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China approves its first Ebola drug

Nan Yang

May 1, 2010
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China approves its first Ebola drug

China has cleared its first drug for the treatment of Ebola to be used by its army. The drug, named 'JK-05' was developed by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

The research team spent the last five years studying Ebola’s prevention and treatment, and the drug has shown anti-Ebola activity during cell experiments and testing. It also recently completed pre-clinical testing as well as a clinical-safety evaluations. However, so far the drug has only been cleared for use in emergency situations.

"JK-05 is a micro-molecular chemical, and its pharmacological mechanism is to selectively contain the RNA polymerase of the Ebola virus so as to inhibit virus replication." said Prof. Wang Hongquan, China Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

China approves its first Ebola drug - CCTV News - CCTV.com English
Indeed it's still too early to tell if this drug is safe to use. Zmapp is also said to be effective against Ebola and yet some who received the drug didn't make it.
That's a Remarkable Achievement and on time too.. Hope they would send a Medical Team to the Infected Areas soon..
Try something better than do nothing, PLA will send a medical team to West Africa.
These Africans need to get their act together. Now Ebola, before HIV started in Africa.
China approves its first Ebola drug

China has cleared its first drug for the treatment of Ebola to be used by its army. The drug, named 'JK-05' was developed by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

The research team spent the last five years studying Ebola’s prevention and treatment, and the drug has shown anti-Ebola activity during cell experiments and testing. It also recently completed pre-clinical testing as well as a clinical-safety evaluations. However, so far the drug has only been cleared for use in emergency situations.

"JK-05 is a micro-molecular chemical, and its pharmacological mechanism is to selectively contain the RNA polymerase of the Ebola virus so as to inhibit virus replication." said Prof. Wang Hongquan, China Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

China approves its first Ebola drug - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

I must say that I am pleased with the rapid independent development of Chinese medical , pharmaceutical research industry. The healthy competition in the field of medicine, pharmacy and bionanotechnology is an added incentive for pre-existing firms such as Pfizer, Johnson and Johson, Eli Lilly et al to develop greater research on new new strands of viruses. For example, a phenomena that I would like to share here -- Genomic Recombination -- a processes that occurs between two defective viruses co-infencting the same host cell can yield a cytopathic wild type genome. Recombination in gene exchange that occurs through the crossing of the two double stranded DNA molecules. I would not be surprised that the same issue should be taken into consideration when dealing with EVD [Ebola Virus Disease].

For us to properly understand how ebola can affect individuals, it is important to comprehend the pathophysiology of this disease. EVD affects the human individual because the Ebola virus infects the endothelial cells and produces what is called the EVGP -- Ebola Virus Glycoprotein -- which overwhelms the protein synthesis capability of these infected cell lines . Since protein production is disrupted, and infected cells (lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils et al) remain infected, the lymphatic system provides a mechanism for infection , thus spreading the infection throughou various systems of the body.

Research needs to focus in reducing the production of the so called Ebola Virus Glycoprotein. In other words, one has to produce a drug to stop the Translation, Elongation and Transcription of viral DNA. This new chinese drug, this so called JK-05-- which is a RNA polymerase inhibitor might prove effective. In fact, currently the only treatment protocol of EVD is to limit exposure (which is spread through direct contact and through fluid exchange), provision of fluids, and all palliative care. If this JK-05 proves effective, it can definitely help in the control of this endemic disease in Africa. Most importantly, it will pave the way for greater integration of Chinese medical and pharmaceutical research in the global health symposium. In regards to this, I see the Chinese contribution as not a national contribution, but a species-wide contribution.

Good Job China ! Keep up the good work !

Sincerely and Respectfully,
Keep it for ourselves and our allies. Meanwhile "encourage" the spread of ebola in our enemies' countries.

Its your loss if you keep it to yourselves, The virus has an ability to adapt to environment easily and more the environment it sees, the more drug resistant it becomes. Its in your interest too to contain such disease in its early stages.

Sorry to break your bubble, India already has a cure. Google "Raktasthivi Sannipaat"
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Its your loss if you keep it to yourselves, The virus has an ability to adapt to environment easily and more the environment it sees, the more drug resistant it becomes. Its in your interest too to contain such disease in its early stages.

The prevailing body of lit that has been developed -- particularly in regards to viral treatment -- be it RNA Polymerase inhibitor, Protease inhibitors -- have already been established. The Chinese medical and pharmaceutical researchers are merely using previous literature and established empirical-based methodology to test out a new drug, which codes for a protein specific, or in this case, codon-specific area.

The Chinese drug makers may patent this new drug, but am sure that there are medical researchers around the world -- from Zurich to Tokyo who have been working on similar codons. The trick is in being the "first one" to patent the new drug and thus start marketing and selling said drug. Afterwards, other companies have to wait 10 years before they can sell the generic version.

These Africans need to get their act together. Now Ebola, before HIV started in Africa.

Its a natural phenomena. This an example of Genome Recombination, which occurs when two defective viruses that are co-infecting the same host cell can yield a cytopathic wild type genome. This is the reason why there are perpetual new strands of bacteria, virus, fungi. Genome Recombination is not only evident in Africa, it is also common in many underdeveloped third world nations where there is limited access to health care and preventative screenings. This explains the endemic nature of tuberculosis, malaria, et al.
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Its your loss if you keep it to yourselves, The virus has an ability to adapt to environment easily and more the environment it sees, the more drug resistant it becomes. Its in your interest too to contain such disease in its early stages.

Sorry to break your bubble, India already has a cure. Google "Raktasthivi Sannipaat"

Indian 'cure' will be worse than Ebola itself.

People will want to go back to having Ebola after suffering the side effects of taking the Indian drug.
If you actually google that name he referred you find the Indian "cure" involves yoga, meditation and dips in the Ganges.
Isnt dips in the Ganges the final step before drifting to the next world?

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