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China calls on Washington to unveil bio-labs in Ukraine, China demands answers from US for ‘26 biolabs in Ukraine’


Nov 4, 2011
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China calls on Washington to unveil bio-labs in Ukraine

March 9, 2022 at 2:06 pm

A spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry said yesterday that Beijing is urging Washington to disclose details of US-funded biological labs in Ukraine. The spokesman demanded disclosure of the types of viruses stored in these labs, as well as details of the research conducted in them. Given the nature of the current situation in Ukraine, he added, all parties should ensure the safety of the labs.

China's statement came a day after the defence ministry in Moscow accused the US of running 30 biological labs in Ukraine, producing viruses that cause serious diseases. The head of Russia's radiation, chemical and biological protection force, Igor Kirillov, noted that Russian troops have destroyed some of them, reported Anadolu Agency.

"Military biological programmes are being implemented by the Pentagon in post-Soviet countries, including in Ukraine," explained Kirillov. "A network of more than 30 biological laboratories has been created, which can be divided into research and sanitary-epidemiological sites in the cities of Lviv, Kharkiv, and Poltava."

The Russian official added that there were traces of pathogens of the plague, anthrax, brucellosis, diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery. Neither Kyiv nor Washington commented on this.

Kirillov noted that in Lviv alone, 232 containers were destroyed containing the causative agent of leptospirosis, 30 with tularaemia, 10 with brucellosis and five with plague.

In the same context, Moscow claimed that Washington spent more than $200 million on the work of the biological labs in Ukraine. Furthermore, it alleged that the labs of the Central Directorate of Health and Epidemiology of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence participated in the US military biological programme.


China demands answers from US for ‘26 biolabs in Ukraine’​

Beijing says military bio-labs must carry ‘all dangerous viruses in Ukraine’

Anadolu AgencyMarch 09, 2022


China asked Washington on Tuesday to release “relevant details as soon as possible” regarding alleged US biological laboratories in Ukraine.

“According to the data released by the US itself, the US has 26 biological laboratories and other related facilities in Ukraine which has indeed attracted great attention,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a news conference in Beijing.

A similar claim was made Sunday by Russian Defence Ministry that there was “evidence of a US-financed military biological programme developed in Ukraine.”

Moscow said the lab was “revealed during Russia’s special operation in that country.”

“All dangerous viruses in Ukraine must be stored in these laboratories. All research activities are led by the US. No information is allowed to be disclosed without the permission of the US side,” claimed Zhao, according to a transcription of the news conference.

He claimed the Pentagon “has absolute control” over these alleged labs.

Russia's war on Ukraine has drawn international condemnation, led to financial sanctions on Moscow, and spurred an exodus of global firms from Russia.

The West has also imposed biting export restrictions on key technologies that are now prohibited from being sent to Russia.

At least 406 civilians have been killed and 801 injured in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, according to UN figures.

But the international body has maintained that conditions on the ground have made it "difficult to verify" the true number of casualties.

As many as two million people have fled to neighbouring countries, according to the UN Refugee Agency.

“Under the current situation, we call on all parties concerned to ensure the safety of these laboratories, starting from the health and safety of people in Ukraine and surrounding areas and around the world,” said Zhao.

Also read: China's Xi calls for 'maximum restraint' in Ukraine

“In particular, the US, as the party that knows these laboratories best, should announce the relevant details as soon as possible, including which viruses have been stored and which research has been carried out,” he said. “The revelation of the US bio-military activity in Ukraine is just the tip of the iceberg.”

“The US Department of Defence controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world under the names of ‘cooperating to reduce biosecurity risks and strengthening global public health,’” Zhao added.

It's the same US funding as the Wuhan one.

NIH acknowledges US funded gain-of-function at Wuhan lab, Sen. Rand Paul reacts

In a letter to Rep. James Comer, ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, an NIH official admits that a “limited experiment” was conducted in order to test if “spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ace2 receptor in a mouse model.”
I always had the suspicion that it was USA foisted the Coronavirus on China.
It need not even be the US government. There are too many religious and racist loonies in the US at the highest levels of their society, be it science, military or politics. Eg Anthrax after 9/11 , Waco shootout, Timothy McVeigh bombing etc
And they have an ingrained institutional culture of genociding other races without any tinge of conscience eg biowarfare on native Americans, nuking Japanese, napalming Vietnamese, White phosphorus on Iraqis etc
Many of us are wondering why WHO not taking this golden opportunity to trace the origin of the Coronavirus?

Scott Morrison should come out and sponsored a new resolution in the UN about this.

Why is he so silent this time around esp. when the Russian claimed that they have already collected solid evidences about this?

Where is he?
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The presence of unexpected biases in online fact-checking​

The increasing amount of information online makes it challenging to judge what to believe or discredit. Fact-checking unverified claims shared on platforms, like social media, can play a critical role in correcting misbeliefs. The current study demonstrates how the effect of fact-checking can vary by several factors. We show that fact-checking helps self-correct one’s views among young adults. However, this effect is weaker for individuals who perceived the claim negatively at first. Furthermore, borderline messages like “Lack of Evidence” can be perceived as false rather than neutral. We explain these biases via human cognitive mechanisms that avoid risk and uncertainty.


Data Science Group, Institute for Basic Science, South Korea
Mobile Communications Division, Samsung Electronics, South Korea
Department of Sociology, Yonsei University, South Korea
School of Computing, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea


  • [Self-correction Role] What effect does fact-checking have on individuals who take an extremely positive or negative initial view toward the claim?
  • [Perception Bias] Are borderline fact-checking messages such as Mixed Evidence, Divided Evidence, and Lack of Evidence perceived as neutral?
  • [Perception Bias] What are the cognitive mechanisms that trigger people’s reactions when they see borderline fact-checking messages or opposing messages to their initial views?


  • Fact-checking plays a critical role in fighting misbeliefs online. This research reveals the unexpected and diminished effect of fact-checking due to perception biases.
  • Fact-checking platforms are bound to host many unverified claims that are neither entirely true nor false and inevitably produce borderline tags to those claims. We show the effect of such borderline messages by examining how readers perceive them.
  • We experimented with 11,145 young adults and observed changes in their views on 10 real-world unproven claims after presenting a hypothetical fact-checked message.
  • Claims marked as “Lack of Evidence” were perceived similarly as false information, unlike other borderline tags such as “Mixed Evidence” or “Divided Evidence.” This is related to an uncertainty-aversion response due to insufficient information.
  • Disconfirmation bias or reluctance to change views was observed when users saw a definite yet opposing tag like “Mostly True” to a claim they initially perceived negatively.
  • While fact-checking is known to be effective in relaxing extreme views, the presence of various human cognitive biases indicates that fact-checking does not always produce the desired effect and that the self-correction effect varies by the wording in fact-checking messages.

I always had the suspicion that it was USA foisted the Coronavirus on China.
It need not even be the US government. There are too many religious and racist loonies in the US at the highest levels of their society, be it science, military or politics. Eg Anthrax after 9/11 , Waco shootout, Timothy McVeigh bombing etc
And they have an ingrained institutional culture of genociding other races without any tinge of conscience eg biowarfare on native Americans, nuking Japanese, napalming Vietnamese, White phosphorus on Iraqis etc
The initial leak from fort detrick was likely accidental. But the cover up was deliberate.

Cause of Respiratory Illness Still Unknown After Dozens Sickened at Virginia Retirement Community​

The outbreak was reported in the assisted living and skilled nursing areas of the community, where about 263 people live​

By Carissa DiMargo and Julie Carey, Northern Virginia Bureau Chief • Published July 17, 2019 • Updated on July 18, 2019 at 1:50 pm​

Fairfax County health officials said they don't yet have a cause of the respiratory illness that sicked more than 60 residents at a Northern Virginia senior living community.
The outbreak at Greenspring Retirement Community in Springfield began June 30. Sick residents had symptoms such as coughs, fevers and pneumonia.
Three people have also died,
but Dr. Benjamin Sc........................................
Health officials said last week what was striking about the outbreak was the number of residents impacted and the time of year — summer instead of winter, when flu and respiratory illness usually spread........................

‘US Biolabs in Ukraine’: UN Security Council to meet on Russia’s request over bioweapons issue, China may support Russian claims too​

The UN Security Council has scheduled a meeting on Friday, 11th of March 2022 at Russia’s request. The meeting is being scheduled to discuss Russian claims of the United States conducting military biological activities in Ukraine, an allegation denied by the Biden administration even though they admitted the presence of Biolabs in Ukraine.

The Russian request came from its first deputy UN ambassador, Dmitry Polyansky after the US rejected Russian claims that they are running chemical and biological labs in Ukraine.

The United States has continued to dismiss Russian claims of running these biological warfare labs in Ukraine. The spokesperson of the US mission to the United Nations, Olivia Dalton, dismissed the whole thing as a ‘false flag’ operation by Russia. She said that this is just Russia trying to gaslight the world, and highlighted Russian history of using chemical weapons in the past.

From White House press secretary Jen Psaki to the Pentagon, all US officials have stated that this is just an excuse from Russia to escalate the situation in Ukraine. The United States believes Russia may be setting the stage to use weapons of mass destruction of their own with these Biolabs as an excuse. Jen Psaki’s comments came in response to the accusations of American Biolabs in Ukraine by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

US had funded Biolabs in Ukraine, China had recently blamed USA for operating hundreds of Biolabs all over the world​

It is notable here that the official website of the US Embassy in Ukraine had, in its official page of the “Biological threat reduction program’ had mentioned that they have funded and working in collaboration with multiple labs in Ukraine on deadly pathogens.

US Embassy in Ukraine mentioning Biolabs working on deadly pathogens in Ukraine
However, the testimony of the American Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, admitting the presence of Biolabs in Ukraine cast doubts on the US claims of innocence over the issue.

China has also blamed the USA recently for operating hundreds of Biolabs all over the world. Since China is also a permanent member of the UNSC, Russia
The question of whether US Biolabs in Ukraine is working on deadly pathogens fake or real is no longer important as the issue has now been accepted by the UNSC for discussion.

Russia will need to provides their evidences to UN.

How come we don't read about this in the US or Western controlled MSM.

They continue to call this fake news and Russian fabrication.

So is this regarded as fake news?
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