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Chile’s new president is a win for Iran - comment


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Usual precautions advised as with any zionist-authored piece, but it's significant nonetheless that they are considering this as another win for Iran in Latin America.

Isn't it interesting that whenever a candidate representing the popular masses and striving to improve the conditions of the poor and the downtrodden is elected rather than some pointman of the rich and powerful, it tends to be to Iran's advantage since these candidates are usually keen to enhance ties with Tehran.

In other news, President Ortega of Nicaragua was reelected and Mohsen Rezai, now adviser to President Raisi, went to congratulate him.

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Not only that, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Argentina (along with China and Russia) can take down the US empire. There is only one Achilles heel to the US empire, and that is silver. Have silver trade outside the COMEX and LME and in an anti-US new trading exchange city in Latin America or elsewhere. Have trades only in physical silver, no paper market of fake paper silver. Watch silver and gold prices rise with the monetization of silver and have silver be money again, rivaling the dollar, and especially rivaling bitcoin. Have silver investors make fortunes and have a libertarian movement of a return to sound real money of silver and gold. Not a fractional reserve. A 100% silver and gold backed currency(s) around the world, force the US empire to not be able to have endless spending, reign that in with finite money supply of Precious Metals that won't support wars. In the past, lack of money (silver and gold) can lead to war bankruptcy. With printing fiat money, there is endless paper fiat money for endless war. There cannot be a war with Iran with silver and gold as money. US had to close the gold window because of the Vietnam War. Bitcoin has replaced gold as the flight to safety in the past few years.

start a MLM scheme with your buddies then branch it out of friends and family, then branch it out to your ethnic group and then have that MLM pyramid scheme be the global currency that is the liquidity of the economy. Everything is valued and priced and bought with your MLM scheme, limited to only 20 million units, which you and your buddies mostly own.

You can buy whole countries and continents with a small fraction of your holdings of the MLM pyramid scheme. This is what bitcoin is. Those who invented bitcoin and allowed bitcoin to be legal, are well aware of what MLM pyramid schemes are and how to make trillions, and even thousands of trillions off of these financial instruments. cia/Washington, Qanon were on the ground level of starting bitcoin and are going to be trillionaires.

Those thousands of trillions of cia bitcoin money (if bitcoin becomes the global currency) can support a thousand separate wars against Iran.

Chilean silver can save Iran, and when Chile is run by socialists who hate zionism and the cia, Chile can work with Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and other silver socialist countries to collapse the US empire and bring freedom to the world. Silver and gold is the only hope left. You cannot fight them with wars, when anybody in the West finds out that the cia is evil, these are funneled to support trump, who these idiots believe is fighting zionism and the cia. Yes, hundreds of millions of idiots believe trump is fighting against zionism.

Why do you think I am on a Pakistan board, not a libertarian board. Most libertarians believe trump is fighting against the cia and enemy of the zionists. And if I spend my time educating others to be anti-zionist, then the 4chaners arrive and make idiots of those who I liberated from stupidity into even greater form of stupidity, a trump retard who believes trump hates zionism and hates starting conflicts. putin is no different. Although putin hides support for zionism because Russians are more careful about these things. They have putin and the Chabad, not many others can keep Russia as a fake nationalist trumpian state. In the US you have opposition, fake opposition, yet the carefulness of the Russians is placed in the carefulness of the Democrats to not reveal that Dems and Reps are on the same cia team and serve the endless war machine. The majority in the left media have no clue that the Dems are a fake opposition political party and the whole lot of the Democrats would start a new party, a real peace liberal party if that info got revealed. So the Dems have to have exposure on trump and opposition to trump and revealing that trump is a con-artist fraud, because the solvency of the Democratic Party depends on it. In Russia there is no substantial opposition to putin, there is basically a one party state of fear of putin, and so there is no opposition telling that putin is a Chabad servant.

Back to Chile, the vital pieces are in place to take down the US empire. Chilean silver can do this with help from other socialist silver producing nations. US cannot finance wars on silver. US would run out or have unrest at home with high taxes and debt in silver, not endless fiat money.

That is why the biggest project in the US is the suppression of the price of precious metals of gold and silver. There is not a more important issue. Protecting from that which can easily and rapidly take down the US empire is more important than who is in the white house.

Hillary Clinton revealed in emails that Libya was taken out because of the gold backed dinars. Silver and gold is survival for the US empire. The dollar is to have no replacements, no threats. Silver and gold are a clear and present danger to the dollar, would end the US empire quickly.
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Usual precautions advised as with any zionist-authored piece, but it's significant nonetheless that they are considering this as another win for Iran in Latin America.

Isn't it interesting that whenever a candidate representing the popular masses and striving to improve the conditions of the poor and the downtrodden is elected rather than some pointman of the rich and powerful, it tends to be to Iran's advantage since these candidates are usually keen to enhance ties with Tehran.

In other news, President Ortega of Nicaragua was reelected and Mohsen Rezai, now adviser to President Raisi, went to congratulate him.

The clown who wrote this op for jpost is [no surprise] a member of the 💩FDD💩. :sarcastic:
Why is it that whenever you find 💩zionists💩 you also find pro western right wing think tanks?🤔
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