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Children pay the price in Pakistan's mass HIV outbreak

Poor Kisans and Haris, cannot vote for anyone except for the wadera chosen PPP candidate, all the poor farmers cannot vote for the person of their liking. Was reading waderas keep the CNIC card of them as well and just pay a barely livable amount of food to them, no cash was given(one of the Sindhi Masi told me).

So Sindh needed a real land reform, south Punjab too.

That proves my point. The fuedals have shackled the poor farmers. They steal their land, imprison their children and take away their freedom. I don't believe in victimisation. The Sindhis are unfortunately like this. They truly worship PPP. It is part of their DNA. They could easily revolt, but they choose not to. If the Sindhi farmers and oppressed make a fist of things they can destroy the fuedals. This oppression happens on a mega scale. Try doing any of this BS in any other province on such a scale and the people will revolt.

You will not find a single province in Pakistan where problems are as severe as Sindh. Even Balochistan despite its unfortunate history is miles ahead of Sindh.
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In a province where children and babies die due to lack of clean drinking water you are showing concern for sterilized needles? First familiarise yourself with the ground realities. This is the most impovrished province of Pakistan hands down. People in this region willingly vote for thugs and fuedals who imprison their children. For generations fuedal landlords have imprisoned poor Sindhis on their land. The common man in this region doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. He doesn't even know what exploitation means. There are no schools and health facilities.

These people only live for one purpose. That is PPP. They worship PPP. Look it up.

You cannot transform a feudal society into a non-feudal one without some help from the educated middle class.

Most doctors are educated. At the least they are supposed to do no evil. Sterilizing the needles is the least they could do. It is not that hard. Operating a medical practice in economically poor places is a challenge in common sense and empathy. If this is the callous nature of educated doctors there is not much hope here. Blaming political parties, landlords and leaders is an easy copeout.
Since his son was diagnosed with HIV during a mass outbreak in Pakistan among babies and children, hard-up Shahzado Shar has often been forced to choose between food and medicine.

His five-year-old was one of hundreds who tested positive in 2019 after a whistleblower doctor uncovered a scandal involving the re-use of needles in southern Sindh province.

Read: Pakistan's 'positive' crisis

The number of patients quickly swelled and two years later the figure stands at more than 1,500, according to data from the provincial health ministry.

In this picture taken on March 25, a father and his HIV positive son wait for their turn at a treatment support centre in Ratodero. —  AFP

In this picture taken on March 25, a father and his HIV positive son wait for their turn at a treatment support centre in Ratodero. — AFP

Pakistan's largest HIV testing and treatment centre was established in the rural town of Ratodero in the wake of the disaster, dishing out life saving anti-retroviral drugs.

But affected families must cover further costs arising from the illness themselves.

“They tell us to go for further tests in private hospitals, but we don't have sufficient money,” Shar told AFP, describing how his son continues to suffer from regular fever, abdominal and kidney pain.

Around 30 other children are also HIV positive in their small village of Subhani Shar, just a few kilometres from Ratodero.

Public hospitals, located largely in cities, are often chaotic and inefficient, leaving rural families to rely on private clinics they can seldom afford and which are often stuffed with unlicensed doctors.

At least 50 children have died since they were diagnosed, said paediatric specialist Fatima Mir, from Aga Khan University in Karachi, who has analysed the data — though she had expected the number to be higher given the malnutrition and poverty among families in the area.

In this picture taken on March 25, Shahzado Shar (L) sits with his HIV positive son at their home in Subhani Shar village. —  AFP

In this picture taken on March 25, Shahzado Shar (L) sits with his HIV positive son at their home in Subhani Shar village. — AFP

Authorities blamed a single physician — a popular child specialist in Ratodero — for causing the outbreak.

Muzaffar Ghangro is currently out on bail, with court hearings repeatedly pushed back, much to the anger of many families.

He denies the charges laid against him, saying other doctors have pinned the outbreak on him because of his successful practice.

'Ruthless' malpractice
Poor infection control is rife across the country, where doctors often reuse equipment to cut costs — out of necessity or greed.

The doctor who first exposed Sindh's dirty needle scandal says little has changed since 2019.

“Things are as bad as they were at the time of the outbreak,” said whistleblower Imran Akbar Arbani, who called malpractice in the country “ruthless”.

Arbani took his data on the outbreak to local media after discovering an alarming number of babies with HIV in Ratodero, where he has a private clinic.

He said authorities were quick to react at the time, but that discipline has since slipped.

“In the first three months, quacks and unauthorised medical practitioners were banned and their clinics were sealed, but they obtained clearance later on,” he said.

n this picture taken on March 26, a laboratory technician takes a blood sample from a man for an HIV test at a HIV treatment support centre in Ratodero. — AFP

n this picture taken on March 26, a laboratory technician takes a blood sample from a man for an HIV test at a HIV treatment support centre in Ratodero. — AFP

Rafiq Khanani, a doctor and the president of the Infectious Diseases Society of Pakistan, said regulations were ineffective or routinely ignored.

“The regulatory departments exist only on documents and in offices [...] practically, they are ineffective.”

In the wake of the scandal, the government banned the import of conventional syringes, insisting only on single-use auto-lock needles which cannot be redeployed.

But a Sindh health official who did not want to be named told AFP that many doctors were circumventing the ban and still buying the cheaper models.

'We are doomed'
At Ratodero's HIV testing and treatment centre, patients sit facing a television screen churning out healthcare advice in the local Sindhi language.

A frail 20-year-old man sits silently with his father, waiting for the results of the rapid HIV test.

Paediatric specialist Fatima Mir said successful mass testing helped to identify victims of the crisis and slow down onward transmissions.

But Pakistan now has to go beyond the vital antiretrovirals and offer more rounded care to patients, Ayesha Isani Majeed, the head of the government's National AIDS Control Programme, told AFP.

In this picture taken on March 25, Hakima Shar and her daughter, who are both HIV positive, walk outside their home in Subhani Shar village. —  AFP

In this picture taken on March 25, Hakima Shar and her daughter, who are both HIV positive, walk outside their home in Subhani Shar village. — AFP

As the sun sets in Subhani Shar, a mother sits with her daughter draped across her lap, suffering another bout of fever.

Hakima Shar says she sometimes forgets to administer the drugs — which can control the virus and help prevent onward transmission — to her four-year-old, who often refuses to take them.

“We are very poor [...] I wake up with the sun and start working, so who else will give her the medicine regularly?” said the 25-year-old mother, who has also contracted the virus.

Many families had never heard of HIV, but now it dominates their lives.

“The government doesn't provide us with antibiotics or multivitamins and we can't afford to buy them ourselves,” she said. “We are doomed.“

Straight bullet in the head of all Quacks. No jury, no case. Simple eradication.
Since his son was diagnosed with HIV during a mass outbreak in Pakistan among babies and children, hard-up Shahzado Shar has often been forced to choose between food and medicine.

His five-year-old was one of hundreds who tested positive in 2019 after a whistleblower doctor uncovered a scandal involving the re-use of needles in southern Sindh province.

Read: Pakistan's 'positive' crisis

The number of patients quickly swelled and two years later the figure stands at more than 1,500, according to data from the provincial health ministry.

In this picture taken on March 25, a father and his HIV positive son wait for their turn at a treatment support centre in Ratodero. —  AFP

In this picture taken on March 25, a father and his HIV positive son wait for their turn at a treatment support centre in Ratodero. — AFP

Pakistan's largest HIV testing and treatment centre was established in the rural town of Ratodero in the wake of the disaster, dishing out life saving anti-retroviral drugs.

But affected families must cover further costs arising from the illness themselves.

“They tell us to go for further tests in private hospitals, but we don't have sufficient money,” Shar told AFP, describing how his son continues to suffer from regular fever, abdominal and kidney pain.

Around 30 other children are also HIV positive in their small village of Subhani Shar, just a few kilometres from Ratodero.

Public hospitals, located largely in cities, are often chaotic and inefficient, leaving rural families to rely on private clinics they can seldom afford and which are often stuffed with unlicensed doctors.

At least 50 children have died since they were diagnosed, said paediatric specialist Fatima Mir, from Aga Khan University in Karachi, who has analysed the data — though she had expected the number to be higher given the malnutrition and poverty among families in the area.

In this picture taken on March 25, Shahzado Shar (L) sits with his HIV positive son at their home in Subhani Shar village. —  AFP

In this picture taken on March 25, Shahzado Shar (L) sits with his HIV positive son at their home in Subhani Shar village. — AFP

Authorities blamed a single physician — a popular child specialist in Ratodero — for causing the outbreak.

Muzaffar Ghangro is currently out on bail, with court hearings repeatedly pushed back, much to the anger of many families.

He denies the charges laid against him, saying other doctors have pinned the outbreak on him because of his successful practice.

'Ruthless' malpractice
Poor infection control is rife across the country, where doctors often reuse equipment to cut costs — out of necessity or greed.

The doctor who first exposed Sindh's dirty needle scandal says little has changed since 2019.

“Things are as bad as they were at the time of the outbreak,” said whistleblower Imran Akbar Arbani, who called malpractice in the country “ruthless”.

Arbani took his data on the outbreak to local media after discovering an alarming number of babies with HIV in Ratodero, where he has a private clinic.

He said authorities were quick to react at the time, but that discipline has since slipped.

“In the first three months, quacks and unauthorised medical practitioners were banned and their clinics were sealed, but they obtained clearance later on,” he said.

n this picture taken on March 26, a laboratory technician takes a blood sample from a man for an HIV test at a HIV treatment support centre in Ratodero. — AFP

n this picture taken on March 26, a laboratory technician takes a blood sample from a man for an HIV test at a HIV treatment support centre in Ratodero. — AFP

Rafiq Khanani, a doctor and the president of the Infectious Diseases Society of Pakistan, said regulations were ineffective or routinely ignored.

“The regulatory departments exist only on documents and in offices [...] practically, they are ineffective.”

In the wake of the scandal, the government banned the import of conventional syringes, insisting only on single-use auto-lock needles which cannot be redeployed.

But a Sindh health official who did not want to be named told AFP that many doctors were circumventing the ban and still buying the cheaper models.

'We are doomed'
At Ratodero's HIV testing and treatment centre, patients sit facing a television screen churning out healthcare advice in the local Sindhi language.

A frail 20-year-old man sits silently with his father, waiting for the results of the rapid HIV test.

Paediatric specialist Fatima Mir said successful mass testing helped to identify victims of the crisis and slow down onward transmissions.

But Pakistan now has to go beyond the vital antiretrovirals and offer more rounded care to patients, Ayesha Isani Majeed, the head of the government's National AIDS Control Programme, told AFP.

In this picture taken on March 25, Hakima Shar and her daughter, who are both HIV positive, walk outside their home in Subhani Shar village. —  AFP

In this picture taken on March 25, Hakima Shar and her daughter, who are both HIV positive, walk outside their home in Subhani Shar village. — AFP

As the sun sets in Subhani Shar, a mother sits with her daughter draped across her lap, suffering another bout of fever.

Hakima Shar says she sometimes forgets to administer the drugs — which can control the virus and help prevent onward transmission — to her four-year-old, who often refuses to take them.

“We are very poor [...] I wake up with the sun and start working, so who else will give her the medicine regularly?” said the 25-year-old mother, who has also contracted the virus.

Many families had never heard of HIV, but now it dominates their lives.

“The government doesn't provide us with antibiotics or multivitamins and we can't afford to buy them ourselves,” she said. “We are doomed.“

Straight bullet in the head of all Quacks. No jury, no case. Simple eradication.
I second it.

I second it.

The short term solution is to send in donations directly to the affected families.

The proper long term solution is to incentivize Pakistan to spend more effort and resources into social development, particularly education and healthcare.
The short term solution is to send in donations directly to the affected families.

The proper long term solution is to incentivize Pakistan to spend more effort and resources into social development, particularly education and healthcare.
Agreed; i want to see if we can organise medical ARV for them; how can we do this?
Soon Punjab and Balochistan will set up checkpoints on their Sindh borders.
Agreed; i want to see if we can organise medical ARV for them; how can we do this?

ARVs are easy to get, but ensuring regularity among the huge financial pressures is not going to be easy, given the environment in that particular area. Highlighting their plight in the international media would likely be seen as an attempt to malign Pakistan, but without that pressure, no one in the provincial government would be pushed to do anything. The federal government would be intentionally hamstrung for political reasons.

The above applies only to the present fiasco. How many others are brewing in Pakistan, God only knows.
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