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China: Anti 50 cents Protest

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May 24, 2009
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China: Rare Public Protest Against an Official

Three protesters criticized a well-known propaganda official, Wu Hao, as he gave a speech at People’s University in Beijing on Thursday, a rare instance in which a prominent official was humiliated in public. The protesters, graduates of the university, tossed currency notes worth five mao, or less than one cent, onto the stage as Mr. Wu, deputy director of the propaganda department in Yunnan Province, spoke, many Chinese Web sites reported Friday. The notes were a reference to the “five-mao party,” a derogatory term for Chinese Internet users who are supposedly paid five mao per posting by officials to spread propaganda on the Internet.

World Briefing - Asia - China - Rare Public Protest Against an Official - NYTimes.com
This is called"50 cents Party",and many other Parties like:"Climbing Party",“Candid Party”,“PS Party”...and so on,only a joke for all the netizion
Shameless thread starter, change the title of the artricle completely

for the purpose to flame and troll. "Typical loser mentality"

"Thread reported":mod::mod: :smitten::pakistan::china:
This is called"50 cents Party",and many other Parties like:"Climbing Party",“Candid Party”,“PS Party”...and so on,only a joke for all the netizion


What's wrong with good public relations? Everybody's doing it.

"Dec 2, 2005 ... Pentagon quizzed on Iraq propaganda program. Officials summoned over reports of paying media to print favorable articles ..."

Planted Articles May Be Violation - Los Angeles Times

"Planted Articles May Be Violation
A 2003 Pentagon directive appears to bar a military program that pays Iraqi media to print favorable stories.
January 27, 2006|Mark Mazzetti, Times Staff Writer

WASHINGTON — A secret U.S. military program that pays Iraqi newspapers to publish articles favorable to the American mission appears to violate a 2003 Pentagon directive, according to a newly declassified document released Thursday.

The information campaign run by U.S. troops in Baghdad and a Washington-based private contractor is the subject of a high-level military investigation. Last month, the top U.S. general in Iraq said a preliminary investigation into the program had found it did not violate U.S. law or Pentagon regulations."
@ OP: PLease ask mods to close this, some party members wont like to be posted against them ;-)


He is a member of "Title Party",attract people by the title,when you open,there is full of rubbish
Some nations, such as Israel and the United States, have very sophisticated public relations programs.

Israel Recruits Army Of Bloggers To Troll Anti-War Websites

"Israel Recruits Army Of Bloggers To Troll Anti-War Websites

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, January 19, 2009

Israel has announced that it is setting up a network of bloggers to combat websites deemed “problematic” by the Zionist state, presumably to propagandize about the necessity of killing babies and infants in the name of self-defense.

Israel’s global reputation for being the new Nazis was already firmly established, but the ceaseless and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, labeled a war crime by international observers, has hardened opinion against the country and this has manifested itself nowhere more than the world wide web.

Israel’s response will be to flood the Internet with PR agents who will attempt to create a phony consensus that the ZIonist state’s barbarian actions are justifiable.

According to a report in Haaretz, the Immigrant Absorption Ministry is setting up “an army of bloggers” who will “represent” Israel on “anti-Zionist blogs” in English, French, Spanish and German.

The ministry’s director-general Erez Halfon told Haaretz that over a million people who speak a second language are being targeted in a recruiting drive that will then direct the volunteers to web sites deemed “problematic.” Presumably their mission would be to troll comment boards and forums with pro-Zionist arguments, a public relations stunt that we have seen employed by other entities such as Monsanto and more recently Centcom and the U.S. Air Force.

Such ongoing efforts to infiltrate the Internet and propagandize for the war on terror are well documented.

CENTCOM has programs underway to infiltrate blogs and message boards to ensure people, “have the opportunity to read positive stories,”presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on terror really is about protecting Americans from Al-CIAda.

In May 2008, it was revealed that the Pentagon was expanding “Information Operations” on the Internet with purposefully set up foreign news websites, designed to look like independent media sources but in reality carrying direct military propaganda.

More recently the New York Times published an expose on privately hired operatives who have been appearing on all major US news networks promoting the interests and operations of the Pentagon and generating favorable news coverage of the Bush administration while posing as independent military analysts.

This operation was formally announced In 2006 when the Pentagon set up a unit to “better promote its message across 24-hour rolling news outlets, and particularly on the internet”.
Again, the Pentagon said the move would boost its ability to counter “inaccurate” news stories and exploit new media.

Just over a week ago, the US Air Force announced a “counter-blog” response plan aimed at fielding and reacting to material from bloggers who have “negative opinions about the US government and the Air Force.”

The plan, created by the public affairs arm of the Air Force, includes a detailed twelve-point “counter blogging” flow-chart that dictates how officers should tackle what are described as “trolls,” “ragers,” and “misguided” online writers."
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