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China Adopts Conciliatory Tone With India After Violent Clash in Himalayas

that is why China went into lockdown first
All because INCOMPETENT DECLINING SUPER POWER USA did not lockdown first because their USELESS CDC did not have the ability to discover the NOVEL VIRUS causing MYSTERIOUS VAPING DEATHS in the US.
The CLOWNS thought it was the ordinary FLU even though they got negatives from Flu Tests.

More Tragic is the US CANNOT GET WORKING TEST KITS weeks after China FIRST DISCOVERED the COVID-19 that ORIGINATED in the US.
All because INCOMPETENT DECLINING SUPER POWER USA did not lockdown first because their USELESS CDC did not have the ability to discover the NOVEL VIRUS causing MYSTERIOUS VAPING DEATHS in the US.
The CLOWNS thought it was the ordinary FLU even though they got negatives from Flu Tests.

More Tragic is the US CANNOT GET WORKING TEST KITS weeks after China FIRST DISCOVERED the COVID-19 that ORIGINATED in the US.

It originated in China. Countries will seize Chinese assets as compensation which is why Xi is getting angry
It originated in China. Countries will seize Chinese assets as compensation which is why Xi is getting angry
It was detected in China not originated in China. If you have evidence, prove it or it's just hearsay.
All india has to do is leave anti china animosity and declare they will not side with usa against china.

If they do this china will he friendly orherwise india will face this and much more kn near future

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Please all China has to do is stop dealing with Pakistan militarily, which is detrimental to our security. Then we can talk.
All india has to do is leave anti china animosity and declare they will not side with usa against china.

If they do this china will he friendly orherwise india will face this and much more kn near future

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Actually by doing this china has just pushed India into a future anti China alliance.

Which is gooooood.
Actually by doing this china has just pushed India into a future anti China alliance.

Which is gooooood.
When was they time there were not Anti-China? They were always Anti-China since 1962.
When was they time there were not Anti-China? They were always Anti-China since 1962.
True but never has your relations with India been this low since '62.
Consider now there's a concerted effort by the US against your country. Adding India to the game is not a loss but a gain (at least for countries opposing China).

I think it's now safe to say that you're completely sorounded by enemies.
Below is a fair statement of Jaishankar, while other statements are bias.

China ambushed Indians intruders, who think that business as usual and they can get away with their intrusion.

War is cruel and hope this wont happen again.


External affairs minister S. Jaishankar " Chinese side took “premeditated and planned” action that was directly responsible for the resulting violence and casualties including deaths of 20 Indian soldiers."

China ambushed Indians intruders, who think that business as usual and they can get away with their intrusion.

China does not ambush India. The conflict began with Indian soldiers detaining and beating Chinese workers

Here is how the whole thing went down from the Chinese perspective. One of the construction workers involved posted online last night on Weibo.

  1. Chinese construction crew was building camp and bunkers in the disputed zone.
  2. Indian side arrived with anywhere from 60 to 80 men to disrupt project in the evening.
  3. Construction workers tried to run back towards China's line of control. Several got caught and was beaten by Indians.
  4. Workers that made it back to Chinese side summoned back two companies of troops, approximately 200 soldiers. The construction crew also went back with shovels and tools for the upcoming brawl.
  5. Troops attacked Indians with clubs, pipes and sticks. One Indian soldier was killed on the spot in the initial confrontation. I believe that was the Indian battalion commander that was killed. To give him credit, he led his men in front according to the guy that posted.
  6. Outnumbered and surrounded, the other Indian troops tried to hastily retreat down a steep hill. Chinese troops gave chase and toss rocks down the slope at the retreating Indians. Large number of Indians fell down the cliff after being pelted by rocks.
  7. By the time Chinese side stopped, it was already dark. Indian side did not send search parties until higher ranking officers from both sides negotiated a de-escalation process. By the time India sent search parties, several hours had passed.
  8. Some Indian troops froze to death in sub-zero temperatures, or died from their injuries after failing to receive first aid in time.
  9. Chinese side packed up camp and went back to its side of the line after being ordered not to further aggravate the situation. Those severely injured were evacuated by helicopter to field hospitals.
  10. Some Indians troops were captured after the fight ended. They were released quickly as China is not at war with India so it can't keep them as prisoners.
Below is a fair statement of Jaishankar, while other statements are bias.

China ambushed Indians intruders, who think that business as usual and they can get away with their intrusion.

War is cruel and hope this wont happen again.


External affairs minister S. Jaishankar " Chinese side took “premeditated and planned” action that was directly responsible for the resulting violence and casualties including deaths of 20 Indian soldiers."

Don't use Indian links. We didn't ambush. They attacked first.
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