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Cheney says he advised Bush to bomb Syria in 2007: report

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Cheney says he advised Bush to bomb Syria in 2007: report
By: Special Correspondent | Submitted 38 mins ago
WASHINGTON — Former US Vice President Dick Cheney says in a new memoir that he urged President George W. Bush to bomb a suspected Syrian nuclear reactor site in June 2007, but the ex-president rejected the idea.
Cheney writes he was "a lone voice" for military action against Syria, according to The New York Times, which got an advance copy of his autobiography, "In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir." Other advisers were reluctant, Cheney says, because of "the bad intelligence we had received about Iraq's stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction" before the 2003 invasion of that country.
“I again made the case for U.S. military action against the reactor,” Cheney wrote about a meeting on the issue. “But I was a lone voice. After I finished, the president asked, ‘Does anyone here agree with the vice president?’ Not a single hand went up around the room.”
Bush chose to try diplomatic pressure to force the Syrians to abandon the secret program, but the Israelis bombed the site in September 2007.
Cheney's autobiography also discusses his history of health problems, including multiple heart attacks. In an interview Wednesday with NBC News, Cheney said he had a secret resignation letter signed and stored in a safe in case he became incapacitated.
Cheney said he signed the resignation letter in March 2001, about two months after taking office. Only Bush and one of the vice president's staff members knew the letter existed.
In his book, Cheney writes that he was unconscious for weeks after heart surgery in 2010, The Times reported.
The newspaper said Cheney's book includes criticism of other members of Bush's administration. He accuses former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of naivete and says he believed former Secretary of State Colin Powell tried to undermine Bush "by criticizing administration policy to people outside the government." Powell's resignation after the 2004 election "was for the best," Cheney writes.
And he says former CIA Director George Tenet's decision to resign in 2004 — "when the going got tough" — was "unfair to the president."
"In My Time" will be published next week by Simon & Schuster.
Cheney says he advised Bush to bomb Syria in 2007: report | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
If it was upto him.. he would have bombed Syria and asked for invasions of Iran and Libya.
bombed Pakistan ..
and then asked for "infrastructure reconstruction" contracts to be awarded to Halliburton.
I wonder when will we see these blood thirsty vampires tried for their crimes against humanity.
If it was upto him.. he would have bombed Syria and asked for invasions of Iran and Libya.
bombed Pakistan ..
and then asked for "infrastructure reconstruction" contracts to be awarded to Halliburton.

How about nuking everywhere and saving time and money...?
This Guy gould be tied for Crimes against Humanity...

740,000 Widows
1 Million Orphan
650,000 physically disabled
5 million+ mentally tourched.

I think his parents must have known at a very early stage what he was going to be like hence the reason why they gave him the name they did........ mr dick.
That Midget Sarcozy knows that he is doomed in the next election and with the European economies going down the gutter, he is trying to pull a Tony blair. Some one tell these retards that wars dont create extra jobs but they do create extra devastation and deaths.
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