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China Bans Bible Sales as It Tightens Religious Controls

And thats something you are proud of?
Listening to fairytale from 2000 years ago? No thanks.
I hope what you post is true. Good job China! Getting rid of Christianity is a priority

I do hope so, too.

And I believe it will be the way advanced humanity and culture will progress toward. Worldly culture and customs are enough to enable human beings achieve spiritual wholeness.

Besides, organized religions are a menace to humanity and they need to be eradicated from the face of the earth, leaving the spiritual realm for the individual folks.

China speaks softly but holds a thick club. I like it that way. One step at a time.
Lol, you're a crazy Christian. Let me tell you something that may upset you. That guy, he ain't coming back...
Lol, you're a crazy Christian. Let me tell you something that may upset you. That guy, he ain't coming back...
Sounds good to me. I wish our political leaders had same line of thought instead we get RSS and congress :/
Rss though ridden with hyper religious people they are nationalistic
No comments needed for secular Congress

For me the rulers should be aetheist
Lol, you think it's good to believe in Jesus, that makes you a culprit. You might as well be Christian.
"Getting rid of Islam is a priority" "Getting rid of Hinduism is a priority" - I wonder what will be the reaction! Considering Christianity is now seen as a diseased religion. It is going to be Hindu Extremism versus Islamic Jihad that we will see in coming decades.

Listening to fairytale from 2000 years ago? No thanks.
I hope what you post is true. Good job China! Getting rid of Christianity is a priority
Individual religious belief is not a problem in China, what concerns the Chinese government is independent religious orgnizations after Falungong incident.
China has a culture against superstitious. The "sensitive" to religion is a toxic Jewish invention -- aiming to Islamize and to degrade the world.

All religion must serve the state. The state must serve the people.
I do hope so, too.

And I believe it will be the way advanced humanity and culture will progress toward. Worldly culture and customs are enough to enable human beings achieve spiritual wholeness.

Besides, organized religions are a menace to humanity and they need to be eradicated from the face of the earth, leaving the spiritual realm for the individual folks.

China speaks softly but holds a thick club. I like it that way. One step at a time.
what is spiritual wholeness?

Lol, you're a crazy Christian. Let me tell you something that may upset you. That guy, he ain't coming back...
who is that yur talking about?
what is spiritual wholeness?

If a person needs some spiritual belief to feel complete (in addition to scientific, secular knowledge), that person can accept certain meta-historical information as potential truth. I guess there is no harm in it and in fact it can produce happier people.

The harm is when certain groups/persons argue about holding official guardianship for a belief system and it becomes organized, involving strong group behavior, business interests and political objectives.

Then, religion becomes a disease to be cured. Because, at this stage, it is no longer spirituality and no longer a personal, but it is political, involving interests and undermining nation state authority.

If China is a 5000-year old civilization state, there must be something it has been doing right. And one of the things it has been doing right for ages is to ensure a secular state and public life.

This ain't changing save a nuclear winter.
Lol, you're a crazy Christian. Let me tell you something that may upset you. That guy, he ain't coming back...
He's just running a little late; give him another 2000 years, I'm sure he'll be back by then.:omghaha:

Individual religious belief is not a problem in China, what concerns the Chinese government is independent religious orgnizations after Falungong incident.
That's a risky path to take. Wherever these organized religions take root, their adherents are always organized enough and numerous enough to influence the political system, if not outright gain political power. The older generations of "Chinese Christians" (what a repugnant concept) are lost, but the young should be taught how ridiculous and destructive these fairy tales are.
Individual religious belief is not a problem in China, what concerns the Chinese government is independent religious orgnizations after Falungong incident.
You are wrong. Religion in Chinese is "宗教". it has the word "教" in it. Why not Chinese people "教" Chinese own philosophy and cultures? why Chinese government should let the externalists (外道) teach its people? Christianity is not suitable for Chinese people. it teaches people seeking outside. If Chinese people just believe in Jesus, then China will collapse. Chinese need to believe in itself, believe in its efforts and its determinations. Only Confucius, Taoism and Buddhism can help china become strong forever. these religions help government (教) to teach its people how to live in harmony and have virtues, teach people to be responsible for their actions (因果-cause and effect) according with the law. not just say it is because of God. and that GOd is controlled by externalists.
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