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Featured China a ‘welcome friend’ for reconstruction in Afghanistan: Taliban spokesman


Jul 2, 2014
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China a ‘welcome friend’ for reconstruction in Afghanistan: Taliban spokesman
  • Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen says the group welcomes Chinese investments in reconstruction and would guarantee the safety of investors and workers
  • The US withdrawal from Afghanistan has emboldened the Taliban and there are growing concerns about the Kabul government’s ability to stay in power
China a ‘welcome friend’ for reconstruction in Afghanistan: Taliban spokesman
  • Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen says the group welcomes Chinese investments in reconstruction and would guarantee the safety of investors and workers
  • The US withdrawal from Afghanistan has emboldened the Taliban and there are growing concerns about the Kabul government’s ability to stay in power

Actually, this might work to benefit Afghanistan and China. Afghanistan could use the developments and China could gain a partner for its OBOR project and lessen the risks of extreme terrorism in Xinjiang.
Chinese are already eyeballing Afghanistan mineral resources. Why bother shipping them from Australia or Africa. When they have it next door for dirt cheap prices.

Afganistan has many rare earth metals, and yes Afghanistan has many mineral resources however it will take years to build infrastructure to extract this.

In the long run it is better if Taliban rule as they will be able to stabilise the country and have more realistic view of things now and will work with international partners better ie Iran , Russia and China.
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Chinese are already eyeballing Afghanistan mineral resources. Why bother shipping them from Australia or Africa. When they have it next door for dirt cheap prices.

You know what the Chinese say, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. You take the reward later.
Good for Pakistan i guess, things should look on the up and up now that the Americans have left the field at least i hope so.
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Afganistan has many rare earth metals, and yes Afghanistan has many mineral resources however it will take years to build infrastructure to build this.

In the long run it is better if Taliban rule as they will be able to stabilise the country and have more realistic view of things now and will work with international partners better ie Iran , Russia and China.
Pay locals, Ship it raw and process it outside. Like folk in Pakistan and Afghanistan are already doing illegally in some areas.
Pay locals, Ship it raw and process it outside. Like folk in Pakistan and Afghanistan are already doing illegally in some areas.

mining and extraction industry is a very complex process to be done on a industrial scale.. not as simple as you think
The obvious and most rational choice when the other "peace and freedom loving" countries come with bombs and death threats to your doors and after decades of glorifiyng their terror as "justice" take zero responsiblity.

But people making choices in their countries best interest, often fall victim to American terrorist attacks.
Taliban are not stupid they will play this one clever

I say take all the Chinese investment you can
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