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Children of Pakistan


Jan 11, 2009
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Hamida, a six-year old internally displaced girl who fled a military offensive in the Swat valley region, sits outside the food distribution tent at the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) Yar Hussain camp in Swabi district, about 120 km (75 mi) northwest of Pakistan's capital Islamabad June 9, 2009.​


Pakistani children wait for hours in line for dinner at the Yar Hussain camp June 1, 2009 in Swabi, Pakistan.​
Its not just bad its Terrible
I visited a IDP camp, these ppl have some real Horror Stories to tell, Children having shrapnel & bullet injuries, women terrified, mothers crying for their children, children crying for parents, its a MESS :frown:
Anyways many of them have returned to their homes, we wish them a good Life, God Bless Pakistan & ppl who sacrificed to get rid to these TTP beats..

Anyways many of them have returned to their homes

Let's hope there is something to return to.
If their homes and farms have been destroyed, the government should have a program to help them.
Let's hope there is something to return to.
If their homes and farms have been destroyed, the government should have a program to help them.

The way ppl donated money, IF that money will be utilized properly, i think they can build better homes

Pakistani girls stand near their tents at night May 31, 2009 in Jalozai camp, 15 k from Peshawar, Pakistan.​


A boy stands by as Pakistani men line up to register for ID cards at the Chota Lahore refugee camp, at Swabi, in northwest Pakistan, Wednesday, May 20, 2009.​

Pakistani children relax in a playground at the Yar Hussain camp June 1, 2009 in Swabi, Pakistan.​


A young woman peers out from a torn curtain near her tent as the wind and dust blows making conditions in the massive tent city become more difficult May 31, 2009 in Jalozai camp, 15 k from Peshawar, Pakistan.​
Are NGO organizations also working along with government for rehabilitation?

There are a lot of NGO & ppl doing whatever they can to help these ppl, in Mardan(its a city) ppl have given them their empty homes & even people have set up camps for them in empty fields coz the IDP camps were Full, they are doing great job in serving these ppl, Hats off for the people who are working for them, It really makes me proud that i m part of such a hospitable nation :pakistan:

Internally displaced children scramble to get a piece of ice being handed out by aid workers at the Chota Lahore relief camp on May 20, 2009 in Swabi, Pakistan.​


A Pakistani girl peers over part of a makeshift tent in Chota Lahore Refugee Camp in Swabi, Pakistan on Wednesday, May 20, 2009.​

Displaced Pakistani boys play on the ruins of a former Afghan refugee house in Jalozai refugee camp near Peshawar, Pakistan, Monday, June 8, 2009.​


Boys sit, silhouetted at sunset as women wearing burqas walk past at the UNHCR Yar Hussain camp in Swabi district, in Pakistan on June 2, 2009.​
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