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Five Japanese Weapons of War China Should Fear

My response...

When we deploy acoustic array network off our coast in the ocean floor, no single submarine can escape our watchful eyes. This is not mentioning we are going to have an array of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) to track and kill. Do I need to add our massive 50,000 mines that we will deploy across the island chains?

All surface vessels are dead fish for our Anti-ship ballistic missiles.

With the Japanese slow ability to build military toys, any loss will hurt them deeply.

We have a guarantee no 1st use nuke so rest assure we don't need it to defeat Japan. Without our American friends involvement, we are very confident we can knock out Japan in less than 1 month.
Japan can easily bomb all the Chinese ballistic missiles sites before the Chinese even know what hit them with the use of numerous methods one of them being stealth aircrafts, if China manage to launch a few missiles then the Japanese complicated air defense systems will take care of them, now I'm not saying Japan is stronger than China "at the moment" but when their country get threatened and the US left her hand then the Chinese will stand no chance, they're inferior to Japan's technology and as i said before they lack innovation, the only advantage they got are numbers and nukes nothing more.

Plus China's neighbors who are being bullied by China won't be neutral.

So we can say China is surounded.
My response...

When we deploy acoustic array network off our coast in the ocean floor, no single submarine can escape our watchful eyes. This is not mentioning we are going to have an array of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) to track and kill. Do I need to add our massive 50,000 mines that we will deploy across the island chains?

All surface vessels are dead fish for our Anti-ship ballistic missiles.

With the Japanese slow ability to build military toys, any loss will hurt them deeply.

We have a guarantee no 1st use nuke so rest assure we don't need it to defeat Japan. Without our American friends involvement, we are very confident we can knock out Japan in less than 1 month.

Do not be too overconfident. In 1914, Germany thought it could take Paris within 6 months, they were wrong. In 1941, Nazi thought they could take over Moscow in 6 months and they were wrong. In 1937, The Japanese thought the Chinese would surrender in 6 months and they were wrong. In 1942, the Japanese thought they could defeat the US navy and they were wrong. In 1950 the Americans thought the Chinese were powerless to intervene in Korea and they were wrong.

It is generally agreed upon that the japanese warships (Atago, Kango, Akizuki) are vastly superior to the majority of the chinese navy (only type 052C/D and type 054A can be classified as modern). In a navy vs navy war, the outcome is unpredictable. Anything short of an all out missile attack on Japanese cities (which will be classified as a war crime) will not give an easy victory to China.
Japan can easily bomb all the Chinese ballistic missiles sites before the Chinese even know what hit them with the use of numerous methods one of them being stealth aircrafts, if China manage to launch a few missiles then the Japanese complicated air defense systems will take care of them, now I'm not saying Japan is stronger than China "at the moment" but when their country get threatened and the US left her hand then the Chinese will stand no chance, they're inferior to Japan's technology and as i said before they lack innovation, the only advantage they got are numbers and nukes nothing more.
To bomb our many ballistic missile sites, the Japanese aircrafts have to evade our air defense system, S-300 and an improve HQ-9 AESA radar. Without B-2 and F-22 in their arsenal, how do you expect them to do that? LOL Oh I forgot to mention, we got road mobile ballistic missiles so good luck tracking them down across our massive land. LOL


You must be a noob in military warfare because the chance of intercepting missile is a lot more difficult than you think. In fact, the success rate is not very good, especially dealing with a country like us with such sophisticated missiles. In the next decade when we field our hypersonic missiles, good luck intercepting that. LOL

As far as strength, we are only producing at a very slow rate (by our standard) because it is peacetime. During wartime, I am very worry that we will become a monster. All those toy factories that we supply to the world will turn into an ammunition factory for war effort. We have too much people with too much time, money, and rare-metal resources to be wasteful in time of war. LOL
Do not be too overconfident. In 1914, Germany thought it could take Paris within 6 months, they were wrong. In 1941, Nazi thought they could take over Moscow in 6 months and they were wrong. In 1937, The Japanese thought the Chinese would surrender in 6 months and they were wrong. In 1942, the Japanese thought they could defeat the US navy and they were wrong. In 1950 the Americans thought the Chinese were powerless to intervene in Korea and they were wrong.

It is generally agreed upon that the japanese warships (Atago, Kango, Akizuki) are vastly superior to the majority of the chinese navy (only type 052C/D and type 054A can be classified as modern). In a navy vs navy war, the outcome is unpredictable. Anything short of an all out missile attack on Japanese cities (which will be classified as a war crime) will not give an easy victory to China.
Defeating Japan is not very difficult. The difficult is you, my American friend. Without you, Japan stands for chance. Consider our respect for your strength, we are very generous here. Let say you did not involve and all Japan military high-tech toys need satellites to do any sort of tracking and attacking on target. What happen if we shoot and disrupt all of Japanese satellites with our Anti-satellite warfare technology? Not to mention, can Japanese withstand our massive cyber warfare attack? You see, these are factors that people don't understand. We have complete control over Japanese strength if we really want to be serious about an all-out war with Japan.

Germany forced to fight multiple fronts with multiple countries so it is not fair to say how Germany will perform if they just have to focus all of their force on one country.

Like I said, our ability to produce any loss warships cannot be underestimated. In fact, if Japan destroys our legacy warships, we have to thank them. LOL I think in 20 years, we will be too powerful for any country to deal with us 1 on 1. I hate to say this but we are moving very slowly in our development despite the West called it rapid modernization. You haven't see the true potential of our strength yet. We are not very serious about it. If we do, you see it with your eyes.
To think Japan and China will go to war is a little far fetched as it Will damage them far more than any benefits that it can bring to them and also it certainly bring more countries into the war .

To think Japan and China will go to war is a little far fetched as it Will damage them far more than any benefits that it can bring to them and also it certainly bring more countries into the war .
Do not be too overconfident. In 1914, Germany thought it could take Paris within 6 months, they were wrong. In 1941, Nazi thought they could take over Moscow in 6 months and they were wrong. In 1937, The Japanese thought the Chinese would surrender in 6 months and they were wrong. In 1942, the Japanese thought they could defeat the US navy and they were wrong. In 1950 the Americans thought the Chinese were powerless to intervene in Korea and they were wrong.

It is generally agreed upon that the japanese warships (Atago, Kango, Akizuki) are vastly superior to the majority of the chinese navy (only type 052C/D and type 054A can be classified as modern). In a navy vs navy war, the outcome is unpredictable. Anything short of an all out missile attack on Japanese cities (which will be classified as a war crime) will not give an easy victory to China.

Missile attacks are a lot different from those of Iraqi scuds seen in the 1990s. Both BM and cruise missiles fired today could be pin pointed to airports, communication centers, radars or even power stations to knock out enemy's key capability. On a sea of a few hundred kilometers surface warships are essentially useless.

Plus China's neighbors who are being bullied by China won't be neutral.

So we can say China is surounded.
LOL even India boasted about its look east policy and alliance with Vietnam to contain China but when China started spanking Vietnam with our oil platform 981 India was nowhere to be found :whistle:
@JUBA l Thats all 'will bes'. As of now China can descimate Japan with sheer conventional use of force. Ageis is not as 'impenetrable' as people think. China has Anti Sat missiles, no sats, no ageis!
I think it would be a stalemate unless shitloads of missiles were involved, Japan wouldnt invade China and vice versa, even with numerical superiority it would be a slaughter for both sides.
my advise to china is to Fk with USA, Fk with Russia, Fk with India, Fk and fk with VN and philipines...but do no Fk with Japan yet
Japan can easily bomb all the Chinese ballistic missiles sites before the Chinese even know what hit them with the use of numerous methods one of them being stealth aircrafts, if China manage to launch a few missiles then the Japanese complicated air defense systems will take care of them, now I'm not saying Japan is stronger than China "at the moment" but when their country get threatened and the US left her hand then the Chinese will stand no chance, they're inferior to Japan's technology and as i said before they lack innovation, the only advantage they got are numbers and nukes nothing more.
you are a noob,when jap's first missile launching,thousands of chinese missiles would be fired to jap.
and you know nothing about chinese military technology and equipment.
Right now it's fine to react against provocation but we will not be in a peer competitor position against USA's alliance system for 10 to 20 years.
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