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China Allows International Sale of PLA's Fighter Jets

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China Allows International Sale of PLA's Fighter Jets
Manny Salvacion | Feb 20, 2016 08:59 AM EST

  • pilots-climb-out-of-j-10-fighter-jets-after-an-exhibition-during-the-china-international-aviation-aerospace-exhibition-in-zhuhai-guangdong-province-in-nov-2014.jpg
Pilots climb out of J-10 fighter jets after an exhibition during the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, in Nov. 2014. (Photo : REUTERS)

China has allowed the PLA to export its domestically developed J-10 fighter jet as the country looks to attract buyers at the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp. booth at the Singapore Airshow 2016, which kicked off on Tuesday, Feb .16, according to a report China Daily.

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The report said that a large-scale model of the FC-20, the export version of the J-10, was on display at the six-day airshow.

Since it is an unspoken rule in China's defense sector that weapons solely designed for the People's Liberation Army are never displayed at foreign exhibitions, the model's appearance in Singapore is an indication that the country now wants to promote the warplane to the international market, the report said.

The J-10, which was designed and produced by Aviation Industry Corp. of China, is a third-generation, multirole combat aircraft. It has a canard delta wing design and a fly-by-wire flight control system. Military experts regard it as one of the best fighter jets in the world.

The plane first entered service with the PLA Air Force in 2004 as the J-10A and then it was declassified in 2009.

British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies estimated that the PLA Air Force and PLA Navy's aviation units had at least 260 of the jets in operation as of Feb. 2014.

Various media reports said that the country has also developed at least two upgraded versions of the aircraft--the J-10B, which has started to be delivered to the PLA Air Force, and the J-10C that is in the testing stage.

Chinese military observers and their foreign counterparts have long expected about the time that the J-10's export would be approved. Foreign media named potential buyers like Pakistan, Iran and Argentina, but none have been reported to be in substantial negotiations with China so far.

In Sept. 2013, Ma Zhiping, former general manager of China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp., said that several foreign countries from Asia, Africa and South America had "expressed interest" in the J-10, as his company was expecting a huge market for the plane.

Wang Ya'nan, deputy editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine and an expert in aviation, said that selling fighter aircraft was never an easy task since arms sales were often influenced by several geopolitical factors.

"Land arms such as tanks or even short-range surface-to-surface missiles have limited impact on geopolitics, but fighter jets can perform strikes far away from their home country and thus are considered to have stronger prowess," Wang said.

"In addition, a contract for fighter jets usually means a large amount of profit because their life span is very long, so the value behind the aircraft and the after-sale services involved would be very high. Therefore, every major player in the aviation industry will spare no effort to scramble for the contract," the aviation expert added.

According to Wang, China's weakness in its selling efforts is that its fighter jets are still not proven in combat.

"Fortunately, the PLA Air Force has many air combat drills each year, which can enable foreign clients to know the capabilities of Chinese aircraft," Wang said.

China Allows International Sale of PLA's Fighter Jets : Tech : Yibada
China Allows International Sale of PLA's Fighter Jets
Manny Salvacion | Feb 20, 2016 08:59 AM EST

  • pilots-climb-out-of-j-10-fighter-jets-after-an-exhibition-during-the-china-international-aviation-aerospace-exhibition-in-zhuhai-guangdong-province-in-nov-2014.jpg
Pilots climb out of J-10 fighter jets after an exhibition during the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, in Nov. 2014. (Photo : REUTERS)

China has allowed the PLA to export its domestically developed J-10 fighter jet as the country looks to attract buyers at the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp. booth at the Singapore Airshow 2016, which kicked off on Tuesday, Feb .16, according to a report China Daily.

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The report said that a large-scale model of the FC-20, the export version of the J-10, was on display at the six-day airshow.

Since it is an unspoken rule in China's defense sector that weapons solely designed for the People's Liberation Army are never displayed at foreign exhibitions, the model's appearance in Singapore is an indication that the country now wants to promote the warplane to the international market, the report said.

The J-10, which was designed and produced by Aviation Industry Corp. of China, is a third-generation, multirole combat aircraft. It has a canard delta wing design and a fly-by-wire flight control system. Military experts regard it as one of the best fighter jets in the world.

The plane first entered service with the PLA Air Force in 2004 as the J-10A and then it was declassified in 2009.

British think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies estimated that the PLA Air Force and PLA Navy's aviation units had at least 260 of the jets in operation as of Feb. 2014.

Various media reports said that the country has also developed at least two upgraded versions of the aircraft--the J-10B, which has started to be delivered to the PLA Air Force, and the J-10C that is in the testing stage.

Chinese military observers and their foreign counterparts have long expected about the time that the J-10's export would be approved. Foreign media named potential buyers like Pakistan, Iran and Argentina, but none have been reported to be in substantial negotiations with China so far.

In Sept. 2013, Ma Zhiping, former general manager of China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp., said that several foreign countries from Asia, Africa and South America had "expressed interest" in the J-10, as his company was expecting a huge market for the plane.

Wang Ya'nan, deputy editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine and an expert in aviation, said that selling fighter aircraft was never an easy task since arms sales were often influenced by several geopolitical factors.

"Land arms such as tanks or even short-range surface-to-surface missiles have limited impact on geopolitics, but fighter jets can perform strikes far away from their home country and thus are considered to have stronger prowess," Wang said.

"In addition, a contract for fighter jets usually means a large amount of profit because their life span is very long, so the value behind the aircraft and the after-sale services involved would be very high. Therefore, every major player in the aviation industry will spare no effort to scramble for the contract," the aviation expert added.

According to Wang, China's weakness in its selling efforts is that its fighter jets are still not proven in combat.

"Fortunately, the PLA Air Force has many air combat drills each year, which can enable foreign clients to know the capabilities of Chinese aircraft," Wang said.

China Allows International Sale of PLA's Fighter Jets : Tech : Yibada
They start to sell J-10A to international market, it just means new J-10B/C mass production and PLAAF widely equiped the better fighters ... J-10 update to better J-10B/C in China.
They start to sell J-10A to international market, it just means new J-10B/C mass production and PLAAF widely equiped the better fighters ... J-10 update to better J-10B/C in China.
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im interesting on who willl be buying it? iran confirmed they are not interested in the j10, pakistan does not need it, argentina does come to mind as the only suitable buyer. but i dont think you can sell anti ship missiles to them
im interesting on who willl be buying it? iran confirmed they are not interested in the j10, pakistan does not need it, argentina does come to mind as the only suitable buyer. but i dont think you can sell anti ship missiles to them
Interesting ... why china can't sell anti-ship missiles to these nations ? I remember already exported C802/C701 missles to Iran,Saddam‘s Iraqa, Indonesia, Myanmar even including the production line. Today China export warships to foreign Navy also with China anti-ship missiles on board.

Maybe they will take some J-10, when China not need too much USD in the deal only exchange J-10 with their oils & local resources. Who knows the future.
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Interesting ... why china can't sell anti-ship missiles to these nations ? I remember already export C802/C701 missles to Iran,Saddam‘s Iraqa, Indonesia, Myanmar even including the production line. Today China export warships to foreign Navy also with China anti-ship missiles on board.
because of us {UK} we dont like anti ship missiles after the falklands war. we do more business with china than china does with the whole of south america. we dont care if you sell jets to them but no anti ship missiles, and im not sure about the sd-10.
because of us {UK} we dont like anti ship missiles after the falklands war. we do more business with china than china does with the whole of south america. we dont care if sell jets to them but no anti ship missiles, and im not sure about the sd-10.
Well i admit the relationship with U.K it should be considered ... just like the balance also need to maintain in South China Sea, sometimes both West/ Russia /China have the tacit understanding to avoid a new big conflict in this world after WWII, if arms proliferation from above nations to everywhere, there's no PEACE.
Well i admit the relationship with U.K it should be considered ... just like the balance also need to maintain in South China Sea, sometimes both West/ Russia /China have the tacit understanding to avoid a new big conflict in this world after WWII, if arms proliferation from above nations to everywhere, there's no PEACE.
whats peace? i hear the word so often but i dont see any proof it's existance. money talks, china is not desperate to sell them to argentina with the risk is economic "difficulties". besides the jf-17 is more probable of being expoted. in fact 2 countries have signed up for it.
whats peace?
The PEACE, is both not export arms to each opposite forces, no proxy war to each other ... or it will looks like today Syria War between ISIS/ Syria/ Krud/ Turkey/ Russia. If U.S / E.U / Russia / China can't avoid their proxy wars to each other, sooner or later it will lead to WWIII, No PEACE anymore.
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As long as we are not fighting in a war, nobody will take our weapon system serious even if the capabilities match the western standard. This is why having war periodically is very important. Let give our force up until 2020s, we should be ready for war with anyone or engage in a proxy war at least.
China shall NOT give a Flying Vck to United Satan wellbeing ... ...
The United Satan US has been working hard squeezing and violating China wellbeing at every opportunity.
China shall work very hard to bleed US blood in a big way by arming US enemies such as IRAN, SYRIA, and North Korea asymmetrically by providing them with free AShM YJ-12, and the Anti--Stealth Radar JY-26 + SAM HQ-9.
Provide IRAN, SYRIA, and North Korea the free parts and missiles refill & supplies.

@ cnleio

It is hard to believe ~~ how successful has US been in brainwashing civilian Chinese.
Too many civilian Chinese are so Naive and Gullible and behaving like a little innocent girl toward United Satan US.
Talk about proxy war ... ... and proxy terrorism ... ...


1) Don't you know who is the #1 Uighur terrorists master since 1980 ?
2) Don't you know who is the Master Mind of 1989 TianAnMen riots ?

3) Don't you know who robbed 1000 kg of Chinese Gold in broad daylight ( as down payment deposit for AWACS tech sale from US to China in 1986 ) and never return the down payment deposit after US 1 sidedly decided to cancel the AWACS sale to China ) ??

4) Don't you know who assassinated China top Scientists when they travel from Kuala Lumpur to BeiJing in March 2014 ?

5) Don't you know who is the Shinzo Abe and Japanese neocons real Master encouraging Japanese belligerent on DiaoYuDao ?

Surprised, surprised the answer to all 5 question above is the guilty God Appointed and Self Righteous USA --- United Satan of America.

I can continue by listing more than 100 Cruel, Hateful, and Heinous, and Villainous Crimes offensively directed and targeted towards China and Chinese that were done directly or indirectly by USA government and its people since 1900.


Yet, China has never even offensively targeting USA with any crimes.
All China actions against USA has been purely defensive in nature.
China and many Chinese citizens have always been too soft and too coward against USA.

Let's wake up and smell the reality outside China, who are the real permanent enemies sabotaging China. ... ...Japan, India, Australia, United Satan USA, Philippines.
Some stupid Chinese are gearing their friendliness towards USA, the real China enemy.
It is time to change China actions towards USA from purely Defensive to Proactively Offensive.

Rebiya Kadeer * Head of Uighur Terrorist
hiding and enjoying life under US *
CIA around the clock protection


Rebiya Kadeer * Head of Uighur Terrorist and
Wei Jing Shen ( 1989 Tian An Men riot organizer ) and
some HanJian Chinese collaborating with neocon Dubya
George Dimwit Bush on destroying China from inside

All work for U.S interests, isn't it ? At least there's a long way for BeiJing to learn from U.S diplomacy, another side inside China there isn't that perfect, isn't it ? So don't complain lost cent when playing with U.S ... this world don't trust tears like the Syria War, a strong country depend on advanced tech & rich economy & powerful military.
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First of all welcome on board but please bear a few things in mind.

1. Colours are only for mods to mark certain things ... please stop this.
2. calm down in Your tone ... You do not need to bash or in each and every sentence other countries even if these are the USA, and since You already received several warnings ... here's Your last one.
3. keep on topic ! I really do not know what You post is related to "selling Chinese airplanes" !

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Bangladesh as the second largest customer of Chinese military products would buy Chinese birds in a heartbeat if the engine issue is resolved.
Anyone know what is the unit price of J-10?
And how about its engine ? J-10 come with Russian made engine or not?
Will PLA sell J-10 new or used ?
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