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Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions


You are absolutely right but somehow my un- scientific mind can not comprehend that how an F-16 (which we have in limited quantities and would not get more given the US back stabing policies) and JFT can defend against more powerfull twine engine aircrafts. I know it will be expensive to have twine engine fighters but nothing more important then the defense of our motherland.

Following is a quote from another posters comments which describe my own feelings and thoughts

"If Pakistan has sensible, literate and intelligent Air Command it should realise by now that real threat can not only come from the Eastern border but is more dangerously present now at the Western front as far West as Israel or more given the aggressive and hostile military presence of USA and NATO and subversive Israeli MOSSAD presence inside Pakistan.

Pakistan can no longer afford to invest in antiquated stupid but expensive war toys like the F-16 (intelligently rejected by India) with built in tracer bugs and kill buttons and the badly designed overweight JF-17 with Russian under-powered smoky engine.

If it is serious, given the current and the developing defence panorama Pakistan now needs a truly lethal multi-range multi-role Air Force equipped with up to date air craft like F-15, F-18, Eurofighter, Rafale, MIG-31, MIG-35, SU-27, etc., and not more junk like J-10B with very limited capabilities to meet Pakistan EAST-WEST-NORTH-SOUTH increasingly war-prone requirements."

I can't believe that Air Forces of Indonesia, Venezuela and Uganda even have SU30s and what we got?

Instead of 250 JFT and 150 J10B, I would rather have 36 Su30 or SU35 and 36 J11bs. 100 JFT and 36 J10b along with 36 SU 30 and 36 J11b may just cost us the same amount of money but would give us parity (not in numbers but in technology and capabilities) with the modern Air Forces in our region.

And please no more nuclear deterrent. We have enough of that. I beleive God has provided us a chance in the form of Putins visit and we should take advantage of it. Just my opinion.

In my last trip back home (February this year) I had the privilege of meeting and talking to a fine brave pilot of PAF and believe me as per that fine young man morals are down. And I don't blame him. I mean no matter how good of a shooter you are, you don't have much of chance if you only have 9mm Glock and your opposition have a machine gun.

I am requesting all the forum members to think about it. And let us start a campaign and do what ever we can in our capacity. Write letters emails to PAF and Government etc. May Allaha make us realise that what needed to be done. Nothing is impossible. We just need to believe and do the right thing.
Remember not every poster has the indepth understanding of issues at hand. In economics we use an interesting phrase "not all models are correct, but some are useful", replicate this here and you ll understand.
Regarding F-16, I have recently posted an article on how the vintage platforms like F-15, F-16 and F-18 have been able to stay relevent in the wake of technological evoluation and their outlook. (Thread is F-16 discussions II).
Thirdy, do see his post record for judging the quality of his posts. Making a statement is not difficult at all, but defending one is hell lot more.

China has officially pitched it's Chengdu J-10 fighter to Pakistan. The Pakistan Army Chief of General Staff was reportedly offered the fighter during a visit to China. A Pakistani delegation made a previous visit to the J-10 production line in 2006. In the same year, the government approved a purchase of 36 examples of the FC-20, a variant proposed for the PAF.

Source: Combat Aircraft.
Is it recent? cuz I can recall that one the occasion of visit of JCOSC wayen sahib, J-10B's squadron was officially offered
China’s J-10B fighter to Pak worries India - India - DNA
China to give squadron of J-10B fighters to Pakistan | China Military Power Mashup
China has officially pitched it's Chengdu J-10 fighter to Pakistan. The Pakistan Army Chief of General Staff was reportedly offered the fighter during a visit to China. A Pakistani delegation made a previous visit to the J-10 production line in 2006. In the same year, the government approved a purchase of 36 examples of the FC-20, a variant proposed for the PAF.

Source: Combat Aircraft.

Any detailes about the changes or the fighter at all?
Any detailes about the changes or the fighter at all?

None as of yet, Since only a Letter of Intent exists and not a concrete Tender. Till then , only speculations can be made based on what is heard on the grapevine.
One question is raised I dont know whether previously discussed or not?

which plane is best F-16 or J-10.
One question is raised I dont know whether previously discussed or not?

which plane is best F-16 or J-10.

F-16 has many versions, need to be more specific.
The version Paf is getting J10B (Fc-20) is more comparable to Eurofighter, F-16 block 60 standard.
Regards, Pak47.
One question is raised I dont know whether previously discussed or not?

which plane is best F-16 or J-10.

Its been raised several times and likewise its been answered several times and when you say "for PAF" in specific than its definitely J-10 ...
Technologically its shows alot of promise and it would definitely be on par or above the Block 50/52 we have
(note: Dont get mad at me i said on par just to be on the safe side)
PAK 47

Typhoon is far superior to F16/60 in airframe design and engine technology.

It also has far more agility, speed,, and overall power being twin engined versis single engine.

Finally it has a much lower RCS.

f16/60 ONLY matches typhoon on weapons range and load and superior AESA radar.

IF FC20 matches TYPHOON i would be shocked it is 2nd only to F22 today by most aviation articles globally.

Storm Force you are back to your old habit of trolling?

I am reporting this non-sense of yours.
PAK 47

dont read to much into excercises ALONE IAF MIG21 visons beat F15C of USA

READ THE SPECS, read the technology, understand what new technology euro canaards bring to the table.

The europeans are a decade a head of both CHINA & RUSSIA in sensor fusion, ECM and electronic warefare... AND aesa radar technology.

Frances RAFALE carries spectra EW system with a NOW a Aesa version of their RBE2 PESA radar...

Engine technology europeans are more than a decade ahead with both EJ200 and latest snecma carrying hi end technology and western ease of maintenance and high service rates..

For the record both RUSSIA & china ARE DECADE behind in both.

PAK 47 ask yourself this simple question WHY HAVE INDIA just ditched the RUSSIANS for France Israel & USA for multi billion $$$ defense deals last 5 years....

did you even read the rules of your engagement with the F-15's? Lol..
I'm not saying eurofighter is a bad plane.. no doubt its one of the best. I'm just saying don't underrate the Fc-20 when its designed to take on the Indian MRCA.

As far as ditching the Russians whats T-50 then? Any country can buy from another if they have decent ties, and have the cash.. Whats your point?..
Storm Force you are back to your old habit of trolling?

I am reporting this non-sense of yours.

Yes plzz report the sucker he will never ever change nor will his haterd for Pakistan i say ban his a$$ for good for ever striaght to troll land lolz.
I have suggested that euro fighter tech to be superior to russian and chinease tech and that western systems are less maintanence issues... this is not trolling and calling for a ban is way over the top boys. Esp dontella and top gun

Ps i.did not mention pakistan in any post top.gun so relax plz
I have suggested that euro fighter tech to be superior to russian and chinease tech and that western systems are less maintanence issues... this is not trolling and calling for a ban is way over the top boys. Esp dontella and top gun

Ps i.did not mention pakistan in any post top.gun so relax plz

Look Storm force,

You do troll. You come up with your posts that have no factual backing. I noticed an improvement in your posts after you came back, but seriously man, use your brain!!

...and my name here is Donatello, not dontella.............shows how much reading power you have.

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