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China Becomes World's Top Five Arms Exporter

New Recruit

Apr 29, 2013
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China has become the world's
fifth-largest arms exporter, a
respected Sweden-based think
tank said on Monday, its highest
ranking since the Cold War, with
Pakistan the main recipient.
China's volume of weapons
exports between 2008 and 2012
rose 162 percent compared to the
previous five year period, with
its share of the global arms trade
rising from 2 percent to 5
percent, the Stockholm
International Peace Research
Institute (SIPRI) said.
China replaces Britain in the top
five arms-dealing countries
between 2008 and 2012, a group
dominated by the United States
and Russia, which accounted for
30 percent and 26 percent of
weapons exports, SIPRI said.
"China is establishing itself as a
significant arms supplier to a
growing number of important
recipient states," Paul Holtom,
director of the SIPRI Arms
Transfers Program, said in a
The shift, outlined in SIPRI's
Trends in International Arms
Transfers report, marks China's
first time as a top-five arms
exporter since the think tank's
1986-1990 data period.
Now the world's second-largest
economy, China's rise has come
with a new sense of military
assertiveness with a growing
budget to develop modern
warfare equipment including
aircraft carriers and drones.
At the Zhuhai air show in
southern China in November,
Chinese attack helicopters,
missiles, unmanned aerial
vehicles and air defenses were on
public show for the first time.
SIPRI maintains a global arms
transfers database base that
tracks arms exports back to the
1950s. It averages data over five-
year periods because arms sales
vary by year.
China has become the world's
fifth-largest arms exporter, a
respected Sweden-based think
tank said on Monday, its highest
ranking since the Cold War, with
Pakistan the main recipient.
China's volume of weapons
exports between 2008 and 2012
rose 162 percent compared to the
previous five year period, with
its share of the global arms trade
rising from 2 percent to 5
percent, the Stockholm
International Peace Research
Institute (SIPRI) said.
China replaces Britain in the top
five arms-dealing countries
between 2008 and 2012, a group
dominated by the United States
and Russia, which accounted for
30 percent and 26 percent of
weapons exports, SIPRI said.
"China is establishing itself as a
significant arms supplier to a
growing number of important
recipient states," Paul Holtom,
director of the SIPRI Arms
Transfers Program, said in a
The shift, outlined in SIPRI's
Trends in International Arms
Transfers report, marks China's
first time as a top-five arms
exporter since the think tank's
1986-1990 data period.
Now the world's second-largest
economy, China's rise has come
with a new sense of military
assertiveness with a growing
budget to develop modern
warfare equipment including
aircraft carriers and drones.
At the Zhuhai air show in
southern China in November,
Chinese attack helicopters,
missiles, unmanned aerial
vehicles and air defenses were on
public show for the first time.
SIPRI maintains a global arms
transfers database base that
tracks arms exports back to the
1950s. It averages data over five-
year periods because arms sales
vary by year.

Already disscused news. And also where is your source dude.
top fifty? :omghaha::omghaha: poor china op dragged china to 50th position...
China surges to become the world’s third-largest arms exporter – Quartz

"China surges to become the world’s third-largest arms exporter
By David Yanofsky — March 18, 2013

With clients like Iran, Syria, and Myanmar, China’s arms exports are booming.

Over the last 10 years, China has more than tripled its arms exports, rising from the world’s seventh-largest arms exporter in 2002 to third place in 2012, according to data released today from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which monitors such transfers around the world.

Because the data collected by SIPRI show volatility from year to year, the organization prefers to analyze it based on five-year averages, which would put China in fifth place instead of third. But China’s climb has been steady since 2007, when it was ranked 11th in the world.


Though China’s arms sales have grown enormously, its rise in the rankings has also been due to fewer military exports from Germany and France.


Rising any higher in the rankings may take a lot more for China. The gap between it and the next largest exporters—the United States and Russia—is over three times larger than China’s current level of arms exports."
you should read the title of the thread....

Ya i read the title and reading you post if felt that you have not read the article and ended up commenting so if that's not the meaning of ur post then dont mind coz ur sentence in the post is very short to judge the intention of the post.
Ya i read the title and reading you post if felt that you have not read the article and ended up commenting so if that's not the meaning of ur post then dont mind coz ur sentence in the post is very short to judge the intention of the post.

no issues buddy, i meant the title should be top fifth exporter.... not fifty...
China is CURRENTLY the world's third-largest arms exporter

Last year, China was the world's third-largest arms exporter.

Using a five-year average to claim China is the world's fifth-largest arms exporter is misleading. We do not use a five-year average for GDP or other important statistics.

For example, does anyone care about the five-year average for American debt? The answer is: "of course not." We only care about the current debt of the United States, which is around $16 trillion.

In conclusion, we only care about China's CURRENT position in the arms export market. At the end of last year (e.g. 2012), China was the world's third-largest arms exporter.
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