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China attacks Japanese right-wing convoy in Diaoyu Island territorial water


Nov 25, 2009
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Diaoyu landing frustrated by patrol

Four Chinese marine surveillance ships patrolled in waters around the territorial Diaoyu Islands on Monday and took law enforcement measures against Japanese vessels illegally sailing in the area, said the State Oceanic Administration.

The four Japanese vessels, carrying some 30 members of the Japan National Action Committee, a right-wing political group, departed from Ishigaki, Okinawa, Sunday evening and arrived in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands Monday morning for "fishing investigation" and to "declare sovereignty" before leaving in the afternoon, the Kyodo News reported.

This is the 15th time the group has entered the area, the last being on May 26, when it was driven out by three Chinese surveillance ships.

Kenji Yamada, a member of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and a parliamentarian, was also aboard one of the boats, reported the AFP.

Chinese surveillance ships conducting regular patrols in the area responded to the Japanese patrol vessels arriving to guard the vessels and were "warned to leave the waters," according to the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in Naha, Okinawa.

Relations between China and Japan soured after the Japanese government "nationalized" part of the Diaoyu Islands in September, "purchasing" them from private hands in order to forestall their purchase by right-wing Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara.

"The civil action by the group this time could be a test of the government over the Diaoyu Islands as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is focusing on the Senate election in July and doesn't bother to start new provocation," Wang Xiaopeng, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), told the Global Times, adding that the group would have found a chance to land on the island if not stopped.

Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying on Monday urged Abe to take action to improve bilateral ties, adding that the current tensions were caused by the Japanese side, which has repeatedly taken provocative actions regarding the islands.

Abe said on Sunday he wishes to meet with China's leaders. "If there are issues to be solved, then it is the right diplomacy that we should meet and hold talks," Abe said, adding that any conditions for such meetings should not be set.

Yang Bojiang, a Japanese affairs expert with the CASS, said that chances for an official meeting between the top leaders in a short time are slim.

"It is better for the doer to undo what he has done," Hua said.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida passed by without even greeting during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Brunei on Sunday, reported the Kyodo News. Hua said there is currently no plan for a meeting of the two.
^^^ HongWu ... why don't you reply about the "tent" ??

Where exactly is that "tent" of 2013, right now ?
^^^ HongWu ... why don't you reply about the "tent" ??

Where exactly is that "tent" of 2013, right now ?
You boasted and boasted it wasn't 1962 anymore, but when PLA intruded into India, all you could do is meekly surrender Chumar :lol:

Assertive China, Apologetic India | Business Line

June 5, 2013: During the past month, China inflicted a national humiliation on India by intruding 19 km across what has been the traditional border between Ladakh and Tibet since the 17th century. It not only forced India to pull back from its own territory in the Daulat Beg Oldi sector, but also to dismantle Defence structures in the Chumar sector.

Moreover, apart from violating all past agreements on the Ladakh-Tibet border, China’s territorial claims also violate the provisions of the Wen Jiabao-Manmohan Singh Agreement of 2005 Agreement on the Guiding Principles for a border settlement which state: “The (Sino-Indian) boundary should be along well defined and easily identifiable geographical features, to be mutually agreed upon”. India’s claims, based on historical data, also fulfil the provisions of the 2005 Agreement as they set the western borders up to the Indus River Watershed, with the Karakoram mountains forming the natural boundary. After being militarily humiliated, India chose to subject itself to diplomatic ridicule in the Joint Statement issued after the visit of the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. While the Joint Statement paid lip service to the 2005 Guiding Principles, there was no mention of the need for defining the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in accordance with these guiding principles.

Unless we insist on China furnishing its version of LAC, the Chinese will continue to stall and obfuscate, while placing our forces in an untenable position along the borders, with India meekly agreeing to pull down any defences the Chinese demand. Worse still, India agreed to accept some ridiculous and one-sided provisions which are clearly detrimental to its national interests. The most astonishing provision of the Joint Statement was the sentence: “The two sides are committed to taking a positive view and support each other’s friendship with other countries”. This, in effect, was an endorsement of Chinese policies of “low cost containment” of India.

the source????and you've forgot to post this buddy...


China and Japan are deadlocked over control of an island chain in the East China Sea, but now a nationalist newspaper is letting gamers decide the issue -- with force.
Chinese newspaper Global Times has launched an Internet game called "Recover the Diaoyu Islands," which lets players control a People's Liberation Army vessel and shoot Japanese ships and planes, the South China Morning Post reports.
"The Chinese nation's determination to protect the Diaoyu Islands is unwavering!" the game declares. Victory is achieved when players guide the ship to an island and successfully avoid the Japanese forces.
The Diaoyu Islands, which are known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan, were placed in Japan’s control after a post-World War II agreement with the U.S. in 1972.
Last year, Japan nationalized ownership of the uninhabited islands -- which used to be privately owned, the South China Morning Post reports.
Since then, China’s Foreign Ministry has declared sovereignty over the islands, calling it a “core interest,” to claim them for China.

Chinese videogame lets players attack Japanese forces over island dispute | Fox News

:omghaha: :omghaha:
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You boasted and boasted it wasn't 1962 anymore, but when PLA intruded into India, all you could do is meekly surrender Chumar :lol:

Assertive China, Apologetic India | Business Line

June 5, 2013: During the past month, China inflicted a national humiliation on India by intruding 19 km across what has been the traditional border between Ladakh and Tibet since the 17th century. It not only forced India to pull back from its own territory in the Daulat Beg Oldi sector, but also to dismantle Defence structures in the Chumar sector.

Moreover, apart from violating all past agreements on the Ladakh-Tibet border, China’s territorial claims also violate the provisions of the Wen Jiabao-Manmohan Singh Agreement of 2005 Agreement on the Guiding Principles for a border settlement which state: “The (Sino-Indian) boundary should be along well defined and easily identifiable geographical features, to be mutually agreed upon”. India’s claims, based on historical data, also fulfil the provisions of the 2005 Agreement as they set the western borders up to the Indus River Watershed, with the Karakoram mountains forming the natural boundary. After being militarily humiliated, India chose to subject itself to diplomatic ridicule in the Joint Statement issued after the visit of the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. While the Joint Statement paid lip service to the 2005 Guiding Principles, there was no mention of the need for defining the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in accordance with these guiding principles.

Unless we insist on China furnishing its version of LAC, the Chinese will continue to stall and obfuscate, while placing our forces in an untenable position along the borders, with India meekly agreeing to pull down any defences the Chinese demand. Worse still, India agreed to accept some ridiculous and one-sided provisions which are clearly detrimental to its national interests. The most astonishing provision of the Joint Statement was the sentence: “The two sides are committed to taking a positive view and support each other’s friendship with other countries”. This, in effect, was an endorsement of Chinese policies of “low cost containment” of India.

okay.. so you're really shying away from where the "tent" is?

how is the PLA treating those "failed" soldiers ... or the "failed" leaders sitting in beijing, while PRC was denuded in front of the whole world for 3 weeks. .. :laugh:

Too bad .. too bad for their morale .. isn't it.. :laugh:

Can't understand this please translate sir.

not attack ZhongGuo,but intruding ZhongGuo territory of Diaoyu Island.we are used to them who are apt to distort the truth ,stand for everything but the interests of ZhongGuo.
okay.. so you're really shying away from where the "tent" is?

how is the PLA treating those "failed" soldiers ... or the "failed" leaders sitting in beijing, while PRC was denuded in front of the whole world for 3 weeks. .. :laugh:

Too bad .. too bad for their morale .. isn't it.. :laugh:

We invaded India, we demanded concessions, we got concessions from India and then we left on our own terms. If we want, we could invade India again and you will just stand there crying like you did in April. We humiliated you in 1962 and we reminded you who is boss 50 years later.
We invaded India, we demanded concessions, we got concessions from India and then we left on our own terms. If we want, we could invade India again and you will just stand there crying like you did in April. We humiliated you in 1962 and we reminded you who is boss 50 years later.

Boy.. you got lucky in 2013.

In 1962, 700 chinese killed, rest ran back with their "tents".

In 2013, 0 chinese killed, everyone ran back successfully with their "tent".

Sure, 2013 was an improvement for the chinese. That's all.

An otherwise stupid britisher said, "Wars are not won by running back, with your lives. They are won by standing your ground and facing your enemies."

PLA is a "tent" army ... it did exactly the same in both 1962 and 2013.
Boy.. you got lucky in 2013.

In 1962, 700 chinese killed, rest ran back with their "tents".

In 2013, 0 chinese killed, everyone ran back successfully with their "tent".

Sure, 2013 was an improvement for the chinese. That's all.

An otherwise stupid britisher said, "Wars are not won by running back, with your lives. They are won by standing your ground and facing your enemies."

PLA is a "tent" army ... it did exactly the same in both 1962 and 2013.

Korean war too
Defeated nations can only huddle together to work up courage in the face of China's 3000 nukes ready to wipe them clean anytime!

Defeated nations can only huddle together to work up courage in the face of China's 3000 nukes ready to wipe them clean anytime!


PLA is stretching its luck too far ... your "tent" will be confiscated, next time.

It was a good will gesture that we permitted you to take it back.

Good will, first time.. kick in the a$$ next time. :tup:

(and btw.. PRC doesn't even have 300 nukes, leave alone 3000. Come baby, try to take it nuclear and entire china (east of the so-called "great wall") will be atomized and the PRC colonies of tibet, xinjiang and inner mongolia liberated... come baby come).
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