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China arming terrorists

hey china has nothing to defend itself against f-22 stealth it will rip chinas airforce off the map get air superiority destroy its navy tank etc in weeks f-22 is the weapon from hell

so China needs to arm terrorists with AK-47 and RPG, in order to shot down those jaunty birds?
It might mean that China is supplying Iran with these weapons for an order placed by them(Iran). China is a perfect capitalist when it comes to exports. You need anything then you got it, whether you are Hitler or Gandhi is none of their concern.

China has tied up with lots of African regimes who are ' oppressive' for securing energy reserves, they have forced India into engaging the military junta in burma. They are setting new rules. Some call it selfishness, chineese call it self interest.
hey china has nothing to defend itself against f-22 stealth it will rip chinas airforce off the map get air superiority destroy its navy tank etc in weeks f-22 is the weapon from hell

That is why China for at least now takes a back seat just building its reserves and investing in technology. With a trillion dollars in reserves and a massive developmental budget, F-22s will not be enough to hold back China alone...they may take another 50 years to come up with something equal to or better than the west, but they sure are coming.
With a trillion dollars in reserves and a massive developmental budget.

A large portion of that trillion dollar goes in for developing US assets incl F-35!!!

Im not taking anything away from the chineese, its a dream story.
hey china has nothing to defend itself against f-22 stealth it will rip chinas airforce off the map get air superiority destroy its navy tank etc in weeks f-22 is the weapon from hell

What do you think US has those guts to attack China. US is such a coward that it will not come face to face with such a power. Just knows to destroy those without the hi tech means to defend themselves.
Lol. its not like Taliban or Iraqi Fighters who are fighting them without almost nothing with them. It's a power that in near future can rise to the status of a Super Power with all that hi-tech defence systems US has.
By the way China is paying US in its own currency. The currency of death and destruction. The currency of supplying enemies of enemy with money, arms and ammunition to destroy the country or power which can become a threat in future in its expantionist and destructive policies.
By the way China is paying US in its own currency. The currency of death and destruction. The currency of supplying enemies of enemy with money, arms and ammunition to destroy the country or power which can become a threat in future in its expantionist and destructive policies.

So you agree they are doing to intentionally?
I don't know if its even happening or not. However if it is, then it's the way shown by US to the world, The Democratic and Civilised Way of the West.
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