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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

J-10C should have the edge over the F-16 at high altitude engagements due to it’s canard-delta design, whereas F-16 should have the edge in low to mid altitudes.

I would think the F-35 derived APG-83 would be better than the AESA radar on the J-10C and so that may cause J-10C pilots targeting issues against Taiwanese F-16s.

You think and you guess.
That is not the answer we are looking for.

When the Royal Thai Air Force defeated J-10A in their initial exercise, there was plenty of publicity given by the news presses.

In the last 2 round, these news suddenly were inconspicuously missing.

Royal Thai Air Force trained in and by USA has lost all their aerial combat in their exercises against PLAAF J-10B in their exercise 2 year in a row using their Grifen JAS-39.
And You assumed F-16V is superior to PLAAF ever evolving J-10C.
Now rumor is Thailand is making inquiries about J-10CE and their availability.
This is enraging USA and her arm dealers as arm sales is the real reason why they are turning China the new enemy and a new cold war.
What else can USA sells or Produce?

Look. I came here to listen to facts.

The hidden truth is there is a strong probability that PLAAF Air Force onboard Radar may be in fact superior to those in the USAF warplanes.
But Chinese are modest and not braggarts like the West. They maintain their secrecy and that is why Deino is still digging like the rest of us for the real capability.

Is WS-15 ready? Is WS-10 TVC engine in mass production? Why did China place a 4th assembly line for J-20? The truth is we don't know and we are all waiting but we are not speculating. Something is brewing. :coffee:
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OK guys ... can we please come back to the topic aka the J-10!

Thai air force, J-10 vs F-35 or speculative discussions on more AAMs and dropping pylons are way off.
Guys, did we not see @Deino's post?

Via @央广军事 from Weixin
Via zszczhyx
Below is the official report of the J-10 crash that occured on September 4, 2020 (i.e. the event that the Indians said was a Taiwanese shoot down of a Chinese Su-35).

"Bird strike at low altitude. Wang Jiandong, a pilot of an Air Force brigade in the Southern War Zone, calmly and accurately placed ground damage to a minimum." "Follow-up investigation confirmed that the accident happened in the take-off rise, the engine was hit by birds caused by air parking. According to the comprehensive assessment of experts, Wang Jiandong avoided residential areas three times in 37 seconds, and a series of calm and accurate landing places minimized ground damage and did not cause casualties."
Via zszczhyx
Below is the official report of the J-10 crash that occured on September 4, 2020 (i.e. the event that the Indians said was a Taiwanese shoot down of a Chinese Su-35).

"Bird strike at low altitude. Wang Jiandong, a pilot of an Air Force brigade in the Southern War Zone, calmly and accurately placed ground damage to a minimum." "Follow-up investigation confirmed that the accident happened in the take-off rise, the engine was hit by birds caused by air parking. According to the comprehensive assessment of experts, Wang Jiandong avoided residential areas three times in 37 seconds, and a series of calm and accurate landing places minimized ground damage and did not cause casualties."

Via @南部空军 from Weixin
Via zszczhyx
Below is the official report of the J-10 crash that occured on September 4, 2020 (i.e. the event that the Indians said was a Taiwanese shoot down of a Chinese Su-35).

"Bird strike at low altitude. Wang Jiandong, a pilot of an Air Force brigade in the Southern War Zone, calmly and accurately placed ground damage to a minimum." "Follow-up investigation confirmed that the accident happened in the take-off rise, the engine was hit by birds caused by air parking. According to the comprehensive assessment of experts, Wang Jiandong avoided residential areas three times in 37 seconds, and a series of calm and accurate landing places minimized ground damage and did not cause casualties."

Good you finally posted the news. Taiwanese been poking fun at this earlier on news articles posted J-20 photo but mentioned most likely Su-35 which is illogical coz it has 2 engines. Based on prescription, it should be single engine fighter. Before the world could laugh, another F-35 crash landed in Eglin airbase the 2nd time but the authority tried to put blame on pilot error rather than technical that caused the plane crashed.
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