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Taliban rebuild children’s suicide camp in South Waziristan - The Long War Journal

Taliban rebuild children’s suicide camp in South Waziristan
By BILL ROGGIOOctober 6, 2008 5:36 PM

Scores of children train to become suicide bombers at a camp run by Qair Hussain in Spinkai, South Waziristan. Image courtesy of AfPax Insider.

The Taliban have rebuilt a camp in South Waziristan that trains children to be suicide bombers, a video from Pakistan shows. Children as young as seven years old are indoctrinated to wage jihad in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The video, obtained by AfPax Insider, was shot in August in Spinkai Ragzai, South Waziristan, a tribal area run by Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. The Taliban are seen "training dozens of boys ranging in age from seven to 14," the news service reported. "The video attempts to justify suicide bombings as a legitimate means of attack against "infidels.'"

The images shows the children reading from the Quran and an adult Taliban training the children. One slide shows a poster board with the words “Killing a Spy” written in English.

While not explicitly stated in the AfPax Insider report, the camp is run by Qari Hussain, a senior lieutenant to Baitullah who has close links to al Qaeda. Hussain has rebuilt his child training camp after the Pakistani military demolished his suicide nursery during a short offensive in Spinkai in January 2008.

In May, a senior Pakistani general described the previous camp as a "factory." The military seized numerous documents and training materials in the demolished camp.

"It was like a factory that had been recruiting nine to 12-year-old boys, and turning them into suicide bombers," said Major General Tariq Khan, the commander of Pakistan's 14 Division, which led the operation in South Waziristan.

"The computers, other equipment and literature seized from the place ... give graphic details of the training process in this so-called ‘nursery,’" Dawn reported in May. "There are videos of young boys carrying out executions, a classroom where 10- to 12-year olds are sitting in formations, with white band of Quranic verses wrapped around their forehead, and there are training videos to show how improvised explosive devices are made and detonated."

The Pakistani military launched the operation in South Waziristan on Jan. 24 after Taliban forces commanded by Baitullah overran two military outposts and conducted attacks against other forts and military convoys in the tribal agency.

The Pakistani military reported that Hussain was killed in January after intercepting Taliban communications. The military later reiterated that claim during the tour of the Spinkai camp on May 18.

Scores of children train to become suicide bombers at a camp run by Qair Hussain in Spinkai, South Waziristan. Image courtesy of AfPax Insider. Click to view.

Hussain held a press conference at a government school building in South Waziristan five days later. During the interview,he mocked the reports of his death. “I am alive, don’t you see me?” Hussain said.

Hussain is believe to be in the running to succeed Baitullah Mehsud in the event of his death. Baitullah is suffering from complications related to kidney disease and was rumored to have died last week. Baitullah was later seen visiting villagers to celebrate Eid in towns throughout South Waziristan.

The Spinkai camp is one of 157 training camps and more than 400 support locations in the Taliban-controled tribal areas and in the Northwest Frontier Province.
This is just crazy, if I'm not mistaken, Iran used children during the Iran-Iraq war and they were regarded as heroes.
Looks like all of this report is a "set-up". Look at the few images below.

What a poor effort. I wonder how many of these children know English and I wonder why it was required to write the sentence "Killing of Spy" in English. Also in Arabic it is written killing of "Munafiq" that doesn't get translated into a spy.

I can only understand one reason of writing a sentence in english that if someone deliberately wants to send a fake message to international community to justify case of US incursions in FATA.

Also look at the other pictures


Looks like the the man who is training these children belongs to US Army or Marines. He seems to belong to African American ethnicity from his colour and physical buid up.


Seems like another effort as the last one regarding Osama failed because the chap who was playing the role of Osama was eating from his "left hand".
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Also the original report suggests that video is produced by "Omar Studios' in Waziristan and this is suppose to be a "secret" video.

Good, it's a nice maintenance of secrecy by display of name of studio as logo in the video.:rofl:
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Looks like the the man who is training these children belongs to US Army or Marines. He seems to belong to African American ethnicity from his colour and physical buid up.

There are somalians and sudanese muslims in Al Qaeda. Could be one of them.

or maybe a very sunburtn Pushtoon
Looks like the the man who is training these children belongs to US Army or Marines. He seems to belong to African American ethnicity from his colour and physical buid up.
Most probably he is an indian soldier,after all many dead TTP members are found to be indians!
After killing thousand TTP we should be able to find few dead Americans or somalis as suggested above, which is not the case.
there is no way that thousands of terrorists are living among tribals un-noticed. It is also impossible that somalis were running intelligence cells in Pakistan which lead to the attempts of killing Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz.
All these terorists are being protected by dictator of Afghanistan and they are alien to this region as is suggested by the picture.
... and a US soldier as well, right?

could be. i was offering possible explanations, thats all.

Lol...You can only wish they get this color after getting "sun burnt".[/QUOTE]

i have seen dark-skinned Pushtoons. There was this Afghan Pushtoon guy in a place i worked at. he was pretty dark skinned, so i assume the african sun must have darkened his complexion.
This is really disturbing. I saw one video last year or so, where on 12 year boy cut the throat of local guy, who was blamed as spying taliban....
Mr Umer,

It is not an american soldier---training the little boys---al qaeda have yemenis, somalis ethopians, dark skinned saudis and other arabs, black american muslims, white american muslims----al qaeda comes in all shapes, sizes and colors---

The name of the studio is a common error---when you first commit a crime----not all bases are covered proficiently---it is the simple error in human judgement that criminal gets caught.
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