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China builds 'xiaokang border defence village' in Arunachal: Implications for India's security

Actually the government just raised the cash subsidy for Tibetan border villagers to 6,600 Yuan per person/year. This guy living in Indian border just got his government subsidy money, his household has 3 people, and the family got 19,800 Yuan ( $ 3150 USD).

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This Tibetan vlogger in the above vlog video said he must have saved all the good deeds for 8 of his previous lives to be blessed to be born in China this life.
This Tibetan vlogger in the above vlog video said he must have saved all the good deeds for 8 of his previous lives to be blessed to be born in China this life.

lol, watched his video. I would say this Tibetan monk is more patriotic than 90% Han Chinese. Noticed he referred to Indians as "neighboring Asanmen". :cheesy:
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lol, watched his video. I would say this Tibetan monk is more patriotic than 90% Han Chinese. Noticed he referred to Indians as "neighboring Asanmen". :cheesy:
Actually he used a very racist and derogatory term 阿三 to refer to neighboring Indians, which is not encouraged under any circumstances.
Some other benefits that Tibetan enjoy: 15 years Free education from kingdergarten to high school, free school accomodation, almost free college education, free school meals and during the break snacks. Free universal healthcare
A vlogger came across a very remote small village primary school near China-India border 4,300 meters above the sea level deep in the mountains, the school all together only has 69 students, but it has 12 teachers. Everything is for free, tuition, accomodation, food..are all covered by the government.

How well are pregnant Tibetans treated?
This Tibetan woman shares the details:
" I didn’t spend a penny from being admitted to the hosptial to being discharged, all kinds of tests were all for free. When being discharged from the hospital, I received¥2,600 Yuan cash($410)for buying health suplements. ¥600 is for paying the helper taking care of me during my stay in the hospital. If a baby was born permature, the government money for health suplements will increase to over ¥10,000 Yuan ($1550), and if a baby was born with some health issues, the baby will receive all neccessary treatment in the hospital all for free."

The new village 珞瓦新村 south of McMahon Line in south Tibet, so called settlement built deep inside Indian territory

印度媒体提到的那个位于麦克马洪线以南的中国村子叫珞瓦新村。新村项目2019年4月启动,2020年12月15日顺利通过竣工验收。据《捷报|隆子县扎日乡珞瓦新村搬迁安置点顺利通过竣工验收》的介绍:“项目总用地面积12,389.67㎡,总建筑面积18,014 .08㎡,其中住宅总面积14,549.80㎡,公建总面积3,464.28㎡,共43栋住宅。”
Google translation:
The Chinese village south of the McMahon Line mentioned by the Indian media is called Luowa New Village. The Xincun project was launched in April 2019 and passed the completion acceptance on December 15, 2020. According to the introduction of "Good News | The Relocation and Resettlement Site of Luowa New Village, Zari Township, Longzi County, Passed the Completion Inspection and Acceptance": "The total land area of the project is 12,389.67 square meters, and the total construction area is 18,014.08 square meters, of which the total residential area is 14,549.80 square meters, and the total area of public buildings. 3,464.28 square meters, a total of 43 houses."




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The new village 珞瓦新村 south of McMahon Line in south Tibet, so called settlement built deep inside Indian territory

印度媒体提到的那个位于麦克马洪线以南的中国村子叫珞瓦新村。新村项目2019年4月启动,2020年12月15日顺利通过竣工验收。据《捷报|隆子县扎日乡珞瓦新村搬迁安置点顺利通过竣工验收》的介绍:“项目总用地面积12,389.67㎡,总建筑面积18,014 .08㎡,其中住宅总面积14,549.80㎡,公建总面积3,464.28㎡,共43栋住宅。”
Google translation:
The Chinese village south of the McMahon Line mentioned by the Indian media is called Luowa New Village. The Xincun project was launched in April 2019 and passed the completion acceptance on December 15, 2020. According to the introduction of "Good News | The Relocation and Resettlement Site of Luowa New Village, Zari Township, Longzi County, Passed the Completion Inspection and Acceptance": "The total land area of the project is 12,389.67 square meters, and the total construction area is 18,014.08 square meters, of which the total residential area is 14,549.80 square meters, and the total area of public buildings. 3,464.28 square meters, a total of 43 houses."

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So Chinese government is building these villages for Tibetans returning from overseas?
All these border Xiaokang villages are close to newly built Tibetan high speed railway, being connected with local highways, making traveling in and out of this border region super convenient.

China strengthens civiian border control in the newly built border sitting villages and along the Sino-Indian borders




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Tibet- china's last village near LAC (NEAR SHI YUMI DISTRICT FRONTIER)
India watches as China 'accelerates' construction along border with Bhutan
January. 13 2022

China speeded up construction in 2021, according to new satellite images and experts, erecting more than 200 structures in six areas along the disputed frontiers with Bhutan, a tiny Himalayan country and Indian ally.
The new imagery suggests that neither India nor Bhutan has responded on the ground to China's construction activities, experts say.

The new imagery suggests that neither India nor Bhutan has responded on the ground to China's construction activities, experts say. (TRTWorld)

China has reportedly accelerated settlement-building along its disputed border with Bhutan, with more than 200 structures, including two-storey buildings, under construction in six locations, according to satellite image analysis.

The images and analysis supplied to Reuters news agency by US data analytics firm HawkEye 360, which uses satellites to gather intelligence on ground-level activities, and vetted by two other experts, provide a detailed look into China's recent construction along its frontier with Bhutan.

Construction-related activity in some of the locations along Bhutan's western border has been under way since early 2020, with China initially building tracks and clearing out areas, based on material provided by satellite imagery firms Capella Space and Planet Labs, said Chris Biggers, the mission applications director at HawkEye 360.

Images show the work speeded up in 2021. Smaller structures were erected –– possibly to house equipment and supplies ––followed by the laying of foundations and then the construction of buildings, Biggers said.

"To me, 2021 was the period for acceleration," Biggers said.

Two other experts who studied the locations of the new construction and recent satellite images taken by Capella Space said all six settlements appear to be in territory disputed by China and Bhutan –– including a contested tract of roughly 110 square kilometres –– with little in the way of resources or native population.

Bhutan won't discuss border issues in public
"It is Bhutan's policy not to talk about boundary issues in the public," Bhutan's Foreign Ministry said in response to questions.
The ministry declined to comment further.

The construction suggests that China is bent on resolving its border claims by giving its ambitions concrete form, said the experts and one Indian defence source.
China's Foreign Ministry said the construction is "entirely for the improvement of the working and living conditions of the local people."

"It is within China's sovereignty to carry out normal construction activities on its own territory," the ministry said.
The ministry declined to comment further.
Bhutan, a country of less than 800,000 people, has been negotiating with Beijing for almost four decades to settle their 477-km border.
Bhutan, a country of less than 800,000 people, has been negotiating with Beijing for almost four decades to settle their 477-km border. (Reuters)

Over four decades of dispute
The villages also offer Beijing some strategic value, two of the experts said. The new construction is 9 to 27km from the Doklam area at the junction of the borders of India, Bhutan and China, where Indian and Chinese troops were locked in standoff for more than two months in 2017.

The settlements would allow China to better control and monitor far-flung areas, and potentially use them to establish security-focused installations, according to one expert and the Indian defence source.

India's Foreign Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

Bhutan, a country of less than 800,000 people, has been negotiating with Beijing for almost four decades to settle their 477-km border. At issue for Bhutan is not just territorial integrity, but also concerns over the potential security implications for India, which is the Himalayan kingdom's main ally and economic partner.

The Bhutanese Foreign Ministry said Bhutan and China had agreed during the latest round of boundary negotiations in April 2021 to speed up the process of resolving their differences. It declined to discuss the details of the plan to do so.

"All issues are discussed between Bhutan and China within the framework of the Boundary Talks," the ministry said.

"China's village building across the claimed Bhutan border appears to be designed to force Bhutan to yield to Chinese demands in their border negotiations, now in their 24th round after 37 years," said Robert Barnett, a professorial research associate at SOAS University of London, who is an expert on Tibet and has studied the China-Bhutan border closely.

Subsidies to settle in border villages
The settlements appear part of a plan Beijing made public in 2017 to build more than 600 villages in border areas in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), which lies on the Chinese side of the disputed border, said Barnett and M. Taylor Fravel, director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Fravel said the construction indicated China likely wanted to consolidate its control and improve infrastructure in border areas.

The Chinese-controlled TAR was established in 1965, six years after the Dalai Lama fled Tibet in the wake of a failed uprising against Chinese rule.

Some of the villages near the border are built where there has been no previous construction. China's government gives residents subsidies to settle there, Barnett said.
"All the cross-border villages in the western Bhutan sector are sited in areas where no natural village would be found, since these areas are barely habitable," he said.
Control over the area could give Beijing access to

Control over the area could give Beijing access to "Chicken's Neck" – a narrow, essential strip of land connecting India's northeastern provinces with the rest of the country. (TRTWorld)

Controlling 'Chicken's Neck'
Control over the remote Doklam plateau would potentially give China greater access to the adjoining "Chicken's Neck" area, a strategic strip of land that connects India to its northeastern region.

India shares an unsettled 3,500-km border with China.

Troops from both countries remain deployed near each other in a separate border dispute in the Ladakh region –– about 1,100km from Doklam –– where they clashed in hand-to-hand combat in 2020.

India has been closely monitoring Chinese construction along its borders, the Indian defence source said, declining to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter.
The satellite imagery suggests that neither India nor Bhutan has responded on the ground to China's construction activities, Biggers said.

Nathan Ruser, a researcher at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute research organisation, added that it would be a challenge for India and Bhutan to counter the Chinese construction.

"Any action taken against these Chinese installations would necessarily put civilian populations at risk," Ruser said.
"It limits the ways in which India and Bhutan are able to combat Chinese encroachment into disputed territories."

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