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China builds 'xiaokang border defence village' in Arunachal: Implications for India's security

Nyingchi high speed railway station, it's said that Indians can literally see this station on the mountain top on their side


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The border need local to patrol. Else Hindus keep operating their forward policy.
I think communication between minorities on the boarder should be encouraged. So they can see what their life should be if the Indian government was actually competent.
Indian government and media constantly brainwash Indian locals that Tibet is a hell on earth, people are being tortured, persecuted and killed, Tibetans are so poor they have no food to eat, no house to live. and every Tibetan dreams to become an Indian citizen.

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Zayü County 察隅县, a valley wedged deeply into India controlled south Tibet ( Arunachal Pradesh), it's so remote on the southern hills of the Himalaya mountains, an enclave which is almost cut off by the mountain chains from the rest of Tibet, China newly built some villages there trying to have this once extremely sparsely populated area populated so this enclave border can be properly protected and defended.

But no one will like to live there if there are no decent supporting facilities like good hospitals, so the government built several well equipped hospitals in this region, docotors from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen are sent to work and train local doctors in those hospitals on rotation basis.


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How people live kilometers away on the Indian side of the border, people living on both sides are the same ethnicity, The Mishmi or Deng people. They some times bump into each other in the mountains and can talk to each other in their own language.

Local ethnic Deng ( Mishmi ) villager in Zayü County shows a group of visitors to The McMahon Line , now is the line of actually control between China and India, the LAC is just at the back of his house, this place was the main battle ground of 1962 border war.

This region is all primitive jungle, the villager told the visitors that they all used to be hunters, but hunting is banned now. The guide strongly suggested visitors never go into these mountains by themselves, these mountains are teeming with Bengal tigers, bears, Burmese pythons.

To counter China's "expansion", India also built their " Model village" kilometers away from Chinese border villages

Indian army develops 'model village' near LAC in Arunachal; Locals say 'ready to fight with China'

These makeshift crappy dwellings connected only with dirty mud trails are India's "Model Village"? Are Indians trolling themselves?
China builds a new village in Doklam on China-Bhutan border

China finished a new village at China-Bhutan border, Yadong County. The new village, Pangda (庞达村), will become the home of 27households / 100 people, who used to be living in absolute poverty in a high altitude area in Yadong where environment is very harsh and inhabitable.

Construction of the Pangda Village was started in Dec. 2019, and completed in May 2020, with a 2.5-month pause in between due to Covid. The buildings in Pangda are using the steel frame structure, supplied by Baosteel Corp.

The Pangda village project is financed by Shanghai city as poverty alleviation pairing up program which wealthy cities and regions are paired up with poor counterparts in China by the central government and made obligated to help the poor regions to get out of poverty, failing the designated alleviation job by the deadline could mean losing jobs for the officials from the rich regions.

The investment for building this village is around ¥285million ($43 million), the village homes 27households / 100 people .

Location of Pangda village
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Its time to get back south tibet from those indian snakes, it rightfully belongs to china.
This village was built by Shanghai city as part of " poverty alleviation pairing program"
Those houses used lots of steel which made them very sturdy and fully earthquake resistant.






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Border village supported by clean energy, Tibet is most ideal place to harvest solar energy on the planet

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