations, no country can be a major world power if it can't even deal with its neighbors! But that's just wishful thinking, instead we have this mess in Asia since last century and still live under the heavy influence of former colonial powers, sigh...

IMHO, the SCO is over-rated my friend. It might be a useful prototype that can morph into something else later. But its current utility is truly non-existent.

I see it as a "protest organization", whereas NATO is a "governing organization" - whether you like it or not.

In the forseeable future, the PRC should continue to focus on economic/military and overall strategic relationship-building with Pakistan, while certainly not ignoring economic co-development with India.

Without a destructive war the latter will grow along its own path. Politics won't stop it.

This is based on two observations that have been true since the founding of all three states in the middle of the last century:

1. Paradoxically, both China and Pakistan are "culturally" closer to India than they are to each other (I am not going to debate this with anyone). So naturally by developing anything with Pakistan, you are developing something with India. This point almost sounds preposterous. And it is not easy to wrap your head around it - especially for those in China. But try to digest it ...

2. Pakistan holds a veto over any "strategic" relationship between China and India (I am not going to debate this with anyone either). Therefore, a three-way thaw will happen in an orderly fashion. First Indo-Pak thaw, then genuine rapprochement between India and China (if other, somewhat less critical pieces also fall into place).

Concerns over the likes of "South Tibet" should be viewed entirely as means to an end ... And one should always keep an eye on India's ruling classes' "brahmanical" tendencies. There truly exists a large swath of the Indian "establishment" who implictly/explictly assume that they are the designated heir of the "East India Company" and the natural practioners of "British tactics" in South Asia and beyond.

Now to be sure, I certainly don't fault India for keeping an eye on the PRC's own "regional hegemonic" tendencies, either.

Just my two cents.


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