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China can’t look to Singapore for a way to live with Covid-19, health economist says

Oct 15, 2017
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  • Li Ling tells Chinese news site that the city state failed to contain cases when it eased restrictions
  • The key to opening up is whether all countries have got transmission under control, she says

Singapore’s “experiment” to live with the coronavirus – and its subsequent spike in infections – might not be a useful model for China as it considers whether to reopen its borders, a Chinese health researcher has said.
“This safety net protecting the health of 1.4 billion people did not come easily. We can’t let it go just like that,” Li Ling, from Peking University’s National School of Development, was quoted as saying by mainland news website Guancha.cn on Wednesday.
China has adopted a zero-tolerance strategy to combat the coronavirus, enforcing swift and sweeping lockdowns coupled with repeated mass testing of entire communities whenever clusters of cases emerge.
Those who did the right thing, in the end, become isolated.

Those who are failing, become the winners.

Actually, it's related to the end times prophecy about the disease and the people who are protected.
Those who did the right thing, in the end, become isolated.

Those who are failing, become the winners.

Actually, it's related to the end times prophecy about the disease and the people who are protected.

I think, in the end, God and natural selection wins. You can't beat that. For humans and viruses are God's children. And those who oppose God will suffer the consequences.
China's policy is very simple, if there are only 10 or fewer cases in a city, check their action track within 14 days, track all exposed people and do PCR for them. If there are more than 10, the city will be blocked and PCR will be performed for all residents of the city. Seven consecutive rounds of PCR were performed within 14 days, if cases are found, add a round of PCR.
I think, in the end, God and natural selection wins. You can't beat that. For humans and viruses are God's children. And those who oppose God will suffer the consequences.
China will achieve mass immunization through vaccines. Let's see who the losers are.
China's policy is very simple, if there are only 10 or fewer cases in a city

China used to have 1 or 2 cases daily last year. This year it's up to dozens daily. What about next year? What about 2023? If China continues like this year after year, China will have no foreign tourism. China will suffer.

There is an old western saying. Repeating the same mistake and expecting a different outcome is stupidity.
China's policy is very simple, if there are only 10 or fewer cases in a city, check their action track within 14 days, track all exposed people and do PCR for them. If there are more than 10, the city will be blocked and PCR will be performed for all residents of the city. Seven consecutive rounds of PCR were performed within 14 days, if cases are found, add a round of PCR.

China will achieve mass immunization through vaccines. Let's see who the losers are.

The more you vaccinate, the more will be variants and more people will die.
The more you vaccinate, the more will be variants and more people will die.

That's right. If humans think they can outsmart mother nature, they got another thing coming for them. Rabbit pox developed a gene that switches off rabbit immune system in Australia. If people keep on vaccinating, covid will use the same gene to switch off human immune system. Unless humans come up with nanobots, no vax works without immune system, and people will drop dead left and right from other cold viruses and flu viruses. Very dangerous.
It is not that the powers do not know this. This was the plan that was discussed and agreed during WEF and being implemented through UN.

There are reports covid is switching off part of human immune system after vaccination. That's why people are getting sicker from common colds.

There are reports covid is switching off part of human immune system after vaccination. That's why people are getting sicker from common colds.

Also, COVID spreads twice as fast in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.
Also, COVID spreads twice as fast in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

Coronavirus has lots of useful genes. 30,000 letters. Bigger than any other RNA virus. Coronavirus can disable immune system if vaccination continues, and people will drop dead left and right. Very dangerous and irresponsible.
Coronavirus has lots of useful genes. 30,000 letters. Bigger than any other RNA virus. Coronavirus can disable immune system if vaccination continues, and people will drop dead left and right. Very dangerous and irresponsible.

The official letter that confirms that Fauci & EcoHealth Alliance funded gain of function research through Wuhan lab is out in the open now.

China's policy is very simple, if there are only 10 or fewer cases in a city, check their action track within 14 days, track all exposed people and do PCR for them. If there are more than 10, the city will be blocked and PCR will be performed for all residents of the city. Seven consecutive rounds of PCR were performed within 14 days, if cases are found, add a round of PCR.

China will achieve mass immunization through vaccines. Let's see who the losers are.
Mass immunization doesn't mean no infection. Let's see how China responds to new cases AFTER it has achieved mass immunization through vaccines.
Mass immunization doesn't mean no infection. Let's see how China responds to new cases AFTER it has achieved mass immunization through vaccines.

If you vaccinate. Then fine. Coronavirus will shut down your immune system. You will even die from usually mild illnesses such as common cold and flu.
I think, in the end, God and natural selection wins. You can't beat that. For humans and viruses are God's children. And those who oppose God will suffer the consequences.

Amazing logic.


So a murder should be a murder, a sinner should do sins because that is what God wants them to do. Or else.
Also, COVID spreads twice as fast in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.

From where did you read this???
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