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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

The problem is simply that patience is really not my virtue ! :fie:
"14" worse than "4", "4" == "death" and "14" == "to die/go to die" or "go to hell"

putting "13" infront of it make it better again lol
but really the PRC government does not subscribe to superstition, and since j-20 is a government project im going to say no way they skipped 14 simply because the number is supposedly bad. either 15 is a ps or we dont have a pic of 14 yet or 14 is a static test unit
Images ... I want images !!! ... come on !

Anyway to admit I'm still surprised and speechless, even 2011 and 2012 alone would be a great success or progress to this program, but that they managed to fly 4 J-20s this year is something I did not expect.
Therefore if the 201x aircraft are already representing a similar status like the J-10 101x- pre-production models, we could probably even speak of something similar to a LRIP.

2001 - 11. January 2011
2002 - 6. Mai 2012 (now renumbered as 2004)
2011 - 1. March 2014
2012 - 26. July 2014
2013 - 29. November 2014
2015 - 19. December 2014

Is this real ??? :what: Usually that guy is quite a reliable poster ?!!!
J-20 2015 maiden flight - 19.12.14 - 6 best or ps.jpg

and if real then the tail boom looks modified again !?
J-20 tail boom details 2011 - 2015.jpg
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Not really disappointing IF that image is real ! Therefore for me the most important question was: is this image legit ?

Regarding the engines I did not expect anything spectacular ... IMO they will continue using this proven even if slightly weak engine also for the LRIP-models.

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The engine is originally an up thrust WS-10 series
Said with 14 tons of wet thrust power.

Told you so...:azn:

Now we should all look forward to the arrival of 2016 etc .......
Is the J20 start to enter service with small batch production? I just smell it.

Who will expect CHina airforce have this fictional design ten years ago? I would say a mammoth progess and miracle really happens.

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