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China blocked India's loan efforts at ADB

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Dec 28, 2008
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China suggests it blocked India's loan efforts at ADB due to border dispute - China - World - The Times of India

BEIJING: The Chinese foreign ministry on Tuesday indicated it was motivated by the dispute over Arunachal Pradesh to block India's application for a loan from the Asian Development Bank. Part of the loan money is meant for development of Arunachal, which China is claiming as its own territory.

Jiang Yu, spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry, was asked at the ministry's regulator briefing on Tuesday to confirm reports that China had vetoed India's loan application and if this was done because the money is going to be spent in Arunachal Pradesh.

She did not give a direct reply but gave ample indications that China was using the ADB meeting to deal with a bilateral issue between the two countries.

Jiang said Beijing always supported ADB's efforts to play a "positive role" for the development of poor nations. She then went on to say that China was in favour of consultations for settling the border dispute with India in an amicable manner.

It is not unusual for the foreign ministry to avoid giving direct replies to questions and coach them in a manner that gives some idea of the government's thinking. Jiang's statement is noteworthy because China did not provide any reasons for its move at the ADB meeting.

The move will have deep ramifications over India-China border talks and might also affect the growing trend of the two countries working jointly on certain issues in international forums, sources said. It showed China is determined to push the debate on the border issue to the international arena instead of settling it solely in a bilateral fashion, sources said.

The move also comes at a time when China is lobbying world leaders for a larger role for itself in the International Monetary Fund and other international institutions. Analysts said the incident is bound to cause alarm bells in New Delhi, which may have to consider the long term effects of growing Chinese influence over international bodies.

The ADB was firming up its country partnership strategy for India until 2012 when Beijing came in the way. India was seeking funds for flood management, water supply and sanitation, sources said.

This is the first time that ADB's efforts to lend money to India has been blocked. India was the largest recipient of ADB funding last year after receiving $3 billion in loans.
Not gonna create any problem. They tried to block the nuclear deal too. But we bulldozed it thru.
This is pretty callous if the aid was meant for development. I'm not sure if I buy this account anyways because there are no attributed quotes and its all the conjecture of that Times of India reporter.

Economics trumps all, and Sino-India repproachment means billions for both sides.
New world is full of options, especially for India.

US certainly can hate BPO, but surely, they can't ignore it. Nor they can ignore Indian market. :enjoy:

US does not hate BPO, US hates Indian BPO workers. :smokin:
Oh my God but wait a minute wasnt that Indians were boasting proudly that India never had a loan from WB nor any other bank ?

Who told you that? India does have an external debt, from WB & various international banks. The key is to keep the external debts at a certain percentage of the GDP. Many of the defence deals are thru loaned money as well which are later paid in installments.

It proves to be a beneficial financial transaction for India. As Indian economy is growing, GDP increases, the capacity to take loan increases. And due to same increasing GDP, it becomes easier to pay the installments of previous loans as well.

Well, plenty of resources are available for India. A country who bagged the nuclear deal amongst all chaos, a meager $3B loan is nothing.

And look what China has done to her image. They vetoed loan which was meant for development. Will not send right signals to the world.

EDIT: Not so sure what the loan amonunt is. I guess $3B was previous loan. But my point stands nonetheless.
This is pretty callous if the aid was meant for development. I'm not sure if I buy this account anyways because there are no attributed quotes and its all the conjecture of that Times of India reporter.

Economics trumps all, and Sino-India repproachment means billions for both sides.

Please do not fall prey to the hands of the cunning Indian news sources. India never spends money on poor people's developmental purposes. If you do not believe me then have a look at this thread.

Well, plenty of resources are available for India. A country who bagged the nuclear deal amongst all chaos, a meager $3B loan is nothing.

And look what China has done to her image. They vetoed loan which was meant for development. Will not send right signals to the world.

EDIT: Not so sure what the loan amonunt is. I guess $3B was previous loan. But my point stands nonetheless.

This is what India does in the name of development. Do not think of yourself the most clever person. :smokin:

Highest number of underweight kids in India: World Bank

MUMBAI: India's higher economic growth has not translated into a superior nutritional status for the country's women and children, as the country houses the highest number of underweight children globally, the World Bank has said.

"The prevalence of underweight children in India is among the highest in the world," the bank said in its publication, 'The World Bank in India'.

"Despite experiencing unprecedented economic growth during the last decade, South Asia, including India, has the highest rates of malnutrition and the largest numbers of undernourished in the world," it said.

Citing estimates by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it said about 49 percent of the world's underweight children, 34 percent of the world's stunted children and 46 percent of the world's wasted children, live in India.

The prevalence of malnutrition varies across states, demographic and socio-economic groups, with scheduled tribes and scheduled castes ranking highest among all.

"Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand have the highest malnutrition rates," it said, adding that even in urban areas, a third of the children are underweight.

"Over the past decade, progress in reducing malnutrition in India has been limited; in fact anaemia has increased," it said.

While poverty is often the underlying cause of malnutrition in children, the superior economic growth experienced by South Asian countries compared to those in Sub-Saharan Africa, has not translated into superior nutritional status for the South Asian child.

"Income inequality could help explain what average economic growth figures may conceal, yet inequality is not significantly worse in South Asia than in Africa," the Bank said.

Besides, low birth in children, undernourishment and anaemia in Indian women and poor household hygiene are some of the issues that need to be dealt with, the World Bank said.

Highest number of underweight kids in India: World Bank - India - The Times of India

Go to another person to make him a fool by telling a BS story.
Please do not fall prey to the hands of the cunning Indian news sources. India never spends money on poor people's developmental purposes. If you do not believe me then have a look at this thread.


That's besides the point in this case. The article insinuates that the PRC made a calculated and publicly acknowledged decision to scuttle developmental aid in a multi-lateral organizational setting due to their bi-lateral concerns with India. Diplomatically that just bad PR and I doubt the Chinese aren't savvy enough to appreciate that. Being passive-aggressive is a nuanced craft when it comes to diplomacy.

My contention remains that this rag is hyping up this development and adding its own unfounded conjecture to pass it off as a news story. Frankly speaking most newspapers articles I've read since joining here add a lot of 'spice' to rile up the reader base. It's easy to spot it if one is viewing it from outside the local reality distortion field.
This is what India does in the name of development. Do not think of yourself the most clever person. :smokin:

Highest number of underweight kids in India: World Bank

MUMBAI: India's higher economic growth has not translated into a superior nutritional status for the country's women and children, as the country houses the highest number of underweight children globally, the World Bank has said.

"The prevalence of underweight children in India is among the highest in the world," the bank said in its publication, 'The World Bank in India'.

"Despite experiencing unprecedented economic growth during the last decade, South Asia, including India, has the highest rates of malnutrition and the largest numbers of undernourished in the world," it said.

Citing estimates by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it said about 49 percent of the world's underweight children, 34 percent of the world's stunted children and 46 percent of the world's wasted children, live in India.

The prevalence of malnutrition varies across states, demographic and socio-economic groups, with scheduled tribes and scheduled castes ranking highest among all.

"Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand have the highest malnutrition rates," it said, adding that even in urban areas, a third of the children are underweight.

"Over the past decade, progress in reducing malnutrition in India has been limited; in fact anaemia has increased," it said.

While poverty is often the underlying cause of malnutrition in children, the superior economic growth experienced by South Asian countries compared to those in Sub-Saharan Africa, has not translated into superior nutritional status for the South Asian child.

"Income inequality could help explain what average economic growth figures may conceal, yet inequality is not significantly worse in South Asia than in Africa," the Bank said.

Besides, low birth in children, undernourishment and anaemia in Indian women and poor household hygiene are some of the issues that need to be dealt with, the World Bank said.

Highest number of underweight kids in India: World Bank - India - The Times of India

Go to another person to make him a fool by telling a BS story.

I am getting a feeling that I am wasting my time over you. Probably I will be done with you after this.

You have not posted any new issue. Malnutrition of children is well known, this is what we have done to cater the need. If you care to read -

Indian Budget Estimates 2009-2010, BE 2009-2010, Indian Interim Budget

(i) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Launched in February 2006, it has now been extended to all the districts of the country. During the year 2008-09, employment of 138.76 crore person days, covering 3.51 crore households, has already been generated. The implementation of this programme has resulted in increased wage employment, enhanced wage earnings, improved equity with benefits flowing to SC/ST and women. This has led to increased demand for and consumption of wage goods. The Budget Estimates 2009 propose an allocation of Rs.30,100 crore for the NREGS Scheme for the year 2009-10.

(ii) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). The SSA has made a significant contribution in providing access to and infrastructure for elementary education. 98 per cent of the population have been access to primary schools. The focus of SSA in 2009 is shifting to improve the quality of elementary education. Between 2003-04 and 2008-09, the allocation for this programme has been increased by 571 per cent. For the year 2009-10, the Budget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.13,100 crore for the SSA programme.

(iii) The National Programme of Mid-day Meals in Schools. This is the world’s largest school feeding programme and has contributed to enhancement of school participation, reduction in class room hunger, and fostering of social and gender parity. The Budget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.8,000 crore to this Scheme for the year 2009-10.

(iv) The Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS). The ICDS was expanded twice in the last five years to cover the hitherto uncovered population centers across the country. The Budget Estimates commit the government to reduce malnutrition levels in the country. The Indian Government has recently adopted the New WHO Child Growth Standards for monitoring growth of children under ICDS. The BUdget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.6,705 crore for this Scheme for the year 2009-10.

(v) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission. This program was launched to give focused attention to integrated development for urban infrastructure and services in mission mode, in identified cities. The Indian Government has developed and extended the Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) in major cities like Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai. Under Jawaharlal National Urban Renewal Mission, 386 projects amounting to Rs.39,000 crore have been sanctioned as of December 31, 2008. For the year 2009-10, the Budget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.11,842 crore for this programme.

(vi)Rajiv Gandhi Rural Drinking Water Mission. This program is envisaged to supply safe drinking water to uncovered habitations and slipped back habitations. I propose an allocation of Rs.7,400 crore for this programme for the year 2009-10.

(vii) Total Rural Sanitation Programme. This program is a continuous process. The Budget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.1,200 crore for this programme for the year 2009-10.

(viii) National Rural Health Mission. This program aims to bring about uniformity in quality of preventive and curative healthcare in rural areas across the country. The Budget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.12,070 crore for this programme during the year 2009-10.

(ix) Bharat Nirman. This is a time bound plan for building rural infrastructure. It has six components: rural roads, telephony, irrigation, drinking water supply, housing and electrification. There has been all round progress in the implementation of this programme. During 2005-2009, the allocation to this programme has been increased by 261 per cent. For the year 2009-10, the Budget Estimates propose an allocation of Rs.40,900 crore for this programme.

The Unique Identification Authority of India is being established under the aegis of Planning Commission for which a notification has been issued in January 2009, to help insure that the right benefits reach the right constituents. A provision of Rs.100 crore has been made in the Annual Plan 2009-10 for this.

To ensure continuity in financing of rural infrastructure projects, the Budget Estimates propose RIDF-XV with a corpus of Rs.14,000 crore and continuation of the separate window for rural roads with a corpus of Rs.4,000 crore.

You need to look at the constant progress which we are making in the battle against poverty. We have only 26% people now under intl povert line of $2 per day, down from over 65% during 1980s.

List of countries by percentage of population living in poverty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The article insinuates that the PRC made a calculated and publicly acknowledged decision to scuttle developmental aid in a multi-lateral organizational setting due to their bi-lateral concerns with India. Being passive-aggressive is a nuanced craft when it comes to diplomacy.

My contention remains that this rag is hyping up this development and adding its own unfounded conjecture to pass it off as a news story.

According to the report Beijing made it clear that China always supports ADB's efforts to play a "positive role" for the development of poor nations. But then Beijing went on to say that China was in favor of consultations for settling the border dispute with India in an amicable manner.

If you can visit the disputed Arunachal Pradesh you will understand the situation. There all the Tribals are dying due to the massive presence of Indian army with no development. No food, no water, no power, no health services are available for the common people or the Tribals. Everything is for army personnel and China wants to help them, but again India does not allow China as India claims it will be Chinese aggression.
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