The F22 will receive pods that allow it to have IRST and EOTS like the F35 and J20 already have 'built-in'. By the time F22 receives its upgrades, it's at the end of its life expectancy. But of course I expect F22's service life will be extended not technically but politically by then. The F22 still has its designed shortcoming, such as the data link and short legs in intensive engagements in East Asia (Remember, F22 was deisgned in the close airspaces in Europe). Years ago the Pentagon has tried to resolved the issue but not been successful. Recently, China even shows off J20's loyal wingman F97A UAVs working with the twin-seated J20. That's another shortcoming neither F22 or F35 could overcome.
So based on what we know about the jets, F22 doesn't hold much water as of today. Maneuverability may be F22's advantage, but with today's high-G, off-axis super-/hypersonic AA missiles, it's a non-factor. J20 designer Yang Wei even published a paper claiming maneuverability is not a factor. With all that we know, it's then superstition to still claim F22 is superior.
Oh, I haven't mentioned American AA missiles are shorter and slower too.