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China builds Space Academy & Satellite Ground station in Sri Lanka

We have own vision and path, we are co-operating with every country we need. Most of India in pain when they hear the word China, all the threads on PDF are example for that! ;)

Sri Lankans don't have jealousy anything related to development in India! It's not our style, no one even think about it. If India is developing it is truly good. Sri Lanka's next target is reach quality of living standard of Thailand, Then Malaysia/Taiwan. Taiwan and Malaysia have the most advanced infrastructure in the region so it's a hard target........
What led you to believe that we don't have ours. Every country has their own vision & path.:azn:
& Whenever India is on developing path,all like you burn & yes PDF threads are best example for that.:bunny:
Most of Indian even don't know where is Sri Lanka, Oh yes when you say Lanka they remember it without any doubt.:lol:
Then what are Sri Lankans doing in India related thread,Praising CCP.:fie:
For development part I will say :tup:.
Your country should stop kissing American a$$ and stand up for themselves or merge back to mainland China.

The situation between Taiwan and China exists because of a civil war. India exists as a nation now because of British imperialism. If the British did not win the 7 year war, there would be a French India. And the French India no doubt would be its own nation now in Tamil area. Also, there would be Dutch, Portugese and Spanish India that would be independent nations as well. So be grateful of the British for created your country.
The situation between Taiwan and China exists because of a civil war. India exists as a nation now because of British imperialism. If the British did not win the 7 year war, there would be a French India. And the French India no doubt would be its own nation now in Tamil area. Also, there would be Dutch, Portugese and Spanish India that would be independent nations as well. So be grateful of the British for created your country.
You came so late on this conclusion.:lol: Even Chinese,Sri Lankans,Pakistani friends came to this conclusion way earlier than you.:lol:
The situation between Taiwan and China exists because of a civil war. India exists as a nation now because of British imperialism. If the British did not win the 7 year war, there would be a French India. And the French India no doubt would be its own nation now in Tamil area. Also, there would be Dutch, Portugese and Spanish India that would be independent nations as well. So be grateful of the British for created your country.

Thank you for the history lesson and you be thankful for the US 7th fleet that protects your a$$ being fried by PLA.
You came so late on this conclusion.:lol: Even Chinese,Sri Lankans,Pakistani friends came to this conclusion way earlier than you.:lol:

Well, history facts cannot be changed. Its clear that India was lucky that only Britain colonized India. Look at Africa and all the small nations in it. India could have encountered the same fate.
Life in the parallel universe must be good or Indiophobic fantasies taking a toll on your cognitive abilities.

The situation between Taiwan and China exists because of a civil war. India exists as a nation now because of British imperialism.

The ritual rant of praising the British :lol:

If the British did not win the 7 year war, there would be a French India.

There was, Pondicherry was French colony.

And the French India no doubt would be its own nation now in Tamil area.

Did so called French India confirm so ? :lol:

Also, there would be Dutch,

The Dutch were defeated in battle of Colachel


Portugese and
Goa was under Portugese rule.

Spanish India that would be independent nations as well.

Spanish colonial rule over India? when did that happen :woot:

I'm glad you didn't mention of a Chinese India yet. :lol:

So be grateful of the British for created your country.

Since you consider that British domination over other colonial power is the reason for existence India as a nation.

By implication you must admit China/PRC should have never been a nation since the British did not dominate the Eight nation alliance powers. In other words.

There should have been a:

1.Russian China

2. Portuguese China*

3. American China

4.Japanese China

5. Hungarian China

6.British China*

7. French China

8. Italian China.

*Macau and Hong Kong became Chinese territories eventually hence ignored.

But reality says other wise, Existence of PRC contradicts your perverted fantasies:rofl:

Thank you for the history lesson and you be thankful for the US 7th fleet that protects your a$$ being fried by PLA.

He has perverted vulgar affinity for colonial powers and hence ritualistic praise for them, may be stockholm syndrome due to Japanese rule over Taiwan :devil:
Well, history facts cannot be changed. Its clear that India was lucky that only Britain colonized India. Look at Africa and all the small nations in it. India could have encountered the same fate.

When was Large part of Africa rule by an African empire , Like India ruled by Maratha or Sikh empire?


Also by your logic China should be thankful to Japan for the first Sino-Japanese war, :wave:

or else the Qing dynasty would have continued and it would have been a Qing emperor ruling China today, discriminating against the Han majority. :devil:

Forcing Qing customes on Han majority. :fie:
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