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China air force covers North Taiwan with Russian-built missiles

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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China air force covers North Taiwan with Russian-built missiles

China has installed eight battalions of Russian-built missiles in its province of Fujian which could hit any plane flying across Northern Taiwan, reports said yesterday.The Chinese-language Apple Daily quoted the Canadian-registered Kanwa Defense Review as saying that the Chinese air force had put up the S-300 PMU2 missiles at its Longtian base in the province.

Since Fujian is only 130 kilometers from Taiwan and the surface-to-air missiles have a reach of 200 kilometers, they would be able to take down any aircraft in Northern Taiwan, including the presidential plane, the report said.Taiwan's French-built Mirage 2000 jets, stationed at a base in Hsinchu County, could form the prime target for the Chinese missiles, the Apple Daily said.

As soon as any of the Mirages took off, or if the president’s Air Force One left from Taipei's Songshan Airport, they would become immediately vulnerable to a missile attack, according to the report.

ASIAN DEFENCE: China air force covers North Taiwan with Russian-built missiles
Taiwan can only held back a undeveloped china. The huge difference in size and population means that this overtaking is inevitable
Taiwan can only held back a undeveloped china. The huge difference in size and population means that this overtaking is inevitable

i always though that would be the case too so long as there isnt another revolution on the mainland(in which case the nationalists might comeback for some fun) which is why i advocated for it to happen under the two system one country method which worked out well enough for hong kong what exactly does Taiwan have to lose in a one country 2 system method? its parties will continues to run taiwan for the most part hell it could even get a boost from mainland tourists
i always though that would be the case too so long as there isnt another revolution on the mainland(in which case the nationalists might comeback for some fun) which is why i advocated for it to happen under the two system one country method which worked out well enough for hong kong what exactly does Taiwan have to lose in a one country 2 system method? its parties will continues to run taiwan for the most part hell it could even get a boost from mainland tourists

well, the corrupt officials in taiwan would be subject to stricter monitoring, and they could no longer get US passports so easily to escape from justice.
well, the corrupt officials in taiwan would be subject to stricter monitoring, and they could no longer get US passports so easily to escape from justice.

oh yea, i forgot, its relations with the US would change completely, of course. but on the other hand it wouldnt need us military assitance
Taiwan still has a formidable military for its size. If reunified the first island chain could be broken
There seem to be two paths in dealing with Taiwan, one the we are all Chinese be our friend and form economic ties and eventiually we will be come one as we should be, which at least to me seems logical and inevitable.
Yet at the same time there is the stick a gun in the window " be my friend or i blow your head off lobby" that would appear to be reinforcing the worries of those that feel that a one country two system solution would not happen but that China still seeks to punish Taiwan for past problems?
If conflict broke out mainland is aiming for a quick incapacitation strike. The more it is delayed the more the possibility they will need to deal with US as well. Not to mention that if they lose Taiwan will be further fortified with US presence.
Reunification is IMHO, still the easiest way to break through 1st island chains.
It is a win-win solution without much confrontation if done properly.
there are unfortunately many taiwan residents who fantasize about "retaking" the mainland, a continent sized state with a governing party 3 times larger than their population.

there's also those that think taiwan can survive an assault by the PLAAF for more than a few hours. The power difference between the PLAAF and the Taiwan's air force is as large as that between the USAF and Iraq.

then there's those who fantasize about a magical US/Japanese intervention.

seriously, after visiting some Taiwan forums, all I have to say is: if they don't say they're Chinese, we should treat them as such - foreign occupiers of Chinese land. Had enough with their attitude, seriously. Worse than Indians and South Koreans.
If I remember correctly lots of Hong Kongers had similar opinions too, very pro-british and anti-chinese based on emotions rather than reasoning based on all facts.

After China took over they realized they are not living in hell on earth as some feared and those "British Overseas Passports" don't work anywhere near as freely as their Chinese issued Kong Kong passports, plus the booming economy they have been enjoying even during the two major recessions since 97, they started changing their minds and people starts to learn and speak mandarin etc, there are problems of course after this transition, the most recent concern for Hong Kong is the surging property prices pushed up by mainlanders and the locals find even harder to buy their homes, but overall they become very supportive of China, I work with some Hong Kongers here and many of them are extremely patriotic even compared to me, lol...

I think give it time Taiwan will come around peacefully, (China would have to continue to become richer, stronger and have more political reforms before that happens), the pan-greens are just like those pro-british hong kongers before 97, even if they tell you they hate China there's no need to be angry with them -- for many that's what they were taught to believe since they were very young, show our understanding and support Tainwan through its thick and thin will win it back for us, compared to the US which shows its biggest support to Taiwan by selling it arms, China has much more to offer and their people will appreciate you more in the end. A military conflict on the other hand will only silence the pan-blues and give some cheers to the pan-greens, it's counter-productive.




Most residents of Taiwan uselessly waste our limited resources. Their words are worse than even the vast majority of Japanese. None of our concessions to them made them grateful, indeed, they think they deserve it. Probably like Kim Jong Il thinks that the US giving him some cash means the US is scared of him. Their skill in YY is 2nd in the world, ahead of even India and behind only South Korea. At this rate they'll probably surpass South Korea too. If they can be peacefully reunited, great, but I don't have much hope for it.
The title is inaccurate. The PLAAF covers all of Taiwan. The missiles (or Second Artillery Force) cover all of Taiwan. The PLAAN covers all of Taiwan.

When it comes to blow Taiwan will only have three months(?). It would be interesting if China will use the Neutron bombs and long range LACMs for the initial air assaults.

BTW, it was the dream of CKS to return to China and rule China. Thank god this didn't happen. Otherwise, China would have been the US puppet.

And China would not be the first Asian country to posses nuclear weapons, neutron bombs, launch satellite, launch man into space, etc.
The title is inaccurate. The PLAAF covers all of Taiwan. The missiles (or Second Artillery Force) cover all of Taiwan. The PLAAN covers all of Taiwan.

When it comes to blow Taiwan will only have three months(?). It would be interesting if China will use the Neutron bombs and long range LACMs for the initial air assaults.

BTW, it was the dream CKS to return to China and rule China. Thank god this didn't happen. Otherwise, China would have been the US puppet.

And China would not be the first Asian country to posses nuclear weapons, neutron bombs, launch satellite, launch man into space, etc.

Is taiwan deserving of Neutron bombs? That would not only be a waste but may trigger WW3. PLAAF attacking Taiwan would be just like the USAF attacking Iraq. Complete air supremacy within a few hours, war over within 3 days. 3 months? no way. smaller territory than Iraq, closer to the mainland, smaller air force, no ballistic missiles to even try to retaliate.
A neutron bomb is not as powerful as a nuclear bomb. However, it's a tactical bomb. But you're correct I don't think China would be using such weapon (because there is no compelled reason to do it).

3 days? You're too optimistic. Iraq is a desert, Taiwan is not. So, some of the weapons (tanks, airplanes, etc. can be hidden well).

What about the will of the Taiwanese military to fight? Iraqis military will to fight was not strong (because of the dissensions between the Kurdish, the Sunnis, and the Shiites).

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