haha great to her so much reply
it depends on the chili type some type need more time:
some habaneros grow slow until they begin to explode and end up like a bush..
than there are early types like sweet cayyene
also you need to give them enough light and a warm place to grow
as I said best time to begin in germany is end of february in may you can put them outside (after eisheiligen) but remeber they dont know UV light it could burn them so bring them out on eg rainy days without direct sun light..
this year I faced many problems:
aphids I had to use two differnt posion against them
not much light at home no artificial lights
than some had been burned because I was on work and no one helped out..
than I was stingy and did not buy good fertilizer
now I used a little bit too much on some plants
next year I will do it better
if you like peppers and specially the habarero type you can buy this on amazon:
its really good and spicy without chemicals and EXX or any other artificial stuff just potatos peppers, garlic and so on..
but for some people this might be too much and others say this is nothing but real habaneros spiciness are beyond this potato chips its just a glimpse from faar away..