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Cheney warns on Chinese build-up


Aug 16, 2006
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US Vice-President Dick Cheney has expressed concern over China's military policies, saying they were at odds with the country's stated peaceful aims.
On a visit to Australia, he praised China's role in a nuclear deal with North Korea but criticised its military build-up and anti-satellite tests.

Mr Cheney also thanked Australia for its support for US operations in Iraq.

Australian PM John Howard is facing opposition on the issue, and there have been protests over Mr Cheney's visit.

The US vice-president commended Chinese leaders for their role in six-party talks with North Korea, which resulted in a landmark agreement on 13 February committing Pyongyang to shut down key nuclear facilities.

"The Chinese understand that a nuclear North Korea would be a threat to their own security," he said.

However, he added that "other actions by the Chinese government send a different message".

He said China's destruction of an inactive weather satellite last month, as well as its "continued fast-paced military build-up are less constructive, and are not consistent with China's stated goal of a peaceful rise".

The BBC's Nick Bryant, in Sydney, says the comments were significant because Mr Cheney often delivers the authentic voice of the White House.

Beijing has said the anti-satellite tests was for scientific purposes only, but many observers saw it as a demonstration of China's growing military power.


Mr Cheney also questioned whether North Korea would abide by its commitments in the nuclear deal, saying the US was going "into this deal with our eyes open".

He arrived in Australia on Thursday after visiting Japan - another key US ally.

Correspondents say he has sought to assure both countries that Washington remains committed to the Asia-Pacific region, despite problems in Iraq.

During his speech in Sydney, Mr Cheney praised Mr Howard, who he said had "never wavered in the war on terror".

The vice-president said Australia had won global recognition for its efforts to fight terrorism.

"The United States appreciates it, and the whole world respects you for it," he added.

Mr Cheney warned of the dangers of an early withdrawal of coalition troops from Iraq.

"If our coalition withdrew before Iraqis could defend themselves, radical factions would battle for dominance of that country," he said.

He also expressed concern that failure in Iraq would lead to more violence in the Middle East: "Having tasted victory in Iraq, jihadists would look for new missions".

Under pressure

Australia currently has about 1,450 military personnel based in Iraq or involved in Iraq-related operations.Mr Howard faces an election battle this year and is under strong domestic pressure to announce a withdrawal of Australian forces.

An opinion poll earlier this week suggested that more than two-thirds of Australians want Mr Howard to announce a date for withdrawing troops or to order an immediate pull out.

But Mr Howard has instead offered to send an additional 70 military advisers to help train the Iraqi army.

Protesters gathered in Sydney to rally against Mr Cheney's visit.

Three people were arrested during scuffles on Friday, and at least seven were arrested after similar scenes on Thursday.

Mr Cheney is scheduled to hold talks with Mr Howard on Saturday.

BBC News.
You know,. if I or any other member were to refute Cheney and his remarks he will be left in the dust, as If US is not a threat to China in return, etc. US spends $ 500 Billion +, while China only spends $ 36 Billion (probably more or secret projects, etc) but it's no way near US spending. This is just pathetic everything concerns them.

He fears China's expanding power while, the US itself is deploying deadly weapons recently F-22 in Japan not far from China and supplying Taiwan which is causing more problems now, US has to take more than half the blame cause of their policy's.
Australia is meant to be 'great friends' with china....majority of its uraniam exports are to China...without these sales Australia is half bankrupt. Howard needs to wake up, not go to his morning Sydney harbor walk and instead smell the coffee beans (although fresh sea air does clear the mind a bit!). People of Australia don't want involvement in Iraq/Afghanistan, so why send in troops.
On the other hand Australia desperately needs us backing in terms of defence, cos ADF is nothing than a meager force lacking man power. 40%+ of Australia's population is immigrant from Middle east, Asia and MANY other places (Australia is th most multicultural country on earth!), and hardly any of these immigrants want to support Australia position towards issues regarding middle east so no one joins other than brainwashed aussies!
Australia is meant to be 'great friends' with china....majority of its uraniam exports are to China...without these sales Australia is half bankrupt. Howard needs to wake up, not go to his morning Sydney harbor walk and instead smell the coffee beans (although fresh sea air does clear the mind a bit!). People of Australia don't want involvement in Iraq/Afghanistan, so why send in troops.
On the other hand Australia desperately needs us backing in terms of defence, cos ADF is nothing than a meager force lacking man power. 40%+ of Australia's population is immigrant from Middle east, Asia and MANY other places (Australia is th most multicultural country on earth!), and hardly any of these immigrants want to support Australia position towards issues regarding middle east so no one joins other than brainwashed aussies!

You are joking right!!!!
Pot calling kettle black, what about the new virgina class submarine? F-22 raptors? B-2 bombers? Aircraft carriers?
Pot calling kettle black, what about the new virgina class submarine? F-22 raptors? B-2 bombers? Aircraft carriers?

Despite all the toys its US foreign policy thats a real threat to the world. How many wars has China fought or threatened other countries to follow their lead or 'get bombed to stoneage'?
Despite all the toys its US foreign policy thats a real threat to the world. How many wars has China fought or threatened other countries to follow their lead or 'get bombed to stoneage'?

Cuz it never had the capacity to do so, If they had China would do the same. You dont become the world power by being righteous or by being fair, ask the british, genghiz khan

Cheney is talking poltics, CHina will threaten Australia one day for sure in its region, And he wants them to beef up, so as to meet the challenge. Diverting Chinese attention to other countries.
Cuz it never had the capacity to do so, If they had China would do the same.
Too True. Wait for some more decades, and you will see the things first hand. There are already signs. China has started adopting US policy to sell other countries weapons that are inferior to what China herself uses. Case in point: SD-10/PL-12.

Though i say that this is a very good policy.
Cuz it never had the capacity to do so, If they had China would do the same. You dont become the world power by being righteous or by being fair, ask the british, genghiz khan

Cheney is talking poltics, CHina will threaten Australia one day for sure in its region, And he wants them to beef up, so as to meet the challenge. Diverting Chinese attention to other countries.

so in the same sense same could be said about India.doesn't India wanna become a super power.
beside Mr cheneys name will be written in the annals of history.
so in the same sense same could be said about India.doesn't India wanna become a super power.
beside Mr cheneys name will be written in the annals of history.


You are trolling and really trying to flame and annoying me, and seriously there is nothing here to do with india. Every country in the world wants to become a superpower, including Pakistan. I was replying to NEO, in a very different context. Spain is talking all peace now at one point of time it was doing pilage in South America, Turkey killed many arabs etc, but now are very peaceful, Everybody has their time in history, China will have its. How can you say China wont change went it becomes the most powerful country in the world. Just like America. I was just telling , anyone who attains power will try to dictate the others. Simple. Thats all I meant.
Now stop trolling and bringing India, We are a poor country, with 700 million poor people and who pakistan can crush at will, Happy.,
Cuz it never had the capacity to do so, If they had China would do the same. You dont become the world power by being righteous or by being fair, ask the british, genghiz khan

Cheney is talking poltics, CHina will threaten Australia one day for sure in its region, And he wants them to beef up, so as to meet the challenge. Diverting Chinese attention to other countries.

That may be the case in the future but sofar China hasn't portrayed itself as an imperial country like the US and whatever influence she might have over her allies its restricted to military and economic cooperation and doesn't interfere with their foreign policy.

I have more reason to be worried about US being the sole super power for another decade or two rather than losingh my hair over China.
Too True. Wait for some more decades, and you will see the things first hand. There are already signs. China has started adopting US policy to sell other countries weapons that are inferior to what China herself uses. Case in point: SD-10/PL-12.

Though i say that this is a very good policy.

I didn't get your point, what are you trying to say? :confused:

You are trolling and really trying to flame and annoying me, and seriously there is nothing here to do with india. Every country in the world wants to become a superpower, including Pakistan. I was replying to NEO, in a very different context. Spain is talking all peace now at one point of time it was doing pilage in South America, Turkey killed many arabs etc, but now are very peaceful, Everybody has their time in history, China will have its. How can you say China wont change went it becomes the most powerful country in the world. Just like America. I was just telling , anyone who attains power will try to dictate the others. Simple. Thats all I meant.
Now stop trolling and bringing India, We are a poor country, with 700 million poor people and who pakistan can crush at will, Happy.,


Although not related to the topic directly, Cheetah does have a point since India is rising and has the ambition to become a super power.

Btw, if he annoys you please use the ignore button. Its upto the mods to decide if someone is a troll and actions will be taken.
Calling names isn't really going to help a healthy debate.

Although not related to the topic directly, Cheetah does have a point since India is rising and has the ambition to become a super power.

Btw, if he annoys you please use the ignore button. Its upto the mods to decide if someone is a troll and actions will be taken.
Calling names isn't really going to help a healthy debate.

The topic is about US Australia and China, Seriously Neo , the usage of India. and his constant baggering in very thread, i fail to see your point. What is a ignore button. maybe I am wrong
The topic is about US Australia and China, Seriously Neo , the usage of India. and his constant baggering in very thread, i fail to see your point.

Both China and India are rising and even if US regards India as a friend, the friendship has yet to mature and be tested.
Chiese build-up seems to worry USA while Indian build-up is worrisome for the region including some of US' traditional allies.

I'm interested in Cheetah's question aswell. What guarantees do you have that China might 'abuse' her super power and India might not?

What is a ignore button. maybe I am wrong
Click on member's name and open his profile, at the bottom you have the option to add someone to your 'friends' or 'ignore' list.
If a person is added to your ignore list his posts won't be visible for you anymore untill he's removed.

Problem solved.
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