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Chicago is turning to a warzone according to American analyst

Michael Schneider, an American writer and analyst, wrote in a note examining the economic and social situation in the United States: "I do not know why anyone wants to live in Chicago at this time. According to the latest statistics released, more than 117,000 members of criminal gangs" [1] currently reside in the city, and the violence is so widespread that it has always made headlines around the world. "
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Neighborhoods are like a war zone in Chicago

"Some affluent areas of Chicago still look attractive, but many neighborhoods have become something of a war zone," he said. The great churches, hospitals, and factories that were once so beautiful and attractive are now falling apart and rotting throughout the city [2] .The bustling drug Market [3] is also in the public eye, preventing customers from turning to local businesses for fear. Unfortunately, the reality is that the whole country is heading in the same direction as Chicago. Chicago was named one of the most murdered cities in the world last year, but no one expected the homicide rate to increase by "more than 50% by 2020" [4] ... Chicago Police released the final crime figures in Chicago in 2020. These figures show that shootings and homicides have increased by more than 50 percent by 2020. In 2020, there were 769 homicides, a significant increase from 495 in 2019. In terms of shootings, the city of Chicago recorded 3,261 shootings last year, a significant increase from 2,140 shootings in 2019. The number of shooting victims also increased to 4,033 in 2020. This number was equal to 2598 people in 2019.

People flee Chicago and Illinois
Meanwhile, people continue to flee the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois in large numbers. In fact, the British media has described the mass exodus we saw in 2020 as "historic" [5] ...

Illinois recorded [6] a decline in population for the seventh year in a row between July 2019 and July 2020, but the decline was historic - 79,487 people left the state during that period, the highest number since World War II. The second highest figure among states is in terms of raw figures or population percentage. Larger population declines over the years have led Illinois to experience the largest population decline in raw numbers and the second largest population decline in percentage since 2010. The state has experienced a population decline of 253, 015 during that period - three times more than other states.

It is understandable why so many people are moving to better places, but other major cities are also seeing a sharp rise in crimes.
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Rising crime in 34 major US cities
According to a recent study by US News [7] , homicide rates in 34 major US cities rose by an average of 30 percent last year.

According to experts, the homicide rate in 34 US cities increased by an average of 30% in 2020, as the United States recovers from the Corona virus pandemic and widespread anti-police brutality protests.

According to a recent report by the Covid-19 National Commission, homicide rates rose in 29 of the 34 cities surveyed, and three of the largest cities in the study sample - New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago - had a 40 percent homicide rate. Currently, almost all major cities are becoming insecure.

American society is collapsing
"Unfortunately, the reality is that our whole society is collapsing, and this trend is accelerating during the tough years ahead. As the economic situation worsens, people become more helpless, and more and more businesses are closing down now."

Poverty has exploded everywhere in the United States
Poverty has exploded everywhere in the United States, and this downturn has hit hard, especially the downstream businesses in the food chain. As the economic crisis intensifies, those working in the downstream area of the food chain are increasingly flocking to affluent neighborhoods to vent their despair and helplessness.

Those with a "rabbinic mentality" will try to claim that stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is "justice," but that is in fact a way to justify unbridled lawlessness in the streets.

The American author concluded: The revolt, looting, and violence we have seen so far is just the beginning. Worse is on the way, and very soon across the United States it will be like the streets in the worst parts of Chicago.

Providing website

The numbers shown in bracket point to the sources shown below respectively.

[1] https://news.wttw.com/۲۰۲۰/۰۷/۲۷/critics-say-chicago-police-need-rethink-tracking-gang-members-curbing-violence
[2] https://www.thrillist.com/lifestyle/chicago/abandoned-buildings-for-urban-exploration-near-chicago
[3] https://blockclubchicago.org/۲۰۲۰/۱۰/۱۶/garfield-park-businesses-forced-to-close-as-open-air-drug-market-crime-scares-off-customers-with-no-help-in-sight-owners-say/
[4] https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shootings-۲۰۲۰-shooting-crime-stats-statistics/۹۲۵۰۳۷۴/
[5] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-۹۲۱۱۲۱۷/US-murder-rates-۲۰۲۰-soar-۳۰-cent-no-modern-precedent.html
[6] https://www.illinoispolicy.org/illinois-sees-worst-population-decline-since-world-war-ii/
[7] https://www.usnews.com/news/nationa...ide-rates-spike-amid-pandemic-police-protests
Chicago always been a war zone, and the cops out there are the worst.
I could cherry pick some images from Tehran and prove conclusively that it's in the dying throngs of anarchy. Please don't tag me to discuss someone's twisted fantasy. Thank you.
Considering that I walked from wacker all the way out to adler a while back and saw no evidence of this inner city destruction and warzone other than another Starbucks taking over a small business... I want to know where this analyst came up with this conclusion.
Chicago always been a war zone, and the cops out there are the worst.
There is also a well known group of Pakistani fraudsters that hang out near willis tower and prey on desis - I nearly got conned by the guy but then made his life miserable by dragging him around atm to atm not letting him leave until I helped his mother.
I nearly got conned by the guy but then made his life miserable by dragging him around atm to atm not letting him leave until I helped his mother.

This tidbit needs more details! :D
That's it. I am done with this warzone with a collapsing society, and moving to Iran to enjoy the peace there.

Bring some cranes and rope and you'll be made Supreme leader.
America is headed to a massive decline due to changes to demographics. The right wing whites wont just hand over their country to the latinos/blacks who are outbreeding them so i will see some type of struggle (already occuring) in the US for the next few decades

No, the whites are still here except we moved to single family homes in the suburbs leaving the cities full of apartment buildings with low income families renting from absentee landlords.
. . .
This tidbit needs more details! :D
Oh - it does , I make sure I warn people about those dipshits. So if you are walking around Union station you’ll see this Pakistani guy walking with a limp and bent back. I engaged him since it was Friday and wanted to know if there was a mosque close by. He then starts off all whining and in “pain” talking about how he just came to Chicago from Pakistan for his mother’s treatment but was ambushed by Black people and beaten. His very old hungry and sick mother is sitting in some bus station two blocks away and he just needs money to get her a ticket back to their relatives in New Jersey.
So in the usual mindset and thinking it is always good charity tell this PoS that I have no cash on me except a twenty - he says that is plenty but then I decide to help out and say I can go to a store and get his mother food.
in the meantime I start normal talk and even ask for his phone which he seems to not remember.
He starts acting twitchy and asks me to come see his mother but I decline and instead take him with me to a CVS where his story and expressions start messing up.
I start getting suspicious when this guys asks if I can withdraw some cash and it will be good and adds on to this sob story. So I say ok, get him a bag of chips but don’t go to that ATM and instead say I want to avoid fees and start walking to another bank. Now it is difficult to walk hunchback and limping even more if its faked - so this fellow starts finding excuses to go and I hold his hand and drag him on for another block or so before he faked a phone call and literally hopped like a bunny away.

Funny thing, on a return trip I see this guy again and waited till he started he story to complete it for him and he ran off. So , if by that area or you see a hunched man with a short beard and mustache - either say no or use a shoe.
America is headed to a massive decline due to changes to demographics. The right wing whites wont just hand over their country to the latinos/blacks who are outbreeding them so i will see some type of struggle (already occuring) in the US for the next few decades

rightwing whites are not majority whites...they wil lose like in Charlottesville
Oh - it does , I make sure I warn people about those dipshits. So if you are walking around Union station you’ll see this Pakistani guy walking with a limp and bent back. I engaged him since it was Friday and wanted to know if there was a mosque close by. He then starts off all whining and in “pain” talking about how he just came to Chicago from Pakistan for his mother’s treatment but was ambushed by Black people and beaten. His very old hungry and sick mother is sitting in some bus station two blocks away and he just needs money to get her a ticket back to their relatives in New Jersey.
So in the usual mindset and thinking it is always good charity tell this PoS that I have no cash on me except a twenty - he says that is plenty but then I decide to help out and say I can go to a store and get his mother food.
in the meantime I start normal talk and even ask for his phone which he seems to not remember.
He starts acting twitchy and asks me to come see his mother but I decline and instead take him with me to a CVS where his story and expressions start messing up.
I start getting suspicious when this guys asks if I can withdraw some cash and it will be good and adds on to this sob story. So I say ok, get him a bag of chips but don’t go to that ATM and instead say I want to avoid fees and start walking to another bank. Now it is difficult to walk hunchback and limping even more if its faked - so this fellow starts finding excuses to go and I hold his hand and drag him on for another block or so before he faked a phone call and literally hopped like a bunny away.

Funny thing, on a return trip I see this guy again and waited till he started he story to complete it for him and he ran off. So , if by that area or you see a hunched man with a short beard and mustache - either say no or use a shoe.

I think this guy's brothers/cousins do the same scam at the Port Authority Terminal in NYC. You dealt with him rather nicely. :tup:
rightwing whites are not majority whites...they wil lose like in Charlottesville
vast majority of whites voted for Trump. Did you know that?

doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. America will end up a new Mexico or Brazil in the future
Make drugs legal sell them through state-run stores with the money collected going to education and rehabilitation. Give physically addictive drugs like heroin and other opiates for free on prescription this will stop the black market of drugs that gangs and cartels control and reduce violence and give addicts a route to get clean and live productive lives. The war on drugs is lost and has filled prisons and split families giving physically addictive drugs out on prescription will stop robberies and people breaking into homes. People will always do drugs or use drink to alter their minds to relax or enjoy themselves kepping them illegal has only put them in the hands of gangs and that causes the violence you see all over the world not just in the states .

Then the whole country becomes drug addict. What a great outcome.
Suddenly they gone AWOL
Black people are fucked up.

Man Saturday night I was doing uber and almost got attacked same thing as that uncle taser. 7 girls wanted to ride in a 4 passenger car. I refused. They started threatening me man. Chicago police were called to the scene. It was West Side by I290 and Cicero.
I hear Persian food is really good.

I meant no offense to Chicago citizens.
Yeah there's one by my house. Pretty good. Hella expensive tho.
Oh - it does , I make sure I warn people about those dipshits. So if you are walking around Union station you’ll see this Pakistani guy walking with a limp and bent back. I engaged him since it was Friday and wanted to know if there was a mosque close by. He then starts off all whining and in “pain” talking about how he just came to Chicago from Pakistan for his mother’s treatment but was ambushed by Black people and beaten. His very old hungry and sick mother is sitting in some bus station two blocks away and he just needs money to get her a ticket back to their relatives in New Jersey.
So in the usual mindset and thinking it is always good charity tell this PoS that I have no cash on me except a twenty - he says that is plenty but then I decide to help out and say I can go to a store and get his mother food.
in the meantime I start normal talk and even ask for his phone which he seems to not remember.
He starts acting twitchy and asks me to come see his mother but I decline and instead take him with me to a CVS where his story and expressions start messing up.
I start getting suspicious when this guys asks if I can withdraw some cash and it will be good and adds on to this sob story. So I say ok, get him a bag of chips but don’t go to that ATM and instead say I want to avoid fees and start walking to another bank. Now it is difficult to walk hunchback and limping even more if its faked - so this fellow starts finding excuses to go and I hold his hand and drag him on for another block or so before he faked a phone call and literally hopped like a bunny away.

Funny thing, on a return trip I see this guy again and waited till he started he story to complete it for him and he ran off. So , if by that area or you see a hunched man with a short beard and mustache - either say no or use a shoe.

At least you managed to catch the fraudster, I got conned by an Afghan. So, in my lunch break at work I used to go to a prayer room in a University nearby her in Melbourne. I meet this mid-50s Afghan guy with full salwar kamees, turban and beard. He prays dhuhr with us then tells us his story that he came from Afghanistan recently as a refugee and got no money. We ask him about the war situation in Afghanistan and he straight away says it's all Taliban occupied the whole country and the US troops are only hiding in their bases only, he quickly sensed where our allegiance was. I become very happy and withdraw 50 dollars from the ATM and give him my number too to contact me if he needs any other help. A Libyan brother also gives him 100 dollars. Later on, I was telling my other friends very excited that I met this Afgha guy who confirmed Taliban were winning, all of my friends were very happy expect one who says that Afghan guy is a con, has been doing that in mosques around the city for a while.
Oh - it does , I make sure I warn people about those dipshits. So if you are walking around Union station you’ll see this Pakistani guy walking with a limp and bent back. I engaged him since it was Friday and wanted to know if there was a mosque close by. He then starts off all whining and in “pain” talking about how he just came to Chicago from Pakistan for his mother’s treatment but was ambushed by Black people and beaten. His very old hungry and sick mother is sitting in some bus station two blocks away and he just needs money to get her a ticket back to their relatives in New Jersey.
So in the usual mindset and thinking it is always good charity tell this PoS that I have no cash on me except a twenty - he says that is plenty but then I decide to help out and say I can go to a store and get his mother food.
in the meantime I start normal talk and even ask for his phone which he seems to not remember.
He starts acting twitchy and asks me to come see his mother but I decline and instead take him with me to a CVS where his story and expressions start messing up.
I start getting suspicious when this guys asks if I can withdraw some cash and it will be good and adds on to this sob story. So I say ok, get him a bag of chips but don’t go to that ATM and instead say I want to avoid fees and start walking to another bank. Now it is difficult to walk hunchback and limping even more if its faked - so this fellow starts finding excuses to go and I hold his hand and drag him on for another block or so before he faked a phone call and literally hopped like a bunny away.

Funny thing, on a return trip I see this guy again and waited till he started he story to complete it for him and he ran off. So , if by that area or you see a hunched man with a short beard and mustache - either say no or use a shoe.
Very unlikely around Union Station. More likely around Devon. There was an Arab dude who used to beg between PakSweets, Tahoora and King Sweet etc.
. .
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